Memoranda of the Aircraft Design and Systems Group (AERO) of more general interest are published on Engineering Archive (engrXiv), where they receive their individual DOI (10.31224/ and from where they get listed on Google Scholar.
Listed are some Diplomarbeiten, theses and projects supervised by AERO. They are generally available for download from the Digital Library. In this case a link is given to the respective entry in the library.
Not listed here are papers and other publications as result of our research projects. They are available for download from the respected project web page: OPerA, PreSTo, Airport 2030, MOZART, CARISMA, PAHMIR, ALOHA, Green Freighter, FLECS.
On this page:
Reports with Landing Pages
General reports from AERO
Reports from OPerA
Reports from PreSTo
Reports from Airport 2030
Reports from MOZART
Reports from CARISMA
Reports from PAHMIR
Reports from ALOHA
Reports from Green Freighter
Reports from FLECS
AERO (reports independent of major projects) | |||||||
Author | Title | Type of Work | Delivered | Status | Document ID * and PI | Full Text | Size |
Dieter Scholz | The Aircraft Mass Growth and Reduction Factor | Presentation | 22.05.24 | public | AERO_PRE_SAWE2024_MassGrowth | 1.6M | |
Dieter Scholz | Wing Design Regarding Mass and Drag | Presentation | 22.05.24 | public | AERO_PRE_SAWE2024_WingDesign | 1.2M | |
Dieter Scholz, Vladimir Zhuravlev |
Mass Estimation of Folding Wings | Presentation | 22.05.24 | public | AERO_PRE_SAWE2024_FoldingWings | 2.1M | |
Dieter Scholz | Methods for Operating Empty Mass Estimation in Aircraft Design | Presentation | 22.05.24 | public | AERO_PRE_SAWE2024_OperatingEmptyMass | 1.2M | |
Dieter Scholz | Luftfahrt – Wärmende Kondensstreifen vermeiden, jetzt! Aviation – Avoid Warming Contrails, Now! Das Manuskript zur Sendung – Manuscript Translated to English |
Memo | 08.05.24 | public | AERO_M_ZDF-3sat-nano-Text Video: |
524K | |
Dieter Scholz | Interview zur Kurzstudie "Innovative Antriebe und Kraftstoffe für einen klimaverträglicheren Luftverkehr" | Interview | 08.05.24 | public | AERO_INT_TAB_Klimavertraeglicher_Luftverkehr | 359K | |
Dieter Scholz | Kondensstreifen | Mitteilung | 20.10.23 | public | AERO_M_Kondensstreifen |
1.8M | |
Dieter Scholz | Schmidt-Appleman Criterion | Spreadsheet | 20.10.23 | public | | 99K | |
Dieter Scholz | EASA's Proposed Environmental Label Programme – Benefits and Shortcomings | Presentation | 19.09.23 | public | AERO_PRE_DLRK2023_Ecolabel_EASA |
4.5M | |
Schaufer Taher Gulani, Max Reinhold, Nils Raaf, Velican Bolat, Dieter Scholz | Proposing a Classification for Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aerospace Sciences | Poster | 19.09.23 | public | AERO_POS_DLRK2023_AerospaceClassification |
584K | |
Marius Kühn, Dieter Scholz | Fuel Consumption of the 50 Most Used Passenger Aircraft | Poster | 19.09.23 | public | AERO_POS_DLRK2023_FuelConsumption |
1.1M | |
Dinda Andiani Putri, Johannes Frank, Maximilian Schopp, Dieter Scholz | Comparing Modes of Transportation with an Improved Karman-Gabrielli Diagram | Poster | 19.09.23 | public | AERO_POS_DLRK2023-KarmanGabrielliDiagram |
1.0M | |
Klaus Rüd, Dieter Scholz | Zum Einfluss anthropogener Abwärme auf die Klimaerwärmung der Atmosphäre | Poster | 19.09.23 | public | AERO_POS_DLRK2023_AnthropogeneAbwaerme |
1.0M | |
M. Sahraoui, A. Boutemedjet, M. Mekadem, D. Scholz | Automated Design Process of a Fixed Wing UAV Maximizing Endurance | Poster | 19.09.23 | public | AERO_POS_DLRK2023_UAV |
1.3M | |
Dieter Scholz | Ethics in the Aviation Industry – Flying Off Course | Presentation | 04.11.22 | public | AERO_PRE_SARC_Ethics_in_the_Aviation_Industry |
17M | |
Dieter Scholz | Drag Estimation | Memo | 28.10.22 | public | AERO_M_Drag_Estimation |
1.8M | |
Tom Dalgas, Leonard Erb, Anton Gnutzmann, Marvin Petersen, Dieter Scholz | A380 – Ein Nachruf | Poster | 27.09.22 | public | AERO_POS_DLRK2022_A380Nachruf |
1.4M | |
Tom Blaschke, Marius Kühn, Tim Vallentin, Dieter Scholz | Vor 20 Jahren: Berechnungen zur Verlängerung der Start- und Landebahn in Hamburg-Finkenwerder für den Airbus A380 | Poster | 27.09.22 | public | AERO_POS_DLRK2022_A380Startbahn |
545K | |
Pankaj Gaihre, Dennis Camilo, Dieter Scholz | Comparing Aircraft Wake Turbulence Categories with Induced Power Calculations | Poster | 27.09.22 | public | AERO_POS_DLRK2022_InducedPower |
1.1M | |
Dieter Scholz | Soziale Bewertung von Flugzeugprojekten: Beispiel Airbus A380 | Präsentation | 27.09.22 | public | AERO_PRE_DLRK2022_SozialeBewertung |
10M | |
Dieter Scholz | Calculating the Speed Ratio of Wind Turbines with General Cone and Axis Angle for the Unsteady Blade Element Momentum Theory (UBEMT) | PrePrint | 28.07.22 | public | AERO_PUB_WindTurbine_SpeedRatio |
1.1M | |
Dieter Scholz | Argumente zum Umweltschutz in der Luftfahrt | Artikel | 01.07.22 | public | AERO_ART_LuftUndRaumfahrt_Umweltschutz |
551K | |
Dieter Scholz | Klimaoptimierte Dienstreise mit dem Flugzeug – Wie geht das? | Präsentation | 02.06.22 | public | AERO_PRE_FuF_Mitgliederversammlung |
2.4M | |
Dieter Scholz | Routes of Aircraft Cabin Air Contamination from Engine Oil, Hydraulic and Deicing Fluid | Paper | 01.03.22 | public | AERO_PUB_INCAS_RoutesOfContamination_Vol14No1_2022 |
3.3M | |
Dieter Scholz | Luftfahrt und Gesellschaft | Präsentation | 09.12.21 | public | AERO_PRE_FuF_Mitgliederversammlung |
7.2M | |
Dieter Scholz | Empennage Sizing with the Tail Volume Complemented with a Method for Dorsal Fin Layout | Paper | 03.09.21 | public | AERO_PUB_INCAS_TailVolume_Vol13No3_2021 |
1.1M | |
Dieter Scholz | Umweltschutz in der Luftfahrt – Hintergründe und Argumente zur aktuellen Diskussion | Forschungsbericht | 03.07.21 | öffentlich | AERO_RR_UmweltschutzLuftfahrt |
1.4M | |
Dieter Scholz | Hints for Project and Thesis Writing @ Aircraft Design and Systems Group (AERO) | Memo | 05.05.21 | public | AERO_M_ThesisWritingHints |
703K | |
Dieter Scholz | Luftverkehr: Energie, Klima, Technik | Presentation | 05.12.20 | public | AERO_PRE_DIE-GRUENEN_FachworkshopLuftverkehr |
9.6M | |
Dieter Scholz | Urban Air Mobility | Presentation | 20.11.20 | public | AERO_PRE_HAW_UrbanAirMobility | 4.4M | |
Dieter Scholz | Understanding the Aircraft Mass Growth and Reduction Factor | Presentation | 21.10.20 | public | EWADE2020-Scholz_MassGrowth (eventually to be moved to EWADE page) |
2.5M | |
Felix Kranich and Niklas Brüge | Installation of the Aerospace Conceptual Design Environment SUAVE | Memo | 16.10.20 | public | AERO_M_SUAVE-Installation | 330K | |
Brecht Caers, Dieter Scholz | Conditions for Passenger Aircraft Minimum Fuel Consumption, Direct Operating Costs and Environmental Impact | Presentation | 02.09.20 | public | AERO_PRE_DLRK2020_PassengerAircraftMinimumFuel | 1.5M | |
Dieter Scholz | Review of CO2 Reduction Promises and Visions for 2020 in Aviation | Presentation | 02.09.20 | public | AERO_PRE_DLRK2020_Vision2020 | 2.5M | |
Dieter Scholz | Aviation Ethics – Growth, Gain, Greed, and Guilt | Presentation | 02.09.20 | public | AERO_PRE_DLRK2020_AviationEthics | 1.1M | |
Dieter Scholz | Ein kritischer Blick auf die Luftfahrt | Presentation | 12.06.20 | public | AERO_PRE_DIE-GRUENEN_KritischerBlickLuftfahrt | 4.6M | |
Dieter Scholz | Der Propellerwirkungsgrad – Einfache Berechnungen | Memo | 22.04.20 | public | AERO_M_Propellerwirkungsgrad |
3.8M | |
Dieter Scholz | Innovative Aircraft Technologies – Unconventional Configurations, Electric Propulsion, Manufacturing | Presentation | 11.12.18 | public | AERO_PRE_AircraftTechnologies | 5.9M | |
Dieter Scholz | Jet Engines – Bearings, Seals and Oil Consumption | Memo | 02.04.18 | public | AERO_M_JetEngineBearingsAndOilConsumption | 2.2M | |
Dieter Scholz | Definition and Discussion of the Intrinsic Efficiency of Winglets | Paper (publisher's version) | March 2018 | public | | 0.6 M | |
Dieter Scholz | Definition and Discussion of the Intrinsic Efficiency of Winglets | Paper (PostPrint) | 07.02.18 | public | AERO_PUB_Winglets_IntrinsicEfficiency_INCAS-Bulletin2018_PostPrint | 1.2M | |
Dieter Scholz | Definition and Discussion of the Intrinsic Efficiency of Winglets | Conference Publication | 16.10.17 | public | AERO_PUB_Winglets_IntrinsicEfficiency_CEAS2017 | 916K | |
Dieter Scholz | Definition and Discussion of the Intrinsic Efficiency of Winglets | Presentation | 17.10.17 | public | AERO_PRE_CEAS2017_Winglets_IntrinsicEfficiency | 1.9M | |
Dieter Scholz | Aircraft Cabin Air - Quality or Contamination? | Presentation | 20.11.17 | public | AERO_PRE_DLH_CabinAir-QualityOrContamination | 4.1M | |
Dieter Scholz | Die Luft in der Kabine von Passagierflugzeugen ist nicht so gut wie oft angenommen - Hintergründe, Lösungsmöglichkeiten und deren Umsetzung | Memo (als populärwissenschaftliche Darstellung) | 01.10.17 | public | AERO_M_Kabinenluft | 224K | |
Dieter Scholz | Aircraft Cabin Air and Engine Oil - An Engineering View | Presentation | 19.09.17 | public | AERO_PRE_GCAQE2017_CabinAirAndEngineOil | 5.2M | |
Dieter Scholz | An Ecolabel for Aircraft | Presentation | 07.09.17 | public | AERO_PRE_DLRK2017_Ecolabel | 2.0M | |
Dieter Scholz | An Ecolabel for Aircraft | Abstract (Call for Paper) |
07.09.17 | public | AERO_ABS_DLRK2017_Ecolabel | 48K | |
Dieter Scholz | Der spezifische Kraftstoffverbrauch von Flugtriebwerken (TSFC und PSFC) | Memo | 15.07.17 mod: 09.02.23 |
öffentlich | AERO_M_TSFCundPSFC (old version) |
1.3M | |
Dieter Scholz | Aircraft Cabin Air and Engine Oil - A Systems Engineering View | Presentation | 27.04.17 | public | AERO_PRE_DGLRHH_AircraftCabinAir | 6.9M | |
Dieter Scholz | Statements in SAE Standards Related to Cabin Air Quality | Memo (Draft) | 09.04.14 | public | AERO_M_SAE_on_Cabin_Air | 498K | |
Dieter Scholz | Aircraft Cabin Air & Water Contamination/Quality – An Aircraft Systems Engineering Perspective | Presentation | 01.04.14 | public | AERO_PRE_GCAQE2014_AircraftSystemsPerspective | 37M | |
J. Thorbeck with remarks from D. Scholz |
TU Berlin DOC Method | Presentation | 19.09.13 | public | --- | 488K | |
Priyanka Barua Tahir Sousa Dieter Scholz |
Empennage Statistics and Sizing Methods for Dorsal Fins | Technical Note | 15.04.13 | public | AERO_TN_TailSizing |
4.7M | |
Dieter Scholz | Abschlussbericht Forschungsschwerpunkt Flugzeugbau | Vortrag | 04.06.12 | öffentlich | FSP_PRE_FSP_Flugzeugbau | 269K | |
Andreas Johanning | CellDrone - A Modular Multi-Rotor Aircraft | Publication | 27.09.11 | public | JOHANNING_PUB_DLRK-CellDrone | 785K | |
Dieter Scholz | Aero - Aircraft Design and Systems Group : Forschung an der HAW Hamburg - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen | Vortrag | 20.10.10 | öffentlich | Aero_PRE_TI-Vortragsreihe | 225K | |
Joseph Yang | Optimization Algorithms Applied to Aircraft Preliminary Sizing and Cabin Design | Memo | 31.07.10 | öffentlich | Aero_M_Optimization_Algorithm |
531K | |
Dieter Scholz, et al. | Festschrift "75 Jahre Flugzeugbaustudium in Hamburg" - Artikel mit Bezug zu "Aero - Aircraft Design and Systems Group" | Artikel | 07.05.10 | öffentlich | Aero_ART_mobiles_Festschrift | 11M | |
Philip Krammer Dieter Scholz |
Estimation of Electrical Power Required for Deicing Systems | Technical Note | 14.07.09 | public | Aero_TN_Deicing | 1.1M | |
Dieter Scholz | Aircraft Systems Overview : Greening of Secondary Power Systems | Presentation | 24.04.09 | public | Aero_PRE_SWAFEA | 1.3M | |
Alexander Springorum | Nachentwurf der Fairchild Dornier 728JET | Mitteilung | 18.03.09 | vertraulich | Aero_M_Springorum_NachentwurfDo728 | --- | --- |
Francisco Gómez Carrasco | Creation of a Z-configuration Baseline Aircraft | Technical Note | 17.03.09 | public | Aero_TN_GAV | 602K | |
Barbara Stumpp | Noch mehr Komfort für zukünftige Fluggäste (Ausschnitt: Kabinenprojekte der Aircraft Design and Systems Group) | Artikel | 05.03.09 | öffentlich | Aero_ART_LuftUndRaumfahrt_Kabinenprojekte | 1.3M | |
Barbara Stumpp | Die Aircraft Design and Systems Group (Aero) an der HAW Hamburg | Artikel | 05.03.09 | öffentlich | Aero_ART_LuftUndRaumfahrt_Aero | 563K | |
Dieter Scholz | Die Aircraft Design and Systems Group (Aero) an der HAW Hamburg | Presse Mitteilung | 15.01.09 | öffentlich | Aero_PR_Uebersicht | 14K | |
Linda Sperling | "Jeder sollte fliegen" | Artikel | 15.01.09 | öffentlich | Aero_ART_Impetus-10_Mihaela_Nita | 2.5M | |
Daniel Schiktanz | Omnipage 16 | Mitteilung | 07.01.09 | öffentlich | Aero_M_Omnipage16 | 443K | |
Daniel Schiktanz | Inforapid Suchen & Ersetzen | Mitteilung | 14.12.08 | öffentlich | Aero_M_Inforapid_SuE | 402K | |
Dieter Scholz | Aero – Aircraft Design and Systems Group - Current Status | Presentation | 04.12.08 | public | Aero_PRE | 7.1M | |
Dieter Scholz; Mihaela Niţă | Preliminary Sizing of Large Propeller Driven Aeroplanes | Paper | 17.10.08 | public | Aero_PUB_SizingOfPropellerAeroplanes | 743K | |
Dieter Scholz | Aero – Aircraft Design and Systems Group - Current Status | Presentation | 01.10.08 | public | Aero_PRE | 173K | |
Jon Verbeke | Citavi | Memo | 15.04.08 | public | Aero_M_Citavi | 1.4M | |
Christian Matalla | Nachentwurf zur Do 728 | Mitteilung | 31.03.08 | öffentlich | Aero_M_Nachentwurf_Do728 | 880K | |
Dieter Scholz | Aero – Aircraft Design and Systems Group - Current Status | Presentation | 22.02.08 | public | Aero_PRE | 103K | |
Katharina Jeorgakopulos | Neue Forschungsgruppe | Artikel | 15.12.07 | öffentlich | Aero_ART_Impetus-8_CEAS2007 | 142K | |
Christian Matalla | Hinweise zur elektronischen Erstellung/Bearbeitung von Bildern für das Springer-Buch und das FE-Skript | Mitteilung | 14.12.07 | intern | Aero_M_Hinweise_Bilderstellung | --- | --- |
Dieter Scholz | Fuel Costs due to Aircraft Systems | Memo | 11.12.07 | intern | Aero_M_FuelCostsDueToAircraftSystems | 345K | |
Christian Matalla | Ermittlung der Referenzflügelfläche von Flugzeugen verschiedener Flugzeughersteller | Mitteilung | 10.12.07 | öffentlich | Aero_M_Referenzfluegelflaeche |
2.0M | |
Christian Müller | Simulation: Hydraulic Reservoir Air Pressurization System | Technical Note | 05.11.07 | confidential | Aero_TN_Reservoir | --- | --- |
Dieter Scholz | Forschungsgruppe Aero – Bestandsaufnahme zum 01.11.2007 | Technische Niederschrift | 01.11.07 | öffentlich | Aero_TN_Bestandsaufnahme | 634K |
OPerA (Dipl.-Ing. Mihaela Niţă) | ||||||||
Author | Title | Type of Work | Delivered | Status | Document ID * | Full Text | Size | |
Dieter Scholz | Methode zur Bewertung von Winglets | Notiz | 12.03.17 | öffentlich | OPerA_M_Bewertung_Winglets | 1.1M | ||
Dieter Scholz | Vorschlag und grundsätzliche Analyse von Formeln zur Machzahlkorrektur des Oswald-Faktors e | Notiz | 10.12.12 | öffentlich | OPerA_M_MachzahlKorrektur_Oswald | 181K | ||
Mihaela Niţă | Added Values for OPerA - Questionnaire Evaluation and Evaluation Results | Memo | 29.05.12 | public | OPerA_M_AddedValues | 578K | ||
Joseph Yang | Optimization Algorithms Applied to Aircraft Preliminary Sizing and Cabin Design | Memo | 31.07.10 | intern | Aero_M_Optimization_Algorithm | see Aero | --- |
PreSTo | ||||||||
Author | Title | Type of Work | Delivered | Status | Document ID * / Supervisor | Full Text | Size | |
Dennis Paape | Integration von Auslegungsmethoden und einer Datenbank in ein Programm zum Flugzeugvorentwurf (mit Untersuchungen zum Oswald-Faktor) | Diplomarbeit | 26.08.11 | öffentlich | Paape | Digital Library |
--- | |
Alexander Golberg | Fahrwerksauslegung im Flugzeugentwurf und Berechnung der Bodenbelastung in PreSTo | Projekt | 01.01.11 | öffentlich | Golberg | Digital Library |
--- | |
Kolja Seeckt | Application of PreSTo: Aircraft Preliminary Sizing and Data Export to CEASIOM (Re-Design of the ATR 72) | Report | 16.02.11 | public | SEECKT-RE-KTH_Re-Design_ATR72 | 1.4M | ||
Ramon Bhatia | Integration der Berechnungsmethode zum Hochauftrieb in die Tabellenkalkulation von PreSTo | Projekt | 29.11.10 | öffentlich | Bhatia | Digital Library |
--- | |
Sebastian Engelbrecht | Integration der Berechnungsmethode zur Leitwerksauslegung in die Tabellenkalkulation von PreSTo | Projekt | 27.10.10 | öffentlich | Engelbrecht | Digital Library |
--- | |
Marcin Bazydło | Masse- und Schwerpunktberechnungen im Flugzeugentwurf mit PreSTo | Projekt | 11.07.10 | öffentlich | Bazydło | Digital Library |
--- | |
Marcin Bazydlo | Möglichkeiten zur Programmierung von PreSTo in Microsoft Office Excel und Open Office Calc | Mitteilung | 19.05.10 | öffentlich | PreSTo_M_PreSTo_Excel_Calc | 201K | ||
Philippe Montarnal | Names Defined in Excel | Memo | 28.04.10 | public | PreSTo_M_Names_Defined_in_Excel | 723K | ||
Martins Pommers | Entwicklung einer Methode für die automatische Visualisierung von Flugzeugentwürfen in einem 3D-CAD-Modell auf der Basis von variablen konstruktiven Parametern | Schwerpunktentwurf | 10.04.10 | öffentlich | Supervisor: Jutta Abulawi | 2.6M | ||
Philipp Wimmel | Das Giermoment eines gepfeilten Flügels im Schiebeflug und die Auswirkung auf die Seitenleitwerksauslegung | Projekt | 15.03.10 | öffentlich | Wimmel | Digital Library |
--- | |
Kolja Seeckt | Aircraft Preliminary Sizing with PreSTo - Re-Design of the Boeing B777-200LR | Report | 28.09.08 | public | SEECKT-RE-KTH_Re-Design_B777 | see Green Freighter | --- |
Airport 2030 (Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Johanning and Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Schiktanz) | ||||||||
Author | Title | Type of Work | Delivered | Status | Document ID * | Full Text | Size | |
Priyanka Barua, Dieter Scholz | Systematic Approach to Analyze, Evaluate and Select Box Wing Aircraft Configurations from Modified Morphological Matrices | Technical Note | 14.06.13 | public | Airport2030_TN_BoxWingSystematic | 1.7M | ||
Matthias Koppe | Kraftstoffverbäuche von Turbofan, Propfan und Turboprop im Vergleich | Projekt | 09.08.12 | öffentlich | Koppe | Digital Library |
--- | |
Sameer Ahmed | Family Concepts of Box Wing Aircraft | Memo | 10.08.12 | public | Airport2030_M_Family_Concepts_of_Box_Wing | 6.2M | ||
Maarten Waeterschoot | The Effect of Variations of the Height to Span Ratio of Box Wing Aircraft on Induced Drag and the Spanwise Lift Distribution | Project | 13.07.12 | public | Waeterschoot | Digital Library |
--- | |
Daniel Schiktanz, Dieter Scholz | Maximum Glide Ratio of Box Wing Aircraft - Fundamental Considerations | Memo | 14.06.12 | public | Airport2030_M_BoxWing_E_max | 353K | ||
Hartwig Ottermann | Analyse von Ladevorgängen als Bestandteil der Flugzeugabfertigung | Projekt | 31.05.12 | öffentlich | Ottermann | Digital Library |
--- | |
Tim von Ahlen | Modellierung eines Boxwing-Flugzeuges mit PlaneMaker für den Flugsimulator X-Plane | Projekt | 11.05.12 | öffentlich | Ahlen | Digital Library |
--- | |
Andreas Johanning, Daniel Schiktanz, Mihaela Nita, Dieter Scholz | Deliverable D412 - Bericht zur erweiterten Referenzkonfiguration | Deliverable | 23.04.12 | internal use | Airport2030_D412 | --- | --- | |
Andreas Johanning, Daniel Schiktanz, Dieter Scholz | Airport2030 - 6.Zwischenbericht: 01.07.2011-31.12.2011 | Zwischenbericht | 08.02.12 | internal use | Airport2030_ZB_6 | --- | --- | |
Daniel Schiktanz, Dieter Scholz | Survey of Experimental Data of Selected Supercritical Airfoils | Technical Note | 21.12.11 | public | Airport2030_TN_Supercritical_Airfoils |
12M | ||
Daniel Schiktanz | Wing Incidence Angle and Twist Estimation of the Current Box Wing Configuration | Memo | 05.12.11 | public | Airport2030_M_BoxWing_IncidenceTwist | 336K | ||
Andreas Johanning, Dieter Scholz | Airport2030 - 5.Zwischenbericht: 01.01.2011-30.06.2011 | Zwischenbericht | 27.07.11 | internal use | Airport2030_ZB_5 | --- | --- | |
Daniel Schiktanz | Conceptual Design of a Medium Range Box Wing Aircraft | Master Thesis | 05.07.11 | public | Schiktanz | Digital Library |
--- | |
Dieter Scholz | Airport2030 - 4.Zwischenbericht: 01.07.2010-31.12.2010 | Zwischenbericht | 10.03.11 | internal use | Airport2030_ZB_4 | --- | --- | |
Maria Pester | Multi-Disciplinary Conceptual Aircraft Design using CEASIOM | Master Thesis | 11.12.10 | public | Pester | Digital Library |
--- | |
Philip Krammer, Diana Rico Sánchez, Dieter Scholz | Deliverable D411 – Bericht über verbesserte Analysemethoden von Bodenprozessen und deren Ergebnisse | Deliverable | 10.09.10 | internal use | Airport2030_D411 | --- | --- | |
Philip Krammer, Dieter Scholz | Airport2030 - 3.Zwischenbericht: 01.01.2010-30.06.2010 | Zwischenbericht | 05.08.10 | internal use | Airport2030_ZB_3 | --- | --- | |
Fahad Aman Khan | Design and Analysis of a Box-like Wing Configuration through Panel-Methods | Master Thesis | 15.07.10 | public | Khan | Digital Library |
--- | |
Jonne Bobis | Konzeptionelle Untersuchungen zu großen Türausschnitten in Passagierflugzeugen | Projekt | 10.07.10 | public | Bobis | Digital Library |
--- | |
Steffen Hausenberg | Von der Nutzwertanalyse zum Entwurf eines Passagierflugzeugs für einfache Bodenabfertigung in PrADO | Projekt | 29.04.10 | public | Hausenberg | Digital Library |
--- | |
Philip Krammer, Dieter Scholz | Airport2030 - 2.Zwischenbericht: 01.07.2009-31.12.2009 | Zwischenbericht | 09.02.10 | internal use | Airport2030_ZB_2 | --- | --- | |
Philip Krammer | Projektplan der HAW Hamburg im Verbundprojekt Airport2030 | Memo | 25.08.09 | internal use | Airport2030_M_Projektplan_der_HAW-Hamburg | --- | --- | |
Dieter Scholz | Airport2030 - 1.Zwischenbericht: 01.12.2008-30.06.2009 | Zwischenbericht | 07.08.09 | internal use | Airport2030_ZB_1 | --- | --- |
MOZART (Dipl.-Ing. Torben Koberg) | ||||||||
Author | Title | Type of Work | Delivered | Status | Document ID * | Full Text | Size | |
Oliver Meier | A handbook method for the estimation of power requirements for electrical de-icing systems | Project | 15.09.10 | public | --- | Digital Library |
--- | |
Torben Koberg | Übergabe MOZART-Projekt | Mitteilung | 29.01.10 | intern | MOZART_M_Übergabe | --- | --- | |
Philip Krammer Dieter Scholz |
Estimation of Electrical Power Required for Deicing Systems | Technical Note | 14.07.09 | public | Aero_TN_Deicing | see Aero | --- |
CARISMA (Dipl.-Ing. Mihaela Niţă) | ||||||||
Author | Title | Type of Work | Delivered | Status | Document ID * | Full Text | Size | |
Mihaela Niţă | The Process Chain for Aircraft Cabin Conversion - Identification and Optimization Algorithms |
Presentation | 07.01.11 | public | NITA-PRE-PUB_Cabin_Conversion_Optimization | 2.9M | ||
Mihaela Niţă | The Process Chain for Aircraft Cabin Conversion - Identification and Optimization Algorithms |
Report | 07.01.11 | public | NITA-RE-PUB_Cabin_Conversion_Optimization | 3.6M | ||
Mihaela Niţă, Dieter Scholz | CARISMA Final Report | Technical Note | 31.10.10 | consortium confidential | CARISMA_FR_TN | --- | --- | |
Mihaela Niţă, Dieter Scholz | Planning of a "Business Case" for the "Completion Center" | Technical Note | 30.09.10 | consortium confidential | CARISMA_WP5_TN | --- | --- | |
Mihaela Niţă, Etienne Hueber, Dieter Scholz | Research, Analysis, Evaluation and Selection of Tools | Technical Note | 30.06.10 | consortium confidential | CARISMA_WP4_TN | --- | --- | |
Etienne Hueber | Research, Analysis, Evaluation and Selection of Tools for a Completion Center | Project | 01.06.10 | public | Hueber | Digital Library |
--- | |
Mihaela Niţă, Dieter Scholz | Analysis of the Process Chain "Cabin Conversion" | Technical Note | 28.02.10 | consortium confidential | CARISMA_WP3_TN | --- | --- | |
Mihaela Niţă, Yann Reber, Dieter Scholz | Market Resaerch "Completion Center" | Technical Note | 30.06.09 | consortium confidential | CARISMA_WP2_TN | --- | --- | |
Yann Reber | Business Opportunities in Aircraft Cabin Conversion and Refurbishing | Project | 30.06.09 | public | Reber | Digital Library |
--- | |
Bianca Szász | Cabin Refurbishing Supported by Knowledge Based Engineering Software | Master Thesis | 30.06.09 | public | Szász | Digital Library |
--- | |
Mihaela Niţă, Dieter Scholz | Identification of the Process Chain "Cabin Conversion" | Technical Note | 31.03.09 | consortium confidential | CARISMA_WP1_TN | --- | --- | |
Dieter Scholz | Research Definition and Implementation - CARISMA | Technical Note | 01.02.09 | consortium confidential | CARISMA_TN_Research_Implementation | --- | --- | |
Dieter Scholz | Research Proposal - CARISMA | Technical Note | 13.06.08 | consortium confidential | CARISMA_TN_Research_Proposal | --- | --- |
PAHMIR (Dipl.-Ing. Mike Gerdes) | ||||||||
Author | Title | Type of Work | Delivered | Status | Document ID * | Full Text | Size | |
Dieter Scholz, Mike Gerdes |
PAHMIR - Preventive Aircraft Health Monitoring for Integrated Reconfiguration: 01.01.2008 - 30.06.2011 | Endbericht | 30.06.11 | vertraulich | PAHMIR_AB | --- | --- | |
Mike Gerdes | PAHMIR - Final Project Report | Technical Note | 03.06.11 | confidential | PAHMIR_TN_FinalReport | --- | 150p | |
Justin Müller | Development of a System for Signal Analysis and Location in the Aircraft | Project | 15.02.11 | public | Müller | Digital Library |
--- | |
Dieter Scholz, Mike Gerdes |
PAHMIR - Preventive Aircraft Health Monitoring for Integrated Reconfiguration: 01.01. - 31.12.2010 | Zwischenbericht | 01.02.11 | vertraulich | PAHMIR_ZB_2010 | --- | --- | |
Dieter Scholz, Mike Gerdes |
PAHMIR - Preventive Aircraft Health Monitoring for Integrated Reconfiguration: 01.01. - 31.12.2009 | Zwischenbericht | 01.03.10 | vertraulich | PAHMIR_ZB_2009 | --- | --- | |
Wesley Cuevas | RFID Implementation in Aircraft Cabins for Location Detection | Technical Note | 30.08.09 | public | PAHMIR_TN_RFID_09-08-30 | 352K | ||
Dieter Scholz, Mike Gerdes |
PAHMIR - Preventive Aircraft Health Monitoring for Integrated Reconfiguration: 01.01. - 31.12.2008 | Zwischenbericht | 01.04.09 | vertraulich | PAHMIR_ZB_2008 | --- | --- | |
Dieter Scholz | PAHMIR - Preventive Aircraft Health Monitoring for Integrated Reconfiguration | Presentation | 22.02.08 | public | PAHMIR_PRE | 372K | ||
Dieter Scholz | PAHMIR - Preventive Aircraft Health Monitoring for Integrated Reconfiguration | Vorhabensbeschreibung | 28.10.07 | vertraulich | PAHMIR_Vorhabensbeschreibung | --- | --- |
ALOHA (Dipl.-Ing. Francisco Gómez Carrasco) | ||||||||
Author | Title | Type of Work | Delivered | Status | Document ID * | Full Text | Size | |
Diana Rico Sánchez | Literature Review on Proposals for a Turnaround and Ground Handling Optimized Aircraft | Memo | 04.01.11 | public | ALOHA_M_Stuttgart_Delft_Proposals | 3.6M | ||
Yik Lun Tan | Differences in Ground Handling in the Global Market | Project | 01.12.10 | public | Lun Tan | Digital Library |
--- | |
Sara Sanz de Vicente | Ground Handling Simulation with CAST | Master Thesis | 25.08.10 | public | Sanz de Vicente | Digital Library |
--- | |
Carsten Ebmeyer, Oliver Meier | Aspekte der Auswertung von Turnaroundvideos | Mitteilung | 09.03.10 | öffentlich | ALOHA_M_Aspekte_der_Auswertung_von_Turnaroundvideos | --- | --- | |
Nicolas Detalle | CG-Travel of Passenger Aircraft | Project | 26.02.10 | public | Detalle | Digital Library |
--- | |
Justin Müller | Optimal Boarding Methods for Airline Passengers | Projekt | 08.12.09 | public | Müller | Digital Library |
--- | |
Diana Rico Sanchez | Analysis of Ground Handling Characteristics of Innovative Aircraft Configurations | Master Thesis | 28.09.09 | public | Rico Sanchez | Digital Library |
--- | |
Dieter Scholz, Francisco Gómez Carrasco |
FH3-Projekt ALOHA | Zwischenbericht | 30.04.09 | vertraulich | ALOHA_WT0.1_ZB_2 | --- | --- | |
Dwayne Raes | Efficient autonomous pushback and taxiing - a step forward to reducing costs and pollution | Master Thesis | 08.07.08 | public | Raes | Digital Library |
--- | |
Dieter Scholz, Francisco Gómez Carrasco |
FH3-Projekt ALOHA | Zwischenbericht | 30.04.08 | vertraulich | ALOHA_WT0.1_ZB_1 | --- | --- | |
Francisco Gómez Carrasco | ALOHA - Aircraft Design for Low Cost Ground Handling | Presentation | 22.02.08 | public | ALOHA_PRE | 727K | ||
Francisco Gómez Carrasco | Approaches to the Determination of Ground Handling Costs | Memo | 01.02.08 | internal use | ALOHA_WP2_M_Ground_Handling_Costs | --- | --- | |
Francisco Gómez Carrasco | Low Cost Airline's Average Route Length | Memo | 25.01.08 | internal use | ALOHA_WP1_M_Average_Route | --- | --- | |
Dieter Scholz; Francisco Gómez Carrasco | ALOHA - Aircraft Design for Low Cost Ground Handling | Project Description | 06.12.07 | confidential | ALOHA_WP0_Project_Description | --- | --- | |
Dieter Scholz | ALOHA - Flugzeugentwurf für kostenoptimierte Bodenabfertigung | Vorhabensbeschreibung | 24.09.06 | vertraulich | ALOHA_WP0_Vorhabensbeschreibung | --- | --- |
ALOHA-Experts (Dipl.-Ing. Philip Krammer) | ||||||||
Author | Title | Type of Work | Delivered | Status | Document ID * | Full Text | Size | |
Philip Krammer, Jan Binnebesel, Dieter Scholz | Cost Estimation and Statistical Analysis of Ground Handling Processes | Final Report | 31.03.10 | confidential | ALOHA_FR_Cost_and_Statistical_Analysis | --- | 231 pages | |
Philip Krammer, Jan Binnebesel, Dieter Scholz | Analysis of Interviews Performed with Ground Handling Experts | Final Report | 31.03.10 | confidential | ALOHA_FR_Expert-Interviews | --- | 141 pages |
Green Freighter (Dipl.-Ing. Kolja Seeckt) | ||||||||
Author | Title | Type of Work | Delivered | Status | Document ID * | Full Text | Size | |
Kolja Seeckt | Conceptual Design and Investigation of Hydrogen-Fueled Regional Freighter Aircraft | Licentiate Thesis | 25.10.10 | public | SEECKT-THE-KTH_LH2_Freighter_Design | 9.0M | ||
Marcin Bazydło | Integration von Masse- und Aerodynamik- Abschätzmethoden für Wasserstoff-Außentanks in das Flugzeugentwurfsprogramm PrADO | Projekt | 02.03.10 | öffentlich | GF-Bazydło | Digital Library |
--- | |
Marcin Lenarczyk | Preliminary Sizing of Propeller and Jet Aircraft - Extension of PreSTo and Combination with CEASIOM | Project | 31.07.09 | public | GF-Lenarczyk | Digital Library |
--- | |
Martin Oehlke | Auswirkungen eines Wasserstoffantriebs auf Aerodynamik und Massemodell eines Turboprop-Verkehrsflugzeugs | Projekt | 26.06.09 | öffentlich | GF-Oehlke | Digital Library |
--- | |
Sebastian Wolf | Erweiterung des "Aircraft Preliminary Sizing Tools" PreSTo (Flugzeugdaten, Propellerwirkungsgrad, Programmlayout) |
Projekt | 28.05.09 | öffentlich | GF-Wolf | Digital Library |
--- | |
Kolja Seeckt | Investigation of the ATR 72 in CEASIOM-50 | Presentation | 27.04.09 | public | GF_PRE_CEASIOM_ATR72 | 863K | ||
Kolja Seeckt | The Green Freighter Project | Presentation | 24.04.09 | public | GF_PRE_SWAFEA | 4.6M | ||
Dieter Scholz, Kolja Seeckt |
FH3-Projekt "Grüner Frachter" | Zwischenbericht | 24.04.09 | vertraulich | GF_WT0.1_ZB_3-2008 | --- | --- | |
Sevgi Batal | Direct Operating Costs (DOC) für Frachtflugzeuge - Entwicklung einer Zielfunktion zur Optimierung "grüner" Frachtflugzeuge | Projekt | 14.04.09 | öffentlich | GF-Batal | Digital Library |
--- | |
Benjamin Jessen | Integration eines Moduls zur Abbildung eines Propellertriebwerks in das Flugzeugentwurfsprogramm PrADO | Projekt | 03.04.09 | öffentlich | GF-Jessen | Digital Library |
--- | |
Sanjay Luthra | Dimensionierung und Entwurf von Strahlverkehrsflugzeugen mit Statistiken – Programmentwicklung von PreSTo und Anbindung an PrADO | Diplomarbeit | 27.02.09 | öffentlich | GF-Luthra | Digital Library |
--- | |
Wolfgang Heinze, et al. |
Bericht, Zeitraum 01.01.2007 - 31.12.2008 | Zwischenbericht | 31.12.08 | vertraulich | GF_WP5-8_ZB_IFL_1 | --- | --- | |
Kolja Seeckt | Aircraft Preliminary Sizing with PreSTo - Re-Design of the Boeing B777-200LR | Report | 28.09.08 | public | SEECKT-RE-KTH_Re-Design_B777 | 1.4M | ||
Jon Verbeke | Literature Review on Hydrogen Fuel Systems | Praktikum: Bishop/Airbus/HAW | 31.08.08 | vertraulich | GF-Verbeke | --- | --- | |
Pieter-Jan Goderis | Conceptual Design of Fuselages, Cabins and Landing Gears – Methods, Statistics, Tool Setup | Master Thesis | 30.06.08 | public | GF-Goderis | Digital Library |
--- | |
Steven Coene | Conceptual Design of Wings and Tailplanes – Methods, Statistics, Tool Setup | Master Thesis | 30.06.08 | public | GF-Coene | Digital Library |
--- | |
Denny R. Dielbandhoesing | Propeller Propulsion Systems - Investigation and Efficiency Calculation in PrADO | Praktikum: Bishop/HAW | 30.06.08 | vertraulich | GF-Dielbandhoesing | --- | --- | |
Roberto Dominguez | Aircraft Modeling for PrADO | Praktikum: Bishop/HAW | 30.06.08 | public | GF_WT8.1_M_Model_of_Fairings_with_PrADO | 6.1M | ||
Sebastian-Verian Herda | Methodisches Entwerfen von Verkehrsflugzeugen mit PrADO | Projekt | 16.06.08 | öffentlich | GF-Herda | Digital Library |
--- | |
Arne Wolter | Abschätzung von Propellerwirkungsgraden mittels HamProp | Projekt | 12.06.08 | öffentlich | GF-Wolter | Digital Library |
--- | |
Sebastian Gerber | Abschätzung von Propellerwirkungsgraden mittels JavaProp | Projekt | 12.06.08 | öffentlich | GF-Gerber | Digital Library |
--- | |
Lionel Salavin | Aufbau und Arbeitsweise des Flugzeugentwurfsprogramms PrADO | Projekt | 19.05.08 | öffentlich | GF-Salavin | Digital Library |
--- | |
Kolja Seeckt | Green Freighter | Presentation | 22.02.08 | public | GF_PRE | 12M | ||
Dieter Scholz, Kolja Seeckt |
FH3-Projekt "Grüner Frachter" | Zwischenbericht | 12.02.08 | vertraulich | GF_WT0.1_ZB2-2007 | --- | --- | |
Oliver Wischhusen | Umweltaspekte des Luftverkehrs - Möglichkeiten der Quantifizierung von Umweltfreundlichkeit im Nahbereich von Flughäfen | Projekt | 25.12.07 | öffentlich | GF-Wischhusen | Digital Library |
--- | |
Frederic Mainzer | Umweltaspekte des Luftverkehrs - Möglichkeiten der Quantifizierung von Umweltfreundlichkeit im Reiseflug | Projekt | 19.12.07 | public | GF-Mainzer | Digital Library |
--- | |
Sijmen Zandstra | Green Freighter, Green Systems - Systems Optimized for Freighters and their Economic Performance | Master Thesis | 07.12.07 | confidential | GF-Zandstra | --- | --- | |
Torsten Kiesel | Methodisches Entwerfen von Verkehrsflugzeugen mit PrADO | Projekt | 27.10.07 | public | GF-Kiesel | Digital Library |
--- | |
Kolja Seeckt, Dieter Scholz |
Green Freighter - Requirements and Selection of Design Concepts to be Investigated | Technical Note | 20.09.07 | public | GF_WP1_TN_Requirements | 3.2M | ||
Christopher Vrydag | Contributions of Air Cargo to Today's and Future Intermodal Freight Transport | Project | 22.06.07 | public | GF-Vrydag | Digital Library |
--- | |
Dieter Scholz, Kolja Seeckt |
FH3-Projekt "Grüner Frachter" | Zwischenbericht | 12.02.07 | vertraulich | GF_WT0.1_ZB_1 | --- | --- | |
Dieter Scholz | Grüner Frachter - Entwurfsuntersuchungen zu umweltfreundlichen und kosteneffektiven Frachtflugzeugen mit unkonventioneller Konfiguration | Vorhabensbeschreibung | 27.01.06 | vertraulich | GF_WP0_Vorhabensbeschreibung | --- | --- |
FLECS (Dr. Christian Müller) | ||||||||
Author | Title | Type of Work | Delivered | Status | Document ID * | Full Text | Size | |
Christian Müller | Physical Description | Technical Note | 04.03.08 | public | FLECS_WT3.1_3.3_3.4_TN | --- | --- | |
Christian Müller | Applications | Technical Note | 07.03.08 | confidential | FLECS_WT3.2_5.1_5.2_5.3_TN | --- | --- | |
Christian Müller, Dieter Scholz |
The Vapor Compression Cycle in Aircraft Air-Conditioning Systems | Technical Note | 04.01.17 (finalized) | public | FLECS_TN_Vapor-Cycle | 2.2M | ||
Christian Müller | FLECS - Functional Library of the Environmental Control System | Presentation | 22.02.08 | public | FLECS_PRE | 3.8M | ||
Christian Müller, Dieter Scholz |
Abschlussbericht: 01.05.2006 - 15.10.2007 |
Abschlussbericht | 15.01.08 | vertraulich | FLECS_AB | --- | --- | |
Johannes Meier | Simulation von Flugzeugsystemen mit HOPSAN | Diplomarbeit | 10.08.07 | öffentlich | FLECS-Meier | Digital Library |
--- | |
Christian Müller, Dieter Scholz |
2. Zwischenbericht: 01.05.2006 - 31.03.2007 |
Zwischenbericht | 31.03.07 | vertraulich | FLECS_ZB_2 | --- | --- | |
Christian Müller, Dieter Scholz |
Formelzeichen im Projekt FLECS | Technische Niederschrift | 07.02.2007 | öffentlich | FLECS_WT3.4_TN_Formelzeichen | 311K | ||
Oliver Schulz | Simmulatin von Wärmetauschern mit Simulink | project | 30.09.06 | öffentlich | FLECS-Schulz | Digital Library |
--- | |
Mathieu Kwiatkowski | Simulation of Components from the Environmental Control System | project | 27.07.06 | public | FLECS-Kwiatkowski | Digital Library |
--- | |
Tom Werner | Literaturrecherche: Verfahren und Programme zur Berechnung von Luftsystemen | project | 15.05.06 | öffentlich | FLECS-Werner | Digital Library |
--- | |
Dieter Scholz | 1. Zwischenbericht: 01.06.2005 - 30.04.2006 |
Zwischenbericht | 30.04.06 | vertraulich | FLECS_ZB_1 | --- | --- | |
Dieter Scholz | FLECS - Funktionale Modellbibliothek des Environment Control Systems | Vorhabensbeschreibung | 22.04.05 | vertraulich | FLECS_Vorhabensbeschreibung | --- | --- |
The full Document ID is supplemented with the document date in the form yy-mm-dd or more recently in the form yyyy-mm-dd.
Where helpful also a Persistent Identifier (PI) is allocated (DOI, URN, PURL, ARK).
Type of Work
Notiz = Note (N)
Mitteilung = Memo (M)
Technische Niederschrift = Technical Note (TN)
Forschungsbericht = Research Report (RR)
Deliverable - Technischer Bericht als Leistungsnachweis (Dxxx) mit: xxx = Nummer des Deliverable
Zwischenbericht (ZB) = Intermediate Report (IR)
Abschlussbericht (AB) = Final Report (FR)
Report, Thesis, ... (written for other universities as part of a cooperative dissertation)
Pressemitteilung = Press Release (PR)
Artikel = Article (ART)
Publication = Paper (PUB)
Presentation = Vortrag (PRE)
Project = Projekt (P)
Bachelor Thesis = Bachelorarbeit (BA)
Master Thesis = Masterarbeit (MA)
Dissertation (DISS)
öffentlich = public
intern = internal use (e.i. only inside Hamburg University of Applied Sciences)
konsortium-vertraulich = consortium confidential (i.e. inside project group)
vertraulich = confidential
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Prof. Dr. Scholz
Aircraft Design and Systems Group (AERO)
Studiengang Flugzeugbau
Department Fahrzeugtechnik und Flugzeugbau
Fakultät Technik und Informatik
HAW Hamburg