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The Solution:
The best combination of design parameters can be found by formal optimization of the aircraft design
and by presenting these optimized values to the user as a starting point for further investigations in aircraft design.
Application of a Formal Optimization Program:
software platform by Noesis Solutions (Belgium)
was connected to the Excel preliminary sizing sheet from
This made it possible to optimize any design output parameter for any combination of design input parameters.
A variety of optimization algorithms could be tested. Differential Evolution was found to be a suitable algorithm for aircraft design problems.
The original PreSTo spread sheets were simplified for use in optimization.
PreSTo was also extended in order to incorporate both benefits (L/D, SFC...) and penalties (structural mass, drag...) to the design coming from parameter variations.
Stand-alone Optimization with Code Written in VBA:
Today OPerA is independent of any other commercial optimization software. OPerA requires only Microsoft Excel 2007 and makes use also of Excel's Solver.
Result (Example):
Bubble plot from Optimus relating three input values (T/W, C_L,max, m_ML/m_MTO) to the maximum take-off mass of the aircraft (m_MTO) as output.
Size: 10M
Data set at DNB: http://d-nb.info/1042877904
As hard copy, the dissertation is available also from the libraries of these universities:
HAW Hamburg, TU Hamburg Harburg, TU Braunschweig, TU Berlin, TU Dresden, TU Darmstadt, U Stuttgart, TU München, Uni BW München, FH Aachen.
NITA_Abstract_Teza_de_Doctorat_A-C_Preliminary_Design_and_Optimization.pdf (Abstract: Romanian / English)
Entry in Catalog of UPB Biblioteca Centrala
NIŢĂ, Mihaela; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Estimating the Oswald Factor from Basic Aircraft Geometrical Parameters. In: Publikationen zum DLRK 2012 (Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Berlin, 10. - 12. September 2012). - URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201212176728. DocumentID: 281424. Download: http://OPerA.ProfScholz.de
Size: 941K
How well does the method match the Oswald factor of all the aircraft in TAB. A2 of the paper? See here:
Size: 71K
Presentation related to the paper: Only the method is covered (without literature review)
Size: 1.2M
NIŢĂ, Mihaela; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Parameter Optimization for an Interactive Aircraft Design, EWADE 2011 (10th European Workshop on Aircraft Design Education, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy, 24. - 27. May 2011 ). - Download: http://OPerA.ProfScholz.de
Size: 2.2M
NIŢĂ, Mihaela; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Parameter Optimization for an Interactive Aircraft Design (Aerodays 2011, Madrid, 30. March - 01. April 2011). - Poster for the Student Participation Program. Download: http://OPerA.ProfScholz.de
Size: 1.4M
NIŢĂ, Mihaela; SCHOLZ, Dieter: From Preliminary Aircraft Cabin Design to Cabin Optimization - Part 1. In: University Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Bulletin. Series D, Vol. 75 (2013), Iss. 3, pp. 59-72. - ISSN: 1454-2358. Download: http://www.scientificbulletin.upb.ro/rev_docs_arhiva/rezac2_305981.pdf
Size: 368K
NIŢĂ, Mihaela; SCHOLZ, Dieter: From Preliminary Aircraft Cabin Design to Cabin Optimization - Part 2. In: University Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Bulletin. Series D, Vol. 75 (2013), Iss. 4, pp. 27-46. - ISSN: 1454-2358. Download: http://www.scientificbulletin.upb.ro/rev_docs_arhiva/rez074_347413.pdf
Size: 813K
NIŢĂ, Mihaela; SCHOLZ, Dieter: From Preliminary Aircraft Cabin Design to Cabin Optimization. In: DGLR: Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2010 : Tagungsband - Manuskripte (DLRK, Hamburg, 31. August - 02. September 2010). - ISBN: 978-3-932182-68-5. DocumentID: 161168. Download: http://OPerA.ProfScholz.de
Size: 13M
Prof. Dr. Scholz
Aircraft Design and Systems Group (AERO)
Aeronautical Engineering
Department of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences