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Aircraft Design and Systems Group (AERO)

Forschungsgruppe Flugzeugentwurf und -systeme (AERO)

AERO is part of the Department of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science and of the Strategic Research Area Mobility and Transport.

AERO's Mission Statement:
AERO's aim is to guide research assistants to cooperative dissertations
and to conduct projects in research, development and teaching.

Emphasis of AERO's Work:

  • Aircraft Design
  • Aircraft Systems
  • Flight Mechanics
AERO's Current Projects: AERO's Finished Projects:
  • Aircraft Design for Hamburg Open Online University
  • Airport 2030 - WP 4.1 - Evolutionary Aircraft Configurations
  • OPerA - Optimization in Preliminary Aircraft Design
  • TOC - Take-Off Calculation
  • PAHMIR - Preventive Aircraft Health Monitoring for Integrated Reconfiguration
  • CARISMA - Aircraft Cabin and Cabin System Refurbishing - Optimization of Technical Processes
  • MOZART - Health Monitoring von Brennstoffzellensystemen in der Luftfahrt
  • ALOHA - Aircraft Design for Low Cost Ground Handling
  • Green Freighter - Green Freighter
  • FLECS - Functional Model Library of the Environmental Control Systems
  • EPMA - European Postgraduate Master in Aeronautical Engineering
AERO's Short Courses:

AERO's Presentation:
*.pdf Aero_PRE_13-12-01.pdf  (7.3M)

AERO's Presentation in the Booklet "75 Years of Aeronautical Engineering Teaching in Hamburg":
*.pdf Aero_ART_Festschrift-FZT-sammel_10-06-04.pdf  ( 11M)  deutsch and englisch

AERO's Contact Details:

AERO - Prof. Dr. Scholz
HAW Hamburg, Berliner Tor 9, D-20099 Hamburg
phone  + 49 - 40 - 42875 - 8825 to -8828
phone + 49 - 40 - 42875 - 8829
Building D, Room 217 and 218
How to find AERO

See us on:   Show AERO on Twitter   Show AERO on Facebook   Show AERO on LinkedIn

AERO's Results:

  • Dissertations from AERO and Licentiate Theses
  • Papers and other publications from AERO: Available from the respected project web page (see above)
  • Reports @ AERO: All other output from the group
  • Digital Library: Projects and theses supervised in the group (update pending)
  • Books @ AERO, Papers @ AERO: Books & Papers bought for our work
  • We started to place our Results into Logo WorldCat
  • Pictures of our Office
  • AERO worked with almost 100% Third-Party Funds (from 2006 to 2015)
  • AERO brought 1 620 000 EUR to the university with finished projects
  • AERO guided projects worth 2 889 000 EUR together with it's partners

AERO's mark on Google Maps is close to the entrance of the building (please zoom in). Use either staircase or elevator. Go up to second floor (above the machine hall) and follow the sign with the A320 simulator to AERO's office.

Head of AERO:
Scholz Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter SCHOLZ, MSME
e-mail, phone  +49-40-42875-8825, room: D/218
phone  +49-40-18119881 (home office)
>>> Publications <<< (on university page, since 2010)
Publications (home page, complete only up to 2013)

Lecturers @ AERO
Dr.-Ing. Danyck Nguewo (FM2)
Lecturers are taking over teaching responsibilities from Prof. Scholz.

Visiting Scholars @ AERO
Mohamed SAHRAOUI from Ecole Militaire Polytechnique (EMP), Algiers, Algeria (2023-09-18 to 2023-12-18) - Funding: Home university
Dr. Chrif LABANE from Dr. Moulay Tahar University of Saida, Algeria (2018-03-26 to 2018-04-17 and 2019-03-25 to 2019-04-21) - Funding: Home university
Dr. Mohamed Said Sayed Ahmed MOHAMED from Military Technical College (MTC), Cairo, Egypt (starting 2018-05-11 for 6 month) - Funding: Egyptian government

2023-11-08: HAW Hamburg, PhD Poster Presentations
Mohamed SAHRAOUI and Dieter SCHOLZ

Students @ AERO
Students conducting a project or thesis.

Alumni @ AERO pin
Alumni are our past research assistants, lecturers, visiting scholars, and student assistants. Find a list of their achievements and publications.

English is our main language in the team. Often German, Dutch, Romanian, Spanish, French, Russian and Polish can be heard as well. AERO provides a home for HAW Hamburg and exchange students alike and is proud of its team spirit!

Teaching Scientific Writing to local and international students on projects and theses

Students SS-2021
Summer Semester 2021

Snapshots at lunchtime: employees, PhD students, students working on a project or thesis @ AERO together with some (international) students from the lecture Aircraft Design

Students SS-2019
Summer Semester 2019

Students SS-2017
Summer Semester 2017

Students SS-2016
Summer Semester 2016

Students SS-2015
Summer Semester 2015

Students SS-2014
Summer Semester 2014

Student & Employees SS-2013
Summer Semester 2013

LAST UPDATE:  21 September 2024
AUTHOR:  Prof. Dr. Scholz

home  Prof. Dr. Scholz
home  Aircraft Design and Systems Group (AERO)
home  Aeronautical Engineering
home  Department of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering
home  Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
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