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Publications, Invited Talks, Reports
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Scholz, MSME (up to 2013)

Publications since 2010 pin


On this page:
link Books, Articles in Books, Dissertation
link Articles in Scientific Journals
link Articles in other Journals
link Contributions to International Conferences
link Contributions to National Conferences
link A Selection of Invited Talks
link Applied Science, Ingenieurbüro Dieter Scholz, 1997-
link Department of Aircraft Systems Engineering, Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, 1993 - 1996
link Airbus, 1988 - 1992
link Hannover University, up to 1988
link Purdue University

On other pages:
link Selected Papers

Books, Articles in Books, Dissertation

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Flugzeugsysteme. In: HORST, Peter; ROSSOW, Cord; WOLF, Klaus (Ed.): Handbuch der Luftfahrzeugtechnik. München : Carl Hanser, 2014
SEECKT, Kolja; KRAMMER, Philip; SCHWARZE, Malte; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Mitigating the Climate Impact of Aviation – What does Hydrogen Hold in Prospect? In: LEAL FILHO, Walter (Ed.): The Economic, Social and Political Elements of Climate Change. Berlin : Springer, 2011, p. 649-667. - ISBN 978-3-642-14776-0

Conference contribution to "Klima 2009 - Die weltweite klimaneutrale wissenschaftliche Klimakonferenz, 02.-06. November 2009" (see below) published in a book.

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Aircraft Systems. In: DAVIES, Mark: The Standard Handbook for Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineers. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2003
SCHOLZ, Dieter: Diplomarbeiten normgerecht verfassen : Schreibtipps zur Gestaltung von Studien-, Diplom- und Doktorarbeiten. 2. Ed. Würzburg : Vogel, 2006. - ISBN 3-8343-3034-5
SCHOLZ, Dieter: Entwicklung eines CAE- Werkzeuges zum Entwurf von Flugsteuerungs-und Hydrauliksystemen. Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 20, No. 262, Düsseldorf : VDI, 1997

Find more bibliographical reference for the dissertation.
The dissertation is out of print, however available from the author (e-mail: see below): 60 EUR incl. mail delivery if you pay in advance.

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Development of a CAE-Tool for the Design of Flight Control and Hydraulic Systems. In: Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Ed.): Avionic Systems, Design and Software . London : Mechanical Engineering Publications, 1996, pp. 1 - 22

This article was selected for the book among those papers presented at the internationalen conference "AeroTech '95" (see below).

Articles in Scientific Journals

NIŢĂ, Mihaela; SCHOLZ, Dieter: From Preliminary Aircraft Cabin Design to Cabin Optimization - Part 1. In: University Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Bulletin. Series D, Vol. 75 (2013), No. 3, pp. 59-72. - ISSN: 1454-2358. Download:

NIŢĂ, Mihaela; SCHOLZ, Dieter: From Preliminary Aircraft Cabin Design to Cabin Optimization - Part 2. In: University Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Bulletin. Series D, Vol. 75 (2013), No. 4, pp. 27-46. - ISSN: 1454-2358. Download:

These publications are taken from the conference paper:
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2010 : Tagungsband - Manuskripte (DLRK, Hamburg, 31. August - 02. September 2010), ISBN: 978-3-932182-68-5, DocumentID: 161168

NIŢĂ, Mihaela; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Business Opportunities in Aircraft Cabin Conversion and Refurbishing. In: Journal of Aerospace Operations. Amsterdam : IOS Press (2011), Vol. 1, No. 1-2, pp. 129-153. - DOI: 10.3233/AOP-2011-0008

The paper written for the presentation at "1st International Air Transport and Operations Symposium", TU Delft, 14-15 April 2010 (see below) was selected for publication in the Journal of Aerospace Operations.

GERDES, Mike; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Fuzzy Condition Monitoring of Recirculation Fans and Filters. In: CEAS Aeronautical Journal, Springer, Vol. 2, No. 1-4, 2011, p. 81-87. - DOI: 10.1007/s13272-011-0021-9, Special Issue including selected papers of the German Aerospace Congress 2011

Presentation during German Aerospace Conference, Bremen, 27 to 29 September 2011

SCHOLZ, Dieter; NIŢĂ, Mihaela: Preliminary Sizing of Large Propeller Driven Aeroplanes. In: Czech Aerospace Proceedings, (2009), No. 2, pp. 41-47. - ISSN: 1211—877X

Journal publication of the contribution at RRDPAE 2008, Czech Republic, Brno, 16-17 Oktober 2008.

WESTPHAL, Rouven; SCHOLZ, Dieter: A Method for Predicting Operating Costs During Aircraft System Design. In: Cost Engineering. Morgantown : American Association of Cost Engineers, 1997, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 35 - 39
SCHOLZ, Dieter: Computer Aided Engineering for the Design of Flight Control and Hydraulic Systems. In: Society of Automotive Engineers : SAE 1996 Transactions, Journal of Aerospace . Abschnitt 1, Vol. 105, 1997, pp. 203 - 212. - SAE-Paper: 961327, DOI: 10.4271/961327

Quoting from the preface of this journal: "This Transaction volume contains the best 177 technical papers of all those presented in 1996. Each has been reviewed according to the established review procedures of the Engineering Meetings Board of SAE". This paper was presented at the "Aerospace Atlantic Conference, Dayton, 22 to 23 May 1996" (see below).

LEIDENFROST, Wolfgang; LINDEMANN, Dieter [this was my name at birth]: Simple Method to Determine the Effective Conductivity of Porous Media Saturated with a Phase Changing Liquid. In: International Journal of Refrigeration. Butterworth, 1988, Vol. 11, pp. 144 - 152. -

Paper to Master Thesis.

Articles in other Journals

JOHANNING, Andreas; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Smart Turboprop. In: Ingenieurspiegel (2013), No. 1, pp. 56-58. - ISSN 1868-5919
SCHIKTANZ, Daniel; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Das Boxwing-Flugzeug In: Ingenieurspiegel (2012), No. 2, pp. 20-25. - ISSN 1868-5919
NIŢĂ, Mihaela; SCHOLZ, Dieter: CARISMA - Aircraft Cabin and Cabin System Refurbishing - Optimization of Technical Processes. In: Ingenieurspiegel (2011), No 1, pp. 34 - 36. - ISSN 1868-5919
SCHOLZ, Dieter: Aero - Aircraft Design and Systems Group. In: Festschrift : 75 Jahre Flugzeugbaustudium in Hamburg. HAW Hamburg, Department Fahrzeugtechnik und Flugzeugbau, 2010, pp. 88
KRAMMER, Philip; RICO SANCHEZ, Diana; SCHOLZ, Dieter: ALOHA - Aircraft Design for Low-Cost Ground Handling. In: Festschrift : 75 Jahre Flugzeugbaustudium in Hamburg. HAW Hamburg, Department Fahrzeugtechnik und Flugzeugbau, 2010, pp. 90-91
GERDES, Mike; SCHOLZ, Dieter: PAHMIR - Preventive Aircraft Health Monitoring for Integrated Reconfiguration. In: Festschrift : 75 Jahre Flugzeugbaustudium in Hamburg. HAW Hamburg, Department Fahrzeugtechnik und Flugzeugbau, 2010, pp. 92-93
NIŢĂ, Mihaela; SCHOLZ, Dieter: CARISMA - Aircraft Cabin and Cabin System Refurbishing - Optimization of Technical Processes. In: Festschrift : 75 Jahre Flugzeugbaustudium in Hamburg. HAW Hamburg, Department Fahrzeugtechnik und Flugzeugbau, 2010, pp. 94-95
KRAMMER, Philip; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Airport2030 - Arbeitspaket 4.1 : Flugzeugkonfigurationen für Szenario 2015. In: Festschrift : 75 Jahre Flugzeugbaustudium in Hamburg. HAW Hamburg, Department Fahrzeugtechnik und Flugzeugbau, 2010, pp. 96-97
SEECKT, Kolja; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Grüner Frachter : Unkonventionelle Frachtflugzeuge. In: Festschrift : 75 Jahre Flugzeugbaustudium in Hamburg. HAW Hamburg, Department Fahrzeugtechnik und Flugzeugbau, 2010, pp. 104-105
GERDES, Mike; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Zustandsbasierte Flugzeugwartung. In: Ingenieurspiegel (2010), No 1, pp. 10-12. - ISSN 1868-5919
KRAMMER, Philip; SCHOLZ, Dieter: ALOHA - Aircraft Design for Low-Cost Ground Handling. In: mobiles, 35 (2009/2010). HAW Hamburg, Department Fahrzeugtechnik und Flugzeugbau, 2009, S. 60-63
GOMEZ CARRASCO, Francisco; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Flugzeugentwurf für kostenoptimierte Abfertigung. In: Ingenieurspiegel (2009), 1, pp. 29-32
SEECKT, Kolja; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Der Grüne Frachter. In: Ingenieurspiegel (2008) 1, pp. 8-15
SEECKT, Kolja; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Green Freighter - Development of an Eco-Friendly Freighter at HAW Hamburg. In: mobiles, 33 (2007/2008). HAW Hamburg, Department Fahrzeugtechnik und Flugzeugbau, 2007, S. 34-37
SCHOLZ, Dieter: FLECS – Funktionale Modellbibliothek des Environment Control System. In: mobiles, 31 (2005/2006). HAW Hamburg, Studiendepartment Fahrzeugtechnik und Flugzeugbau, 2005, p. 113

Contributions to International Conferences

SCHOLZ, Dieter; JOHANNING, Andreas: Smart Turboprop – A Possible A320 Successor. (4th Symposium on Collaboration in Aircraft Design, 25. to 27.11.2014, Toulouse, France) : Presentation. - Download:
SCHOLZ, Dieter: Publication Options Suitable for Aircraft Design - Open Access Journals Edited by Members of European Aerospace Organizations : Presentation. (4th Symposium on Collaboration in Aircraft Design, 25. to 27.11.2014, Toulouse, France) : Presentation. - Download:
JOHANNING, Andreas; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Conceptual Aircraft Design Based on Lifecycle Assesssment. ICAS 2014 - 29th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (St. Petersburg, 7.-12. September 2014). - Paper: ICAS2014-9.10.1. Download:
SCHOLZ, Dieter; CAJA CALLEJA, Ricardo: Design Aspects of Passenger Box Wing Aircraft. (3rd Symposium on Collaboration in Aircraft Design, 19.-20. September 2013, Linköping, Sweden) : Presentation. - Download:
SCHOLZ, Dieter; SÁNCHEZ BARREDA, Víctor Julián: Conceptual Design Optimization of a Strut Braced Wing Aircraft. (3rd Symposium on Collaboration in Aircraft Design, 19.-20. September 2013, Linköping, Sweden) : Presentation. - Download: pending
SCHOLZ, Dieter; SOUSA, Tahir: OpenVSP-Connect – Visualize YOUR Aircraft Sizing Results with NASA's Vehicle Sketch Pad. (4th CEAS Air & Space Conference, 16.-19. September 2013, Linköping, Sweden) : Presentation. - Download:
SCHOLZ, Dieter: Open Access Publishing in Aerospace – Opportunities and Pitfalls. In: MELIN, Tomas; KRUS, Petter; VINTERHAV, Emil; ÖVREBÖ, Knut (Ed.): PROCEEDINGS of the 4:th CEAS conference in Linköping, 2013 (4th CEAS Air & Space Conference, 16. to 19.09.2013, Linköping, Sweden), pp 503-515. - ISBN 978-91-7519-519-3, URI: urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-99581, DocumentID: 236. Download:
SCHOLZ, Dieter; SERESINHE, Ravinka, STAACK, Ingo; LAWSON, Craig: Fuel Consumption due to Shaft Power Off-Takes from the Engine. In: ESTORF, Otto von; THIELECKE, Frank (Ed.): 4th International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies, AST 2013 (TUHH, Hamburg, 23.-24. April 2013). Aachen : Shaker, 2013, pp. 169-179. - ISBN 978-3-8440-1850-9, Download:
JOHANNING, Andreas; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Novel Low-Flying Propeller-Driven Aircraft Concept For Reduced Direct Operating Costs And Emissions. In: CD Proceedings : ICAS 2012 - 28th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS, Brisbane, 23.-28. September 2012). Edinburgh, UK : Optimage Ltd, 2012. - ISBN: 978-0-9565333-1-9. Paper: ICAS2012-1.10.5 (510.PDF). Download:
SCHIKTANZ, Daniel; SCHOLZ, Dieter: The Conflict of Aerodynamic Efficiency and Static Longitudinal Stability of Box Wing Aircraft. In: CEAS: 3rd CEAS Air&Space Conference : Proceedings (CEAS2011, Venice, 24. - 28. October 2011), S. 910-921. - ISBN: 978-88-96427-18-7. DocumentID: 313. Download:
SCHOLZ, Dieter: PreSTo-Aircraft Preliminary Sizing Tool - From Requirements to the Three-View-Drawing. In: DE MARCO, Agostino; NICOLOSI, Fabrizio (Ed.): Proceedings of 10th EWADE Conference (10th European Workshop on Aircraft Design Education, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy, 24. - 27. May 2011 ) : Presentation. - ISBN 978-88-906484-1-0. Download:
NIŢĂ, Mihaela; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Parameter Optimization for an Interactive Aircraft Design. In: DE MARCO, Agostino; NICOLOSI, Fabrizio (Hrsg.): Proceedings of 10th EWADE Conference (10th European Workshop on Aircraft Design Education, University of Naples "Federico II", Italien, 24. - 27. Mai 2011) : Presentation. - ISBN 978-88-906484-1-0. Download:
GERDES, Mike; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Parameter Optimization for Automated Signal Analysis for Condition Monitoring of Aircraft Systems. In: ESTORF, Otto von; THIELECKE, Frank (Ed.): 3rd International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies, AST 2011 (TUHH, Hamburg, 31. März - 01. April 2011). Aachen : Shaker, 2011, pp. 229 - 340
KRAMMER, Philip; JUNKER, Olaf; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Aircraft Design for Low Cost Ground Handling - The Final Results of the ALOHA Project. In: CD Proceedings : ICAS 2010 - 27th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS, Nizza, 19.-24. September 2010). Edinburgh, UK : Optimage Ltd, 2010. - ISBN: 978-0-9565333-0-2. Paper: ICAS2010-1.5.2 (472.pdf)
SEECKT, Kolja; HEINZE, Wolfgang; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Hydrogen Powered Freighter Aircraft - The Final Results of the Green Freighter Project. In: CD Proceedings : ICAS 2010 - 27th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS, Nizza, 19.-24. September 2010). Edinburgh, UK : Optimage Ltd, 2010. - ISBN 978-0-9565333-0-2. Paper: ICAS2010-1.2.1 (228.pdf)
NIŢĂ, Mihaela; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Process Chain Analysis and Tools for Cabin Design and Redesign Activities. In: CD Proceedings : ICAS 2010 - 27th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS, Nizza, 19.-24. September 2010). Edinburgh, UK : Optimage Ltd, 2010. - ISBN 978-0-9565333-0-2. Paper: ICAS2010-7.3.4 (363.pdf)
NIŢĂ, Mihaela; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Business Opportunities in Aircraft Cabin Conversion and Refurbishing. In: CURRAN, Richard (Ed.): ATOS 2010 Book of Abstracts (1st International Air Transport and Operations Symposium, TU Delft, 14-15 April 2010). Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2010, p. 34. - ISBN: 978-90-5623-082-1. Paper No 2010-331. Full paper download:
SEECKT, Kolja; KRAMMER, Philip; SCHOLZ, Dieter; SCHWARZE, Malte: Mitigating the Climate Impact of Aviation – What does Hydrogen Hold in Prospect? Klima 2009 - Die weltweite klimaneutrale wissenschaftliche Klimakonferenz (Klima 2009, Online:, 02.-06. November 2009). - PDF-Download:
SCHOLZ, Dieter: Teaching Aeronautical Engineering with A320 System Simulators at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. (EWADE 2009 - 9th European Workshop on Aircraft Design Education, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain, 13. - 15. May 2009) : Presentation. - Download from:
GERDES, Mike; SCHOLZ, Dieter; RANDERATH, Bernhard: Reducing Delays Caused by Unscheduled Maintenance and Cabin Reconfiguration. In: ESTORF, Otto von; THIELECKE, Frank (Ed.): 2nd International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies, AST 2009 (TUHH, Hamburg, 26./27. March 2009). Aachen : Shaker, 2009, pp. 109 - 119
SCHOLZ, Dieter; NIŢĂ, Mihaela: Preliminary Sizing of Large Propeller Driven Aeroplanes. (RRDPAE 2008, Czech Republic, Brno, 16-17 October 2008). Brno : Brno University of Technology, 2008. - ISSN: 1425-2104, Volume 2008, Paper-Number: 61. CD from: Download from:
SEECKT, Kolja; HEINZE, Wolfgang, SCHOLZ, Dieter: The Green Freighter Project – Objectives and First Results.. In: CD Proceedings : ICAS 2008 - 26th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences including the 8th AIAA Aviation Technoloy, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference (Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 14-19 September 2008). Edinburgh, UK : Optimage Ltd, 2008. - Paper: ICAS 2008-4.10.3 (056.pdf), ISBN: 0-9533991-9-2
SLINGERLAND, Ronald; ZANDSTRA, Sijmen; SCHOLZ, Dieter; SEECKT, Kolja: Green Freighter Systems. In: AIAA: 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (Reno, NV, 07.-10. January 2008). Reston, VA : American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2008. - Paper: AIAA-2008-146
MÜLLER, Christian; SCHOLZ, Dieter; GIESE, Tim: Dynamic Simulation of Innovative Aircraft Air Conditioning. (First CEAS European Air and Space Conference, Berlin, 10 - 13 September 2007). In: DGLR: Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrt Kongress. Bonn : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 2007. - Paper: CEAS-2007-466, CD, ISSN 0700-4083
SCHOLZ, Dieter: EPMA - European Postgraduate Master in Aeronautical Engineering. (First CEAS European Air and Space Conference, Berlin, 10 - 13 September 2007). In: DGLR: Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrt Kongress. Bonn : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 2007. - Paper: CEAS-2007-279, CD, ISSN 0700-4083
SCHOLZ, Dieter: A Student Project of a Blended Wing Body Aircraft - From Conceptual Design to Flight Testing. (EWADE 2007 - 8th European Workshop on Aircraft Design Education, Samara State Aviation University, Samara, Russia, 30. May - 2. June 2007) : Presentation. - Download from:
SCHOLZ, Dieter; MÜLLER, Christian; GIESE, Tim; ERDMANN, Carsten: FLECS: Functional Library of the Environmental Control System – A Simulation Tool for the Support of Industrial Processes. In: ESTORF, Otto von (Ed.): 1st International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies, AST 2007 (TUHH, Hamburg, 29./30. March 2007). Aachen : Shaker, 2007, pp. 143 - 157
MYOSE, Roy Y.; LIETSCHE, Jan-Christopher; SCHOLZ, Dieter; ZINGEL, Hartmut; HAYASHIBARA, Shigeo; HERON, Ismael: Flow Visualization Study on the Effect of a Gurney Flap in a Low Reynolds Number Compressor Cascade, (6th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations Conference - ATIO, 25-27 September 2006, Wichita, Kansas). - Paper Number: AIAA 2006-7809
SCHOLZ, Dieter: Aircraft cabin and cabin systems - From short course to degree programme. (EWADE 2005 - 7th European Workshop on Aircraft Design Education, SupAéro, Toulouse, France, 19. - 21. October 2005) : Presentation. - Download from:
SCHOLZ, Dieter: Aircraft Systems - Reliability, Mass, Power and Costs. In: EWADE'02 (European Workshop on Aircraft Design Education, Linköping, Sweden, 2. - 4. June 2002). Linköping University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2002, pp. 33-37
SCHOLZ, Dieter; THORBECK, Jürgen: Computer Based Training in Aircraft Design Education. In: ICAS: ICAS 2000 CD-ROM Proccedings (22nd International Congress of Aeronautical Sciences, Harrogate, 27. August - 1. September 2000). Edinburgh : Optimage, 2000. - Paper: ICAS-2000-1.7.3, ISBN: 0953399125
SCHOLZ, Dieter; ENGELHARDT, Jörg: Direct Steady State Calculations of Hydraulic Power Systems. In: PALMBERG, J.-O. (Ed.): The Fifth Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power, SICFP'97 (Linköping, 28. - 30. May 1997). Vol. 2. Linköping : University, 1997, pp. 249-263
SCHOLZ, Dieter: Computer Aided Engineering for the Design of Flight Control and Hydraulic Systems. In: ICAS: ICAS Proceedings 1996 (20th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Sorrento, 8. - 13. September 1996). Vol. 2. Reston : American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1996, pp. 2310-2319. - Paper: ICAS-96-3.10.1

Emphasis of this paper: To summarize the methods of the CAE tool.

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Computer Aided Engineering for the Design of Flight Control and Hydraulic Systems, (Aerospace Atlantic Conference, Dayton, 22.-23. Mai 1996). Warrendale : Society of Automotive Engineers, 1996. - SAE-Paper: 961327, DOI: 10.4271/961327

Emphasis of this paper: The design of central hydraulic aircraft systems.

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Development of a CAE-Tool for the Design of Flight Control and Hydraulic Systems, (AeroTech '95, Birmingham, 17. - 19. Oktober 1995). London : Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1995. - IMechE-Paper: C505/9/011

Emphasis of this paper: The design of flight control actuators to dynamic requirements.

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Computer Aided Engineering of Flight Control and Hydraulic Systems, (Internationale Konferenz "Die aktuellen Probleme der mathematischen Modellierung und automatischen Projektierung im Maschinenbau - Model-Projekt '95, Kasan, 1. - 3. Juni 1995). Kasan : Staatlich Technische Universität Kasan A.N. Tupolev, 1995, Vol. 5, pp. 5 - 7

This paper gives an overview of the various modules of the CAE tool.

Contributions to National Conferences

SCHOLZ, Dieter, Leon DIB: Hydrogen as Future Fuel Used in Minimum Change Derivatives of the Airbus A321 (Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Rostock, 22. - 24. September 2015). Presentation, 2015 - Download:
JOHANNING, Andreas; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Adapting Life Cycle Impact Assessment Methods for Application in Aircraft Design. (Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Augsburg, 16. - 18. September 2014), 2014. - DocumentID: 340176. Download:
JOHANNING, Andreas; SCHOLZ, Dieter: A First Step Towards the Integration of Life Cycle Assessment into Conceptual Aircraft Design. In: Publikationen zum DLRK 2013 (Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Stuttgart, 10. - 12. September 2013). - URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201407183813. DocumentID: 301347. Download:
SCHOLZ, Dieter: Eco-Efficiency in Aviation – Flying Off Course? (Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Berlin, 10. - 12. September 2012). Presentation, 2012 - Download:
CAJA CALLEJA, Ricardo; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Box Wing Flight Dynamics in the Stage of Conceptual Aircraft Design. In: Publikationen zum DLRK 2012 (Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Berlin, 10. - 12. September 2012). - URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201211239107. DocumentID: 281383. Download:
JOHANNING, Andreas; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Evaluation of Worldwide Noise and Pollutant Emission Costs for Integration into Direct Operating Cost Methods. In: Publikationen zum DLRK 2012 (Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Berlin, 10. - 12. September 2012). - URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201211164010. DocumentID: 281392. Download:
NIŢĂ, Mihaela; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Estimating the Oswald Factor from Basic Aircraft Geometrical Parameters. In: Publikationen zum DLRK 2012 (Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Berlin, 10. - 12. September 2012). - URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201212176728. DocumentID: 281424. Download:
SCHOLZ, Dieter: Aircraft Preliminary Sizing Tools @ Aero : SAS => OPerA => PreSTo => further Tool Chain, (Kollaboration im Flugzeugentwurf - 1. CPACS/RCE Symposium, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Hamburg, 15. / 16. March 2012 ) : Presentation. - Download:
SCHIKTANZ, Daniel; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Box Wing Fundamentals - An Aircraft Design Perspective. In: DGLR: Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2011 : Tagungsband - Manuskripte (DLRK, Bremen, 27. - 29. September 2011), pp 601-615. - ISBN: 978-3-932182-74-X. DocumentID: 241353. Download:
ABULAWI, Jutta; SEECKT, Kolja; POMMERS, Martins; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Automatic Generation of 3D-CAD Models to Bridge the Gap between Aircraft Preliminary Sizing and Geometric Design. In: DGLR: Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2011 : Tagungsband - Manuskripte (DLRK, Bremen, 27. - 29. September 2011), pp 405-415. - ISBN: 978-3-932182-74-X. DocumentID: 241195. Download:
MEIER, Oliver; SCHOLZ, Dieter: A Handbook Method for the Estimation of Power Requirements for Electrical De-Icing Systems (DLRK 2010, Hamburg, 31. August - 02. September 2010). - DocumentID: 161191. - Download:
NIŢĂ, Mihaela; SCHOLZ, Dieter: From Preliminary Aircraft Cabin Design to Cabin Optimization. In: DGLR: Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2010 : Tagungsband - Manuskripte (DLRK, Hamburg, 31. August - 02. September 2010). - ISBN: 978-3-932182-68-5. DocumentID: 161168. Download:
KHAN, Fahad Aman; KRAMMER, Philip; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Preliminary Aerodynamic Investigation of Box-Wing Configurations Using Low Fidelity Codes. In: DGLR: Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2010 : Tagungsband - Manuskripte (DLRK, Hamburg, 31. August - 02. September 2010). - ISBN: 978-3-932182-68-5. DocumentID: 161308. Download:
GERDES, Mike; SCHOLZ, Dieter:: Designing and Evaluating a Location Detection Solution for the Aircraft Cabin with Model Based Systems Engineering. In: DGLR: Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2010 : Tagungsband - Ausgewählte Manuskripte (DLRK, Hamburg, 31. August - 02. September 2010). - ISBN: 978-3-932182-67-7. DocumentID: 161172. Download:
SEECKT, Kolja; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Application of the Aircraft Preliminary Sizing Tool PreSTo to Kerosene and Liquid Hydrogen Fueled Regional Freighter Aircraft. In: DGLR: Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2010 : Tagungsband - Ausgewählte Manuskripte (DLRK, Hamburg, 31. August - 02. September 2010). - ISBN: 978-3-932182-67-7. DocumentID: 161161. Download:
GERDES, Mike; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Feature Extraction and Sensor Optimization for Condition Monitoring of Recirculation Fans and Filters. In: DGLR: Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2009 : Tagungsband - Manuskripte (DLRK, Aachen, 08.-10. September 2009). - ISBN: 978-3-932182-64-2. Download:
GOMEZ, Francisco; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Improvements to Ground Handling Operations and their Benefits to Direct Operating Costs. In: DGLR: Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2009 : Tagungsband - Ausgewählte Manuskripte (DLRK, Aachen, 08.-10. September 2009). - ISBN: 978-3-932182-63-4. DocumentID: 121197. Download:
NIŢĂ, Mihaela; SCHOLZ, Dieter: The Process Chain to a Certified Cabin Design and Conversion. In: DGLR: Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2009 : Tagungsband - Ausgewählte Manuskripte (DLRK, Aachen, 08.-10. September 2009). - ISBN: 978-3-932182-63-4. DocumentID: 121161. Download:
SEECKT, Kolja; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Jet versus Prop, Hydrogen versus Kerosene for a Regional Freighter Aircraft. In: DGLR: Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2009 : Tagungsband - Ausgewählte Manuskripte (DLRK, Aachen, 08.-10. September 2009). - ISBN: 978-3-932182-63-4. DocumentID: 121195. Download:
MÜLLER, Christian; SCHOLZ, Dieter; GIESE, Tim: Dynamische Simulation des Kühlaggregates eines Flugzeugs. DGLR, Fachausschuss T5.4: 49. Fachausschusssitzung Anthropotechnik - Stand und Perspektiven der simulationsgestützten Systemgestaltung (Airbus, Hamburg, 18.-19. Oktober 2007)
SCHOLZ, Dieter; CIORNEI, Simona: Mach number, relative thickness, sweep and lift coefficient of the wing - An empirical investigation of parameters and equations , (Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongreß, Friedrichshafen, 26. - 29. September 2005). In: BRANDT, P. (Ed.): Jahrbuch 2005. Bonn : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 2005. - Paper: DGLR-2005-122, ISSN 0070-4083
SCHOLZ, Dieter: Standards als Mittel zur unternehmensübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit in der Luftfahrt-Industrie : Dokumentation nach ATA iSpec 2200. In: SCHOLZ, Dieter (Ed.): Fit für die ATA iSpec 2200 (Forum: Fit für die ATA iSpec 2200 – Technische Dokumentation in der Luftfahrt-Industrie, TANNER AG, Lindau, 30. April 2002). Bonn : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 2002. - DGLR-Bericht 2002-01, ISBN: 3-932182-25-1
SCHOLZ, Dieter: DOCsys - A Method to Evaluate Aircraft Systems. In: SCHMITT, Dieter (Ed.): Bewertung von Flugzeugen (Workshop: DGLR Fachausschuß S2 - Luftfahrtsysteme, München, 26./27. Oktober 1998). Bonn : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 1998

Emphasis of this paper: Application of the Method; Water/Waste System, ATA38; Megaliner/A3XX.

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Berechnung maximal erforderlicher Stellgeschwindigkeiten von Steuerflächen, (Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongreß, München, 14. - 17. Oktober 1997). In: BÜRGENER, G. (Ed.): Jahrbuch 1997 . Bonn : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 1997, pp. 465 - 474. - Paper: DGLR-JT97-083
SCHOLZ, Dieter: Computerunterstützte Auslegung von Flugzeugsystemen am Beispiel der Flugsteuerung, (Workshop: DGLR Fachausschuß S2.1 - Starrflügelsysteme, Entwicklungswerkzeuge zur Flugzeugauslegung; Hamburg, 13. November 1995). Bonn : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 1995

Emphasis of this paper: To show fundamental methods applied in the programing of the CAE tool.
SCHOLZ, Dieter: Betriebskostenschätzung von Flugzeugsystemen als Beitrag zur Entwurfsoptimierung, (Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongreß, Bonn, 26. - 29. September 1995). In: BÜRGENER, G. (Ed.): Jahrbuch 1995 . Bonn : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 1995, pp. 50 - 61. - Paper: DGLR-JT95-016
SCHOLZ, Dieter: Computer Aided Engineering zur Auslegung von Flugsteuerungs- und Hydrauliksystemen. In: HELDUSER, S. (Ed.): 10. Fachtagung Hydraulik und Pneumatik (Dresden, 5. und 6. Oktober 1995). Workshopbeiträge. Dresden : Technische Universität, 1995, pp. 107-117

Emphasis of this paper: Summary and comparison of methods for the steady state calculation of hydraulic networks.

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Rechnerunterstützte Auslegung von Flugsteuerungs- und Hydrauliksystemen , (1. Symposium Flugzeug-Systemtechnik, 12. und 13. Oktober 1994). Hamburg : Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, 1995

Emphasis of this paper: The purpose of a CAE tool for the design of flight control and hydraulic systems.

A Selection of Invited Talks

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Aircraft Cabin Air & Water Contamination/Quality – An Aircraft Systems Engineering Perspective : Vortrag. QCAQE – Global Cabin Air Quality Executive: SEVENTH ANNUAL FORUM and INFORMATION EXCHANGE (London, 31st March – 2nd April, 2014). - Download von:

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Begrüßung des Leiters der wissenschaftlichen Programmkommission : Presentation. Hamburg, CCH, 2010-08-31, 10:30. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongreß 2010, Hamburg, 31.08. - 02.09.2010. Download from:

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Die Blended Wing Body (BWB) Flugzeugkonfiguration : Presentation. HAW Hamburg, Department Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering, 2010-06-04, 13:20. 75 Years of Aeronautical Engineering Education at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Colloquium. Download from:

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Aircraft Systems Overview - Greening of Secondary Power Systems : Presentation. (SWAFEA - Sustainable Way for Alternative Fuels and Energy for Aviation. 1st European Stakeholder Meeting Brussels, Belgium, 23. - 24.04.2009). - Download from:

GOMEZ CARRASCO, Francisco; SCHOLZ, Dieter: Promising Aircraft Modifications for Low Handling Costs : Presentation. Darmstadt, 2008-09-23. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Darmstadt, 23.-25.09.2008. Download from:

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Global Science - Applied Science : Presentation. Berlin, 2008-04-22. Parlamentarischer Abend, 4. Wissenschaftsabend - Luftfahrt. Download from:

SCHOLZ, Dieter: The Blended Wing Body (BWB) Aircraft Configuration : Lecture. DGLR/VDI/RAeS/HAW-Hamburg : Praxis-Seminar Luftfahrt, Hamburg, 2006-09-28

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Educational Flight Testing : Lecture. ICAS 2006, 25th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Hamburg, 3. - 8. September 2006. - ICAS-2006-1.5.3

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Electronic Flight Control Systems (EFCS) : Presentation. VDI/DGLR/FH-Hamburg: Praxis-Seminar Luftfahrt, Hamburg, 1999-12-02

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Berechnung der Rollstrecke beim Start konventioneller Flugzeuge : Presentation. FH-Hamburg, 1998-05-28

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Umweltverträglichkeit von modernen Verkehrsflugzeugen : Presentation. VTF, Verein zur Förderung des technischen Fortschritts e.V., Technologiezentrum Hamburg-Finkenwerder, 1997-04-24

SCHOLZ, Dieter: The Airbus Fly-By-Wire System : Presentation. University of Limerick, 1997-03-24

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Actuator- and Hydraulic System Design : Presentation. Wright Patterson Airforce Base, Dayton, Ohio, 1996-05-20

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Navigationssysteme in der Luftfahrt : Presentation. Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, 1993-02-03

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Fly-By-Wire Flight Control Systems : Presentation. Queen's University Belfast, 1991-11-29

Applied Science, Ingenieurbüro Dieter Scholz, 1997-

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Aircraft Fire Protection. Neu Wulmstorf : Applied Science, 2006 (Bericht 1-06). - Report written for Minimax GmbH & Co KG, Bad Oldesloe

DIRKS, G.A.; MEUSSEN, M.; SCHOLZ, D.: Evaluation of MDO Tool iSIGHT. Hamburg : DaimlerChrysler Aerospace Airbus, 1999 (TN-EZB-17/99)

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Direct Operating Costs of Systems with Bi-directional Hydraulic - Electric Power Conversion Units (HEPCU) & Direct Operating Cost Comparison: IDG versus VSCF Generator. Neu Wulmstorf : Applied Science, 1998 (Report 4-98). - Report written for ESW - EXTEL SYSTEMS WEDEL, Ref.-Number 02/45037332

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Direct Operating Costs of Water/Waste System Design Alternatives for the Airbus A340-600. Neu Wulmstorf : Applied Science, 1998 (Report 3-98). - Report written for Daimler-Benz Aerospace Airbus, Hamburg, Ref.-Number 024098/81241433

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Design Concepts of Water/Waste Systems for New Aircraft Projects . Vol. 2: Evaluation of Water/Waste System Baseline and Alternative Concepts. Neu Wulmstorf : Applied Science, 1998 (Report 2-98). - Report written for Daimler-Benz Aerospace Airbus, Hamburg, Ref.-Number 024098/81158417

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Betriebskostenberechnung für verschiedene Varianten des Wassersystems eines Airbus A340-600 . Neu Wulmstorf : Applied Science, 1998 (Report 1-98). - Report written for MAN Technologie AG, Karlsfeld, Ref.-Number 005/78102715

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Design Concepts of Water/Waste Systems for New Aircraft Projects . Vol. 1: Documentation of the Water/Waste System Baseline Concept. Neu Wulmstorf : Applied Science, 1997 (Report 3-97). - Report written for Daimler-Benz Aerospace Airbus, Hamburg, Ref.-Number 024098/81158417

SCHOLZ, Dieter: MAEFISTO - Multidisciplinary Aircraft Design in the Industrial Environment. Neu Wulmstorf : Applied Science, 1997 (Report 2-97). - Report written for Daimler-Benz Aerospace Airbus, Hamburg, Ref.-Number 024098/81158410

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Betriebskostenberechnung für Wassersysteme in Großraumflugzeugen . Neu Wulmstorf : Applied Science, 1997 (Report 1-97). - Report written for MAN Technologie AG, Karlsfeld, Ref.-Number 005/77102553

Department of Aircraft Systems Engineering, Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, 1993 - 1996

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Flugversuchsbeurteilung zur Reduzierung maximaler Querruderstellgeschwindigkeiten. Hamburg, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Arbeitsbereich Flugzeug-Systemtechnik, Test Report, 1996

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Programmieranleitung und -richtlinie, Programmierung mit ANSI C. Hamburg, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Arbeitsbereich Flugzeug-Systemtechnik, Report, 1993

Airbus, 1988 - 1992

MPC 75

BRETSCHNEIDER, M.; SCHOLZ, D.: Fly-by-Wire, Rudder Control, Safety and Reliability Analysis. Hamburg : Deutsche Aerospace Airbus, 1992 (TN-GQ22-373/12/92)

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Regioliner 92/122, Flight Controls, Definition and Description. Hamburg : Deutsche Airbus, 1992 (TN-EZ3-328/92). - Report for FFE-Project 89551 "FBW/FBL" *

BALSKAS, S.; SCHOLZ, D.: MPC 75, Hydraulic Power, System Definition Document. Hamburg : Deutsche Airbus, 1991 (TN-EV52-158/2/89) *

SCHOLZ, Dieter: MPC 75, Hydraulic Load Analysis. Hamburg: Deutsche Airbus, 1991 (TN-EV52-362/91) *

SCHOLZ, Dieter: MPC 75, Preliminary Actuator Design. Hamburg : Deutsche Airbus, 1991 (TN-EV52-361/91) *

SCHOLZ, Dieter: MPC 75: Landeklappenvergleich: Pivot Point / Linkage / Track. Hamburg : Deutsche Airbus, 1991 (TN-EV52-145/91) *

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Investigations on Switching Transients of MPC 75 Yaw Control. Hamburg : Deutsche Airbus, 1990 (TN-EV52-260/90) *

SCHOLZ, Dieter: MPC 75, Flight Controls, General Description. Hamburg : MBB, 1990 (TN-TE35-1/1/90) *

* User: student, PW required

Fundamentals & Tools

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Zum "Engineering Analysis System" EASY5. Hamburg : Deutsche Aerospace Airbus, 1992 (EZ 32)

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Simple Linear and Nonlinear Simulation of Aircraft Dynamics. Hamburg : Deutsche Aerospace Airbus, 1992 (TN-EV52-551/92)

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Equations for a Preliminary Actuator Design. Hamburg : Deutsche Airbus, 1991 (TN-EV52-360/91)

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Aerodynamische Berechnung einer RAT am Beispiel A320. Hamburg : Deutsche Airbus, 1990 (TN-EV52-508/90)

SCHOLZ, Dieter: Simulation of Hydraulic Flight Control Systems with Linear Servo Actuators. Hamburg : Deutsche Airbus, 1990 (TN-EV52-354/90)

LINDEMANN, Dieter [this is my name at birth]: Simulation mit ACSL und Matrix-X. In: LINDEMANN, D. (Bearb.): Übersicht über die Leistung von Tools (Workshop). Hamburg : MBB, 1990 (TE35 - 47/90)

Hannover University, up to 1988

LINDEMANN, Dieter [this is my name at birth]: Berechnung der reibungsfreien Strömung in Rotoren von Windkraftanlagen. Hannover University, Thesis, 1988

LINDEMANN, Dieter [this is my name at birth]: Zur aerodynamischen Berechnung eines Windenergie Konverters am Beispiel des Wagner-Rotors. Hannover University, Seminar Presentation, 1985

LINDEMANN, Dieter [this is my name at birth]: Übertragbarkeit von Meßwerten aus Versuchen an Windrädern im Hinblick auf Windkanalversuche am Wagner-Rotor  &  Konstruktion einer Sechs-Komponenten-Waage für Windkanalmessungen an Windrädern. Hannover University, Project, 1985

Purdue University

LINDEMANN, Dieter [this is my name at birth]: Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Design Calculations for Latent Heat Storage. Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, USA, Master Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, 1987

Quoted following DIN 1505, Part 2

LAST UPDATE:  30 January 2023
AUTHOR:  Prof. Dr. Scholz

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