On another page:
Author | Title | Type of Work | Delivered | No of Pages | Occasion / Purpose | Abstract | PURL/DOI | Full Text | Size |
Dieter Scholz | Neue Forschung zur Kontamination von Kabinenluft | Magazin-Artikel | 23.09.23 | 4 | Gastbeitrag VC-Info (online) Gastbeitrag VC-Info 3/2023, S. 18) |
https://doi.org/10.48441/4427.1110 | 1.1M | ||
Dieter Scholz | Flughafen Hamburg, Airbus A321, Abbruch eines Fluges kurz nach dem Start, Kabinenluftkontamination | Press Release | 06.07.23 | 7 | News, Hintergrund und Kommentar | https://purl.org/aero/PR2023-07-06 | 547K | ||
Dieter Scholz | Aircraft Cabin Air and Engine Oil – Engineering Aspects |
Presentation | 27.06.23 | 36 | International Aircraft Cabin Air Conference 2023 Online, 27 - 29 June 2023 |
https://purl.org/cabinair/GCAQE2023 |
2.5M | ||
Dieter Scholz | Forschung soll Hinweise geben zur Kontamination der Kabinenluft von Flugzeugen – Agentur der Europäischen Union für Flugsicherheit (EASA) | Press Release | 30.01.23 | 8 | State of the art after the EASA Workshop in Cologne, 17.-18.01.2023 | https://purl.org/aero/PR2023-01-30 | 409K | ||
Dieter Scholz | Routes of Aircraft Cabin Air Contamination from Engine Oil, Hydraulic and Deicing Fluid | Journal Paper | 01.03.22 | 18 | INCAS BULLETIN Volume 14, Issue 1 / 2022, pp. 153 – 170 |
--- | https://doi.org/10.13111/2066-8201.2022.14.1.13 | 3.3M | |
Judith Anderson, Dieter Scholz | Oil Fumes, Flight Safety, and the NTSB | Journal Paper | 10.12.21 | 20 | Aerospace 2021, vol. 8, no. 12, art. 389, Special Issue "Aircraft Design" (SI-3/2021) | --- | https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace8120389 | [an error occurred while processing this directive] | |
Dieter Scholz | Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire (ANSES) – Hearing on the Operation of Air Conditioning in Aircraft Cabins and the Associated Air Quality | Presentation | 08.07.21 | 75 | ANSES Investigation on "Air Quality in Aircraft and Health Effects on Aircrew" Hearing Prof. Scholz, Online, 2021-07-08 |
https://purl.org/cabinair/ANSES2021 |
4.5M | ||
Dieter Scholz | Größte Konferenz über kontaminierte Luft in Flugzeugen: Zapfluftfilter und -sensoren müssen dringend in Passagierflugzeugen installiert werden | Press Release | 25.03.21 | 6 | Report about the International Aircraft Cabin Air Conference 2021 | --- | 1.0M | ||
Dieter Scholz | Aircraft Cabin Air and Engine Oil – Routes of Contamination | Conference Paper | 15.03.21 | 22 | International Aircraft Cabin Air Conference 2021 Online, 15 - 18 March 2021 |
https://purl.org/cabinair/GCAQE2021 |
4.3M | ||
Dieter Scholz | Aircraft Cabin Air and Engine Oil – An Engineering Update | Presentation | 15.03.21 | 42 | International Aircraft Cabin Air Conference 2021 Online, 15 - 18 March 2021 |
https://purl.org/cabinair/GCAQE2021 |
2.4M | ||
Dieter Scholz | Contaminated Aircraft Cabin Air - An Aeronautical Engineering Perspective | Presentation | 18.12.20 | 22 | Press Meeting 10 Years German Wings "Cabin Air Contamination Event" (CACE): 2010-12-19 Online, HAW Hamburg, 2020-12-18 | --- | https://purl.org/cabinair/HAW2020 | 1.4M | |
Dieter Scholz | Lufthansa-Rettung: Es geht nicht nur um CO2 --- Spezifische Anforderungen and die Lufthansa auch zum Thema "Kontaminierte Kabinenluft"! | Offene E-Mail | 13.05.20 | 2 | Unterstützung aus dem Bereich der Technik für Sven-Christian Kindler (MdB) and Katharina Dröge (MdB) | --- | https://purl.org/cabinair/e2020-05-13 | 176K | |
Dieter Scholz | Lufthansa rescue: It's not just about CO2 --- Specific demands on Lufthansa also on the subject of "contaminated cabin air"! | Open E-Mail | 13.05.20 | 2 | Technical support for Sven-Christian Kindler (MdB) and Katharina Dröge (MdB) | --- | --- | 171K | |
Dieter Scholz | Congress on Poisoned Aircraft Cabin Air - First Solutions to the Problem Become Visible | Press Release | 24.09.19 | 6 | International Aircraft Cabin Air Conference 2019 Summary of Technical Key Findings |
--- | --- | 577K | |
Dieter Scholz | Cabin Air Contamination – A Summary of Engineering Arguments | Presentation | 18.09.19 | 35 | International Aircraft Cabin Air Conference 2019 Imperial College London, 17 - 18 September 2019 |
--- | https://purl.org/cabinair/GCAQE2019 |
2.2M | |
Dieter Scholz | Contaminated Aircraft Cabin Air - An Aeronautical Engineering Perspective | Presentation | 27.05.19 | 60 | Meeting 2019, Association des Victimes du Syndrome Aérotoxique (AVSA), Paris CDG Airport, France, 27.05.2019 | --- | https://purl.org/cabinair/AVSA2019 | 3.2M | |
Dieter Scholz | A Quick Introduction to the Problem of Cabin Air Contamination | Presentation | 12.03.19 | 4 | Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin, 12.03.2019 | --- | https://purl.org/cabinair/Parliament2019 | 373K | |
Dieter Scholz | Technical Solutions to the Problem of Contaminated Cabin Air | Presentation | 05.09.18 | 76 | Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2018, Friedrichshafen (Germany), 04.-06.09.2018 | https://publikationen.dglr.de/... |
4.0M | ||
Dieter Scholz | Jet Engines – Bearings, Seals and Oil Consumption | Memo | 02.04.18 | 22 | Review to substantiate the calculation of the oil concentration in aircraft cabins | https://doi.org/10.31224/osf.io/fk5dq | 2.2M | ||
Dieter Scholz | Cabin Air Contamination - An Aeronautical Perspective | Presentation | 16.03.18 | 73 | 59. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin e.V., Dresden (Germany), 16. März 2018 | --- | 5.0M | ||
Dieter Scholz | Belastete Kabinenluft in Flugzeugen - Flugzeugbau-Experte Dieter Scholz sieht Handlungsbedarf | Interview | 06.12.17 | 4 | Hinweis: Dies ist eine etwas vollständigere Version des Interviews als im Themendienst der HAW Hamburg vom 03.04.2018 Streichungen der Pressestelle sind hervorgehoben. |
--- | https://purl.org/aero/INT2017-12-17 | 501K | |
Dieter Scholz | Aircraft Cabin Air - Quality or Contamination? | Presentation | 20.11.17 | 48 | Personalversammlung "Kabine" Deutsche Lufthansa AG Frankfurt, 20 November 2017 |
--- | --- | 4.1M | |
Dieter Scholz | Die Luft in der Kabine von Passagierflugzeugen ist nicht so gut wie oft angenommen - Hintergründe, Lösungsmöglichkeiten und deren Umsetzung | Memo | 01.10.17 | 4 | Populärwissenschaftliche Darstellung und Einführung | --- | https://purl.org/aero/M2017-10-01 https://doi.org/10.31224/osf.io/he59k |
224K | |
Dieter Scholz | Aircraft Cabin Air and Engine Oil - An Engineering View | Journal Paper | 17.09.19 | 6 | International Aircraft Cabin Air Conference 2017 Imperial College London, 19 - 20 September 2017 |
765K | |||
Dieter Scholz | Aircraft Cabin Air and Engine Oil - An Engineering View | Presentation | 19.09.17 | 72 | International Aircraft Cabin Air Conference 2017 Imperial College London, 19 - 20 September 2017 |
https://purl.org/cabinair/GCAQE2017 |
5.2M | ||
Dieter Scholz | Aircraft Cabin Air and Engine Oil - A Systems Engineering View | Presentation | 27.04.17 | 75 | Hamburg Aerospace Lecture Series (HALS) DGLR, RAeS, VDI, ZAL, HAW Hamburg together with VC and UFO HAW Hamburg, 27 April 2017 |
6.9M | |||
Dieter Scholz | Aircraft Cabin Air & Water Contamination/Quality – An Aircraft Systems Engineering Perspective | Presentation | 01.04.14 | 46 |
QCAQE – Global Cabin Air Quality Executive 7th ANNUAL FORUM London, 31 March – 2 April 2014 Video Showing Contaminated Water on Aircraft (2020) Background to: Contaminated Water on Aircraft (2020) |
--- | https://purl.org/cabinair/AirAndWater
--- |
PDF: 37M |
Presentation at the International Aircraft Cabin Air Conference 2019
Presentation at the International Aircraft Cabin Air Conference 2017
Dieter Scholz im Interview bei: ZDFzoom - Dicke Luft im Flieger (2017) |
Dieter Scholz im Interview bei: Deutschlandfunk Nova - Kabinenluft (2017) |
Author | University | Title | Type of Work | Delivered | No of Pages | Full Text | Size | Persistent Identifier |
Carlos L. S. Raposo | Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior Técnico | Bioaerosol Transport and Sensor in Passenger Aircraft | Master Thesis | October 2022 | 123 | download |
12.2M | https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7444209 |
Lukas Stichternath | HAW Hamburg | Pilot Measures against Cabin Air Contamination | Bachelor Thesis | 03.02.2021 | 115 | 8.4M | https://doi.org/10.15488/11531 | |
Dennis Tietke | HAW Hamburg | Oil Leakage Paths within Compressors of Jet Engines and Oil Concentration in Aircraft Cabin Air | Project | 25.03.2020 | 36 | 7.8M | https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:gbv:18302-aero2020-03-25.017 | |
Taner Ayan | HAW Hamburg | Analyse der Liegezeiten von Passagierflugzeugen nach Fume Events mittels Flugverfolgung | Projekt | 15.01.2020 | 68 | 4.9M | https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:gbv:18302-aero2020-01-15.016 | |
Sascha Max | Hochschule RheinMain (Lufthansa Technik) | Entwicklung eines Versuchsaufbaus zur Detektierung von Triebwerksöl und Enteisungsflüssigkeit im Bleedsystem | Vortrag zur Bachelorarbeit | 14.11.2019 | 8 | 693K | https://purl.org/cabinair/MAX-2019 | |
Ferrão, Mariana Baião | NOVA University Lisbon | Preliminary Analysis of Engine Bleed Air Oil Contamination with the Aerotracer® during Off-Wing Acceptance Testing and On-Wing Flights | Master Thesis | 05.11.2019 | 98 | 2.8M | http://hdl.handle.net/10362/103150 | |
Marcel Lakies | HAW Hamburg | Dynamic Cabin Air Contamination Calculation Theory | Project | 01.03.2019 | 84 | 3.2M | https://doi.org/10.15488/4543 | |
Viola Voth | TU Braunschweig | Analyse der Entstehungsmechanismen von Ölnebel in Flugzeugkabinen | Bachelorarbeit | 17.07.2018 | 116 | 11M | https://purl.org/cabinair/VOTH-2018 | |
Arie Adriaensen | Lund University | Competing Discourses in Aircraft Cabin Air Contamination: How to Define a Problem | Master Thesis | 24.01.2017 | 127 | 2.2M | https://lup.lub.lu.se/student-papers/record/8904065 | |
Susan Michaelis | Cranfield University | Implementation of the Requirements for the Provision of Clean Air in Crew and Passenger Compartments Using the Aircraft Bleed Air System | Master Thesis | June 2016 | 131 | 4.1M | https://purl.org/cabinair/MICHAELIS-2016 | |
Tonje Trulssen Hildre, June Krutå Jensen | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | Fume Events in Aircraft Cabins | Master Thesis | June 2015 | 168 | 2.1M | http://hdl.handle.net/11250/2353003 | |
Paul W. Magoha | Kansas State University | Incident-Response Monitoring Technologies for Aircraft-Cabin Air Quality | PhD Thesis | 13.08.2012 | 398 | download |
38.5M | http://hdl.handle.net/2097/14187 |
Susan Michaelis | University of New South Wales | Health and Flight Safety Implications from Exposure to Contaminated Air in Aircraft | PhD Thesis | September 2010 | 932 | download |
6.1M | https://doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/23524 |
Chris Winder | University of New South Wales | Aerotoxic Syndrome | Master Thesis | August 2010 | 276 | 17.9M | https://perma.cc/EGH8-ZEPA | |
Nickolas Vakas | University of Wollongong | Interests and the Shaping of an Occupational Health and Safety Controversy: The BAe 146 Case | PhD Thesis | April 2007 | 297 | 1.4M | https://hdl.handle.net/10779/uow.27836445.v1 |
Full story in English (archived), Original article in French (archived), Original article in French behind paywall (archived),
ORF2, KONKRET, 2017-09-22, 18:30: Video (Interview e.g. with Prof. Scholz).
ORF2, ZIB2, 2017-09-22, 22:00: Video (Interview e.g. with Prof. Scholz),
in Web.Archive.
Text im HANDELSBLATT, Text archiviert.
Dangerous cabin air: Nerve poisons at 10,000 metres altitude (PDF)
Text at Transport Workers Union of America (TWU), text archived.
See more information related to this documentary below!
2019-10-19: Aviation Herald: Accident: British Airways A320 at Paphos on Oct 19th 2019, fumes in cockpit, both pilots partially incapacitated
2019-08-22: Aviation Herald: Accident: Hawaiian A21N near Honolulu on Aug 22nd 2019, fumes and smoke on board prompt evacuation
Prof. Scholz: An analysis of the sequence of events!
2019-08-05: Aviation Herald: Accident: British Airways A321 at Valencia on Aug 5th 2019, smoke on board
Text at The Independent, text archived.
2015-07-17: Aviation Herald: Accident: Spirit A319 at Boston on Jul 17th 2015, fumes on board, captain died 50 days later
[1] Global Cabin Air Quality Executive: Carbon Monoxide Database Collated on 345 BAe 146 Flights in UK, 2003-2004, 2006 (access difficult, but contact GCAQE for more information if you are desperate)
Feel free to report/share your findings. E.g. take a picture of your CO detector with its reading (maybe with a fume filled cabin in the background) and report about what happened to people during that flight. We may all learn from this collected information.
I have expressed the above view in my presentations and have been asked where inexpensive(!) CO detectors can be bought. Looking on the Internet myself, I discovered these links:
Inexpensive Instant CO Sensors:
UYIGAO UA6070 CO Detector (identical to KXL-801) --- Features: loud alarm
KXL-801 CO Detector (identical to UYIGAO UA6070) --- Video Test
KKmoon GM8805 CO Detector --- Features: data hold, alarm threshold can be set. Video Test. Manual (PDF)
AS8700A CO Detector --- Features: data hold
HT-530 CO Detector --- Features: clip to attach to clothes
KXL-601 Mini CO Detector (low budget device) --- User report: "very inaccurate", "not recommended"
Also this information is provided here; because I have been ask for it. Cabin crew members are increasingly concerned. Some already have a personal breathing mask in their carry-on baggage or intend to do so. By asking cabin crew members to consider to carry a breathing mask (in order to be prepared for a very unlikely event), I do NOT state that cabin air can be compared to the air after an attack with chemical weapons. What I argue is only this: A breathing mask (with a suitable filter) will protect people in "harsh environments". I do NOT consider the aircraft cabin such a "harsh environment". Therefore, a breathing mask will give sufficient protection in such cases where people have (claimed to) become ill in the aircraft cabin due to (potentially) contaminated cabin air. Employers have a legal duty to protect their employees. If employers do not act accordingly, cabin crew have the right to take measures themselves as deemed necessary.
Prof. Dr. Scholz
Aircraft Design and Systems Group (AERO)
Aeronautical Engineering
Department of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences