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Name | Thema | Aufgabenstellung | Typ der Arbeit | In-/Ausland * |
Anmeldedatum ** |
Abgabedatum *** |
Geheim | VH **** |
Marlis Krull | Equations for the Drag Polar of Selected Passenger Aircraft |
Drag polars are given in OBERT, Ed, 2009. Aerodynamic Design of Transport Aircraft. Delft, The Netherlands, IOS Press in Chapter 24
in the form of CD versus M with CL as parameter. This is in contrast to the Lilienthal polar given in the form auf of CL versus CD with M as parameter. See hier (Figure 2 and Figure 3). Obert 2009 gives polars for the
Project (Master) | Inland | SS2024 04.09.24 |
04.03.25 | nein | J |
Muhammed Ali Sarikaya, Ahmed Hasanovic |
NOx Emissions of the 50 Most Used Engines for Passenger Aircraft |
![]() |
Project (Master) | Inland | WS24/25 06.11.24 |
06.05.25 | nein | J |
Otero Arcos, Ivan | Evaluating the Persistence Factor for Aircraft Contrail Prediction | Aviation-induced cloudiness (due to contrails, persistent contrails and contrail cirrus) is responsible for about half of the warming effect of aviation (depending on the metric). We see contrails and contrail cirrus on the blue sky. We had already a closer look at the contrails in the sky with this project. See also http://library.ProfScholz.de. Many pictures of contrails got collected and data has been stored (it is all in a 6 GB zip-file), but most data is not yet evaluated. Depending on relative humidity and temperature a "Persistence Factor", R needs to be calculated. For contrails, we differentiate three groups, defined so far as: R < 0.5 no contrail, R = 0.5 ... 1.3 transient contrail, R > 1.3 persistent contrail. Your task is to evaluate collected data. You may also collect your own data in addition. Can you confirm the borders 0.5 and 1.3? | Project | Inland | WS24/25 14.11.24 |
14.05.25 | nein | J |
Felix Böhm | Typical Aerodynamic Coefficients - Unfit for Aircraft Comparison! | Aircraft can be compared at system level by evaluating their fuel consumption when flying a certain range, but the results also depend e.g. on aircraft weight and engine specific fuel consumption. This delutes matters, if we are interested in aerodynamic differences. It would be good to be able to compare aircraft purely at an aerodynamic level using their lift and drag coefficients, CL and CD, or their induced drag coefficients, CDi and Oswald factor, e, but these numbers will mostly yield misleading results, because they are based on a somewhat arbitrary wing (reference) areas. For a tail aft aircraft already many definitions exist to define a wing (reference) areas. Things become even more complicated when unconventional configurations are investigated. The only resource available to the aerodynamicist for evaluating and comparing different aircraft at an aerodynamic level is the glide ratio L/D (= CL/CD), because wing area cancels out. Your task is to show how "wrong" a comparison of aircraft (vehicles) can be, if it is based on CL, CD, CDi, and e. Show this in theory and with practical examples. In which way could a "standard reference area" be defined to limit confusion (page 7-3 to 7-5)? | Project (Master) | Inland | WS24/25 15.11.24 |
15.05.25 | nein | J |
Die folgenden Arbeiten wurden bereits ab- oder aufgegeben eine (vollständige) Aufarbeitung zur Veröffentlichung im Netz steht aber teilweise noch aus! | |||||||||
Name | Thema | Aufgabenstellung | Typ der Arbeit | In-/Ausland * |
Anmeldedatum ** |
Abgabedatum *** |
Geheim | Bew. ****** |
Pascal Mattausch | Environmental Labels in Aviation – Aircraft Label, Airline Label, Flight Label | ![]() |
Master Thesis | "Ausland" | SS23 11.04.23 Formblatt |
11.10.23 => 15.09.24 |
nein | N | |
Kevin Christopher Monroy Melosevich |
Design of a Hydrogen Near Zero Emission Passenger Aircraft | Requirements: 120 .. 200 pax, 2000 NM, cruise Mach number 0.78 (i.e. the reference are the A320 TLAR) Technology options (and combinations): Hydrogen turbofan or turboprop, hybrid with fuel cell and embedded electric motor (for boost or cruise). Fuel options: LH2 (new design), synthetic fuel (drop-in fuel). Design for different objectives (minimum of ...): DOC, fuel, primary energy, climate impact, environmental impact (climate & resources). Note: Zero emission (zero climate impact) is impossible. Burning hydrogen produces water and NOx. It is primarily NOT about "decarbonization". The major environmental effect depends on cruise altitude and Aviation Induced Cloudiness (AIC). Aviation has a water problem more than a CO2 problem. All considerations have to be based on a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and its "Single Score". |
Project | Inland | WS23/24 07.12.23 Formblatt |
07.06.24 | nein | J | |
Nils Lechner | Fuel-Optimum Cruise Speed for Jets |
Part 1: Re-evaluate the optimum speed of jets for maximum range (equivalent to minimum fuel)
and compare the result with the "classically" taught optimum aircraft speed of Vopt = 1.316 Vmd .
Consider Thrust-Specific Fuel Consucmption (TSFC) to follow c = ca V + cb and
D = A V 2 + B V -2.
determined the improved Vopt numerically with
Excel. Drag, D was calculated for feasible speeds, V and
that speed selected that gave maximum range. In contrast to this approach, start with an equation as derived
here. You would need to plot the function f(V) and
find the root f(V) = 0 of this polynomial. Part 2: Now you may want to extend the task by introducing a Mach-dependend Oswald Factor: e(M) = e(M=0) . ke,M(M). The equation for ke,M(M) is given here on page 5. The solution will most probably be numerical as shown in Bensel. |
Project | Inland | WS23/24 09.02.24 Formblatt |
09.08.24 | nein | J | |
David Losada Montraveta | Number of Seats Abreast in Passenger Aircraft Cabins |
The number of seats abreast, nSA in a passenger aircraft cabin is the number of people sitting next to each other (side by side) in one row.
Clearly, the number of seats abreast, nSA multiplied by the number of rows, nR
gives the number of seats (or max. number of passengers) in the cabin, nPAX.
Equation (6.1) from the
Lecture Notes,
Chapter 6 states
The derivation of this equation can be found here (PDF). The equation above assumes nR/nSA = 4.938. We would like to write the equation in more general form
Required is a larger statistic based on SeatGuru, from which nR/nSA and hence kSA can be determined for economy class (but maybe also for other classes) depending on type of aircraft (short-, medium, long-range), split of classes in the cabin (ratio of number of seats in each class, e.g. Business 28, Economy 138), ... In the end we will have determined a factor kSA, which is not just 0.45, but a value with more meaning that can be chosen according to circumstances. Basics are also explained in the "Aircraft Design" Lecture Notes in Chapter 6 Fuselage Design Figure 6.1. and in Contributions to Aircraft Preliminary Design and Optimization (Nita 2013), Chapter 3.2.1 with Figure 3.1. Extension: You may want to plot your statistical data from SeatGuru in a similar way as in these Figures. For the ratio fuselage length devided by fuselage width, i.e. fuselage slenderness ratio (λF) and/or alternatively for the ratio cabin length devided by and cabin width. Standard equations to estimate cabin length or fuselage length are given in Nita (2013) and in the lecture notes. Set up your database and your calculations in Excel. Methods from Nita (2013) are also available in Excel. |
Bachelor Thesis | Ausland | WS23/24 16.02.24 Formblatt |
05.07.24 (end of lectures) |
nein | J | |
Daniel Tejedor Rodriguez | Recalculating Drag Polars of Passenger Aircraft | The drag polar (Lilienthal polar) of passenger aircraft is considered an industry secret.
Nevertheless, some (full) polars (with Mach number dependancy) are out in the open.
E.g. the drag polar of the Boeing 737-800 is given here (page 17, left).
In our lectures
Flight Mechanics and
Aircraft Design
we use a method to construct a drag polar in the form CD = CD0 + ΔCD,w + CL2/(π A e).
Several documents (lecture note, memo) are in use to explain how this method works:
Master Thesis | Ausland | SS 24 18.03.24 Formblatt |
05.07.24 (end of lectures) |
nein | J | |
Pérez Jiménez, Francisco Javier | The Blaine Rawdon Factor in Aircraft Design |
![]() The Blaine Rawdon Factor is defined as
lv: vertical tail lever arm, γ: diheral angle, b: wing span, CL: lift coefficient of the aircraft. The Blaine Rawdon Factor shows if the aircraft is spirally unstable: B > 5 spirally stable B = 5 spirally neutral B < 5 spirally unstableMark Drela (MIT) explains here: B = EDA x (ver_tail_arm/span) / CL EDA: Equivalent Dihedral Angle CL is the typical CL (CL = 0.7) B = 2.0 - 5.0 (I like at least 3.0) [for an aircraft with ailerons]Surjeet Yadav, who reports about the Blaine Rawdon Factor, writes in view of RC planes: "Spiral stability is not a hard requirement, and most aircraft are in fact spirally unstable. Level flight is then ensured either by the pilot, or by a wing-levelling autopilot, provided the instability is slow enough. RC aircraft which can fly stably hands-off must be spirally stable, although a small amount of instability (B = 3…4, say) does not cause major difficulties for an experienced pilot." (https://surjeetyadav.wordpress.com/2014/01/22/74) Accordingly, to design a spirally stable aircraft, B = 5.5 (or another similar value) could be an option and the diheral angle can be calculated from
Compare this with the Aircraft Design lecture notes (PDF, page 7-35) and the thesis (PDF, 10 MB, Chapter 2.2.9). Try the Blaine Rawdon Factor on many passengers aircraft. Aircraft should be quite different (high / low wing, no sweep / much sweep, much or no dihedral / anhedral) The project "The 50 Most Important Parameters of the 60 Most Used Passenger Aircraft" will help you to find aircraft and parameters. Look also into the library to find the database directly in HTML and Excel. You may also need to consider large and fast military transport aircraft with high wing, sweep, and anhedral. Perform a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) about the Blaine Rawdon Factor, comment on the theory of the equation and summarize its usefulness based on the parameter study. You may also want to write a chapter about the originator of the equation Blaine Rawdon (https://www.linkedin.com/in/blaine-rawdon-57771587, https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/16-886-air-transportation-systems-architecting-spring-2004/afc7cd4280edbdfa91fd92907b6ec4e0_h07bkresumfornsf.pdf, https://www.jetzero.aero/company, http://goldfinger.utias.utoronto.ca/IWACC5/IWACC7/Page.pdf, ...) The extension to a thesis goes beyond a statistical investigation and looks into the lecture Flight Mechanics 2. Go to the lecture notes (user: student, PW: you know it). It would be possible to look at the denominator of the spiral mode (and roll subsidence) transfer function approximation, ΔSR. Please look here (page 23). The roots of this polynomial show the stability of the mode(s). The problme is "only" to find values for the stability derivatives. Also this is possible (follow the lecture notes). I can give you some derivaties for a start. Calculations in flight dynamics are easy with MATLAB. Eventually, you may want to provide also a small Excel table. Even more can be done. I suppose, the Blaine Rawdon Factor will show spiral stability irgnoring many of the aircraft parameters (wing sweep and wing position). Also the size of the vertical tail is important. A large tail can make an aircraft spirally unstable (statement has to be checked), but is needed for Dutch Roll damping. In the end we may be able to show our own simple design rules for the lateral dynamic stability of an aircraft. |
Master Thesis | Ausland | SS 24 02.04.24 Formblatt |
05.07.24 (end of lectures) |
nein | J | |
Bogdan Atanasoaie | Assessing ChatGPT 3.5 for Aeronautical Engineering Applications |
The rise of Natural Language Processing Models, especially ChatGPT has caused heated debate in academic circles, due to being able to produce answers that in many domains surpass those that students can give, while sometimes missing the mark by a wide margin.
The aim of this paper is to assess the reliability, accuracy and truthfulness of these tools in regard to aeronautical engineering questions.
To this end, a classification and evaluation scheme has been devised, in order to numerically assess the viability of using currently available models for questions in regard to several disciplines of aircraft design and engineering.
Questions will be assigned one of three tiers: The answers will then be assessed based on their quality by comparison with literature, using, in the case of the first two tiers, a weighted average of the qualitative components described above. For the third tier, the deviation from the reference value will be used for assessment. The qualitative values Q of the questions will be compared in between tiers and domains to achieve an overview of where the models can be used with a high degree of confidence and where they may fall short of expectations. |
Project | Inland | WS23/24 12.12.23 Formblatt |
26.07.24 | nein | J | |
Arion Tahiraj | Typical Aerodynamic Coefficients - Unfit for Aircraft Comparison! | Aircraft can be compared at system level by evaluating their fuel consumption when flying a certain range, but the results also depend e.g. on aircraft weight and engine specific fuel consumption. This delutes matters, if we are interested in aerodynamic differences. It would be good to be able to compare aircraft purely at an aerodynamic level using their lift and drag coefficients, CL and CD, or their induced drag coefficients, CDi and Oswald factor, e, but these numbers will mostly yield misleading results, because they are based on a somewhat arbitrary wing (reference) areas. For a tail aft aircraft already many definitions exist to define a wing (reference) areas. Things become even more complicated when unconventional configurations are investigated. The only resource available to the aerodynamicist for evaluating and comparing different aircraft at an aerodynamic level is the glide ratio L/D (= CL/CD), because wing area cancels out. Your task is to show how "wrong" a comparison of aircraft (vehicles) can be, if it is based on CL, CD, CDi, and e. Show this in theory and with practical examples. In which way could a "standard reference area" be defined to limit confusion (page 7-3 to 7-5)? | Project | Inland | WS23/24 21.12.23 Formblatt |
21.06.24 | nein | J | |
Finn Briegert | Aircraft Contrails - Observation and Prediction | ![]() To get all required data requires a "GOLD subscription" and yields: GPS altitude, TAS, IAS, M, T (outside temperature), vertical speed (probably zero), aircraft type, airline. Also calculate T from a = V/M, a = a0θ1/2 and θ = T/T0. Compare with given temperature and with ICAO temperature at GPS altitude to give ΔT. Calculate pressure at altitude (accounting for ΔT). |
Project, Bachelor | Inland | SS23 06.04.23 Formblatt |
06.11.23 V | nein | J | |
Danny Steeven Sarmiento Beltran |
From CAS to EAS – Calculating and Plotting the Compressibility Correction Chart | ![]() |
Bachelor Thesis | Ausland | SS23 26.06.23 Formblatt |
31.03.24 | nein | J | |
Christian Rösing | Design of a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered Long-Endurance Drone for Wildfire Detection |
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Bachelor Thesis | Inland | WS23/24 16.09.23 |
16.12.23 | nein | J | |
Amritpal Singh | Digital Publishing in Engineering Research and Development |
As an individual in a company or as part of the international science community the need arises to communicate/disseminate your work results among your peers.
Today the communication and/or dissemination will primarily be digital, but in most cases still traditionally based on writing.
Other means of digital communication (voice, graphical, video, data centered) are possible, but not the main focus of this task.
A company would have (hopefully) defined its product centered communication strategies and standards.
Information will primarily be pushed through the organization as need to know requires.
Corporate research results are archived and kept secret, protected by patents, or shared with the international science community.
In the international science community, the information is rather pulled by researchers in literature reviews.
For this reason, researchers make their results publically available in established databases and/or
consider alternative means of dissemination through the Internet.
The project gives an overview of the various modern digital publishing concepts and provides students with a hands-on experience
ranging from scientific writing to publishing strategies for their own career development, be it in industry or academia.
A proposed Table of Contents is already available. Your task is quite simple. You start writing from the first day. Based on the (mostly) Wikipedia articles given in the Table of Contents above you will find your way through the information presented on the Internet. As such, you will produce a report giving an introduction to all major aspects of "Digital Publishing in Engineering Research and Development". |
Project, Bachelor | Inland | WS22/23 09.02.23 Formblatt |
09.08.23 (wegen Praktikum: 26.05.23) | nein | J | |
Andrea Adrada Martínez-Flórez |
Fuselage Tank Location Trade-Off for Passenger Aircraft Powered with Liquid Hydrogen | ![]() |
Master Thesis | Ausland | WS22/23 21.02.23 Formblatt |
21.08.23 (better: end of semester) | nein | J | |
Anton Lehmann | Calculating Parameters for the Double Trapezoidal Wing | A double trapezoidal wing, i.e. a wing with a kink, becomes necessary for the integration of a wing mounted landing gear (and has several other advantages). The wing is where the center of gravity (CG) is located and the main landing gear needs to be positioned aft of the CG. If in this situation it is decided to attach the landing gear to the wing, a strong structural member (an additional inboard rear spar further aft) is needed for landing gear attachment. This additional rear spar needs to be integrated into the wing planform and leads to a "Yehudi". For "Yehudi" compare with Mason, Lissys, and Leeham. Once optimum parameters are found for the trapezoidal wing, the database needs to be extended to include also all parameters to describe the double trapezoidal wing. This has been programed in Excel in OpenVSP-Connect (http://openvsp.profscholz.de) and is described in Ramachandran 2017. However missing is a) a small separate Excel table for double trapezoidal wing layout, parameter calculation, and planform visualization, b) a simple explanation of the iterative(?) nature of this calculation. The project should also include a systematic literature review of the "Yehudi". | Project | Inland | SS23 02.05.23 Formblatt |
02.11.23 | nein | J | |
Marius Kühn | Fuel Consumption of the 50 Most Used Passenger Aircraft | ![]() |
Project, Bachelor | Inland | SS23 05.04.23 Formblatt |
05.10.23 | nein | J | |
Tobias Albrecht | Design of a Modern Passenger Aircraft with Diesel-Engine and Propeller | ![]() |
Project, Master | Inland | SS23 07.04.23 Formblatt |
07.10.23 | nein | J | |
Maruxa Bayón Fernández |
Flow Visualization with the CFD Tool VSPAero |
VSPAero includes a Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) and a Panel Method.
The Panel Method is based on linear potential flow theory and represents thickness via panels on the aircraft's surface.
Continue in the foot steps of another student with his thesis titled
Software Testing: VSPAERO.
Show, how VSPAero especially with its Panel Method can be used to visualize the flow around propeller and jet passenger aircraft.
Make use of actuator disks for aero-propulsive analysis.
VSPAero is integrated into OpenVSP and is included in its download: http://openvsp.org/download.php. More related links at OpenVSP: http://www.openvsp.org/wiki/doku.php?id=vspaerotutorial http://www.openvsp.org/wiki/doku.php?id=vspaeromodeling https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/openvsp/9UP6htxR6YI |
Master Thesis | Ausland | SS23 12.03.23 Formblatt |
12.09.23 (better: end of semester) | nein | J | |
Houssein Mahfouz | Einfacher Fügelentwurf optimiert hinsichtlich Masse und Widerstand | ![]() |
Master Thesis | Inland | SS23 30.05.23 Formblatt/PAV |
30.11.23 | nein | J | |
Ahmet Basaran | Using ChatGPT in Aeronautical Engineering for Project Work and Theses - Opportunities, Limitations, and Detection of Unauthorized Use |
Objective: The objective of this project is to investigate the opportunities and limitations of using ChatGPT, a large language model, in aeronautical engineering project work and theses. The project will focus on identifying the potential benefits and challenges of using ChatGPT for various tasks in aeronautical engineering and also explore methods for detecting unauthorized use of ChatGPT in student work.
Expected outcomes: This task was generated with ChatGPT from "Write a task for university project work on 'Using ChatGPT in Aeronautical Engineering for Project Work and Theses - Opportunities and Limitations'. Include also the aspects of checks (detection) of unauthorized use of ChatGPT in student's work". You are allowed(!) to use ChatGPT to produce your report (this is why the task is marked "easy-going"). We may decide to modifiy the task from ChatGPT's proposal. We decided to include aspects of Debunking Aeronautical Engineering Myths. Please consider: 5 Free Tools For Detecting ChatGPT. |
Project, Bachelor | Inland | SS23 29.03.23 Formblatt |
29.09.23 | nein | J | |
Pierpaolo Marangon | Analytical Balanced Field Length Calculation | Calculation of the Balanced Field Length (BFL) traditionally involves a numerical calculation, where the various forces are evaluated as a function of speed, using a step-wise integration and an estimate for V1. The process is iterated with different values for the engine failure speed until the accelerate-stop and accelerate-go distances are equal. Dennis Lucht wrote a thesis: Numerical and Analytical Takeoff Field Length Calculations for Jet Aircraft. He performs a numeric integration with MATLAB (Chapter 5.2.4) to obtain BFL. The equations are also listed in the MATLAB m-files. Instead of using MATLAB with the function "ode45", now BFL is calculated with an equation obtained from solving the integral of the equation of motion. This is explained in Chapter 5.2.3. As such, all equations from Lucht can be inserted into Excel. A spread sheet with a friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) should be produced to allow eays and accurated BFL calculation. Instead of using the Oswald factor (span efficiency factor) from Howe (Chapter 2.4, Equation 2.38), the method from Nita 2012 should be included into Excel. See also here. Apply your Excel-Table to the Airbus A320 and A340 and compare your results with those from Lucht. A comparison with Take-Off Filed Length (TOFL) values from Airbus should also be included. | Bachelor Thesis | Ausland | WS22/23 21.02.23 Formblatt |
21.08.23 (better: end of semester) | nein | J | |
Houssein Mahfouz | Vergleich des Kraftstoffverbrauchs von Strahltriebwerken und Propellertriebwerken |
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Projekt, Master | Inland | WS22/23 21.02.23 Formblatt |
21.08.23 | nein | J | |
Madina Sultani | From CAS to EAS – Calculating and Plotting the Compressibility Correction Chart |
The FM-Script from Trevor Young has all necessary equations.
It is supplemented by Unterlagen zur Vorlesung Flugmechanik 1.
Task is to produce a plot of the Compressibility Correction Chart.
ΔVC = VC – VE.
VC is the input value (x axis).
VE is calculated from [1.4-20] (from page 25) with δ = f(h) from "Equations for the International Standard Atmosphere".
h is taken as parameter producing the various curves in the Compressibility Correction Chart.
See also Example 1.3 in the FM-Script from Trevor Young and consider
ΔVC = VC – VE.
Plotting can be done with
More difficult to produce is the Compressibility Correction Chart with Mach number, M as parameter producing the various curves. This is the way forward: ΔVC is calculated with [1.4-20] (from page 24) as function of M. Nondimensional pressure, δ is calculated from δ = (1 + 0.2 M2)-3.5. This equation is [1.4-15] (page 23). VC as value for the x-axis is obtained from VC = ΔVC + M a0 δ1/2. Again: δ = (1 + 0.2 M2)-3.5. Here values for the x-axis and the y-axis are calculated, stored in a file and introduced into the plot from the file. Again, gnuplot can be used.
The report should give an introduction into the topic similar to the section "Calibrated Airspeed"
from FM-Script by Trevor Young.
It should show the derivation of the equation used to produce the plot.
A literature review should point to other publications, in which the production of the Compressibility Correction Chart is explained.
One such example is Walter Bislin.
Please note also the contribution of Dennis Lucht and his check of the rule of thumb (ROT) based on two equations: |
Project, Bachelor | Inland | WS22/23 05.12.22 Helios |
05.06.23 | nein | J | |
Delgado Da Cruz, José Manuel and Hatzetheodorou, Alexandros |
NOx Emissions of the 50 Most Used Engines for Passenger Aircraft |
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Project, Master | Inland | WS22/23 21.11.22 Helios |
21.05.23 | nein | J | |
Putri, Dinda Andiani | Comparing Modes of Transportation with an Improved Kármán-Gabrielli Diagram |
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Bachelor Thesis | Inland | WS22/23 20.01.23 PAV |
20.04.23 | nein | J | |
Suna Arslan | Calculating the Wing Lift Distribution with the Diederich Method in Microsoft Excel | Das Thema ist bereits bearbeitet als "Die Diederich-Methode zur Berechnung der Auftriebsverteilung am Tragflügel in Microsoft Excel".
Es geht lediglich darum,
http://diederich.ProfScholz.de Schnoor, M.: "Die Diederich-Methode zur Berechnung der Auftriebsverteilung am Tragflügel in Microsoft Excel" |
Project, Bachelor | Inland | WS22/23 13.10.22 Helios |
13.04.23 | nein | J | |
Mohamed Kamel Haddar | Calculating Parameters for the Double Trapezoidal Wing | A double trapezoidal wing, i.e. a wing with a kink, becomes necessary for the integration of a wing mounted landing gear (and has several other advantages). The wing is where the center of gravity (CG) is located and the main landing gear needs to be positioned aft of the CG. If in this situation it is decided to attach the landing gear to the wing, a strong structural member (an additional inboard rear spar further aft) is needed for landing gear attachment. This additional rear spar needs to be integrated into the wing planform and leads to a "Yehudi". For "Yehudi" compare with Mason, Lissys, and Leeham. Once optimum parameters are found for the trapezoidal wing, the database needs to be extended to include also all parameters to describe the double trapezoidal wing. This has been programed in Excel in OpenVSP-Connect (http://openvsp.profscholz.de) and is described in Ramachandran 2017. However missing is a) a small separate Excel table for double trapezoidal wing layout, parameter calculation, and planform visualization, b) a simple explanation of the iterative(?) nature of this calculation. The project should also include a systematic literature review of the "Yehudi". | Project, Master | Inland | WS22/23 23.09.22 Helios |
23.03.23 | nein | J | |
Ehsan Bazldost | Calculating Aircraft Utilization | ![]() | Project, Master | Inland | SS22 06.07.22 Helios |
06.01.23 | nein | J | |
Dennis Camilo | Comparing Aircraft Wake Turbulence Categories with Induced Power Calculation | ![]() |
Master Thesis | Inland | SS22 01.07.22 Helios |
01.01.23 | nein | J | |
Mohannad Chamas | Conceptual Aircraft Design Using CEASIOMpy |
CEASIOMpy is a conceptual aircraft design environment. CEASIOMpy can be used to set up complex design and optimization workflows, both for conventional and unconventional configurations. Tools for various disciplines in aircraft design are provided, amongst others:
aerodynamics, weight and balance, flight mechanics, structures, aeroelasticity. Please find details here: |
Master Thesis | Ausland | SS21 27.05.21 Helios |
27.11.21 | nein | J | |
Martin Gollnow | Passenger Aircraft towards Zero Emission with Hydrogen and Fuel Cells |
![]() Requirements: 120 .. 200 pax, 2000 NM, cruise Mach number 0.78 (i.e. the reference are the A320 TLAR). Technology: Fuel cell. Fuel: LH2. Is the design feasible? Design for different objectives (minimum of ...): DOC, fuel, primary energy, climate impact, environmental impact (climate & resources). The major environmental effect depends on cruise altitude and Aviation Induced Cloudiness (AIC). Can the water be collected in a tank and transported down? Can the water be transformed into ice cubes that are discarded over board? |
Project, Bachelor | Inland | SS22 16.05.22 Helios |
16.11.22 | Ja | J | |
Schaugar Gulani | Proposing a Classification for Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Aerospace Sciences | ![]() |
Bachelor Thesis | Inland | SS22 01.07.22 Helios |
V 06.10.22 | nein | N | |
Wisnu Putra | Optimization and Visualization in Passenger Aircraft Design with the Excel Solver and OpenVSP | ![]() |
Bachelor Thesis | Inland | SS22 24.06.22 Helios |
24.09.22 | nein | J | |
John Singh Cheema | Ansätze für das Einführen effizienter Messsysteme zur Bestimmung der Dicke galvanischer Schichtsysteme auf Werkstücken in der Oberflächentechnik |
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Master Thesis | Inland | SS22 23.03.22 Helios |
22.09.22 | ja | J | |
Salar Ali | Digital Publishing in Engineering Research & Development |
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Bachelor Thesis | Inland | SS22 09.05.22 Helios |
09.08.22 | nein | J | |
Christian Rösing | Application of the Trip Emission Ecolabel |
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Project, Bachelor | Inland | WS21/22 30.01.22 Helios |
30.07.22 | nein | J | |
Antonio Martínez Cano | Fuselage Tank Location Trade-Off for Passenger Aircraft Powered with Liquid Hydrogen | It seems to be advantageous, to store Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) in future passenger aircraft in the fuselage and to make the fuselage longer according to the required fuel volume. Two solutions are possible: 1.) a balanced aircraft configuration with one tank in the back of the fuselage and on tank aft of the cockpit, 2.) a less well balanced aircraft configuration (page 6) with two tanks (for reduncancy) both in the back of the fuselage . In solution 1.) the integration of the forward tank outside of the pressure cabin (for safety reasons) is difficult. Show solutions how this could be done. Estimate the increase in mass due to additional pressure bulk heads and similar additions related to the baseline. How does this translate to increased fuel consumption? In solution 2.) the shift in CG location will be larger. Start with a simple calculation to show the CG shift from full to empty tank expressed in percent MAC. Look at the chapter Empennage Sizing from the Aircraft Design lecture notes. Estimate by what percentage the horizontal tail will be larger on a less well balanced aircraft configuration (2) related to the baseline. How does this translate to mass and drag increase (and L/D reduction)? How does this translate to increased fuel consumption? Calculate with an Excel Table. Keep your calculations general, so that it is based on a set of input parameters. What is the better solution (1) or (2)? | Master Thesis | Ausland | SS22 01.04.22 Helios |
30.07.22 | nein | J | |
Malte Lewerentz-Prohn | Fuel Consumption of the 50 Most Used Passenger Aircraft | Fuel consumption of passenger aircraft is certainly known, but for the public it is considered an industry secret. Not for us. Define fuel consumption of passenger aircraft. List and explain all public sources from which aircaft fuel consumption can be obtained directly or indirectly. I will guide you and show you the "secrets". Take the 50 most used passenger aircraft and list their fuel consumption in Excel and HTML on the WWW. Write your project report. | Project, Master | Inland | WS21/22 11.01.22 Helios |
11.07.22 | nein | J | |
Sebastian Hirsch | The 50 Most Important Parameters of the 60 Most Used Passenger Aircraft |
![]() |
Project, Master | Inland | WS21/22 16.10.21 Helios |
V 04.07.22 | nein | J | |
Dennis Lucht | Numerical and Analytical Takeoff Field Length Calculations for Jet Aircraft |
![]() |
Bachelor Thesis | Inland | SS22 15.03.22 Helios |
15.06.22 | nein | J | |
Marlis Krull | Preliminary Sizing of Propeller Aircraft (Part 25) |
![]() |
Project | Inland | WS21/22 29.10.21 Helios |
29.04.22 | nein | J | |
Shirin Salehi | Comparing Modes of Transportation with an Improved Kármán–Gabrielli Diagram |
The start of the considerations is: GABRIELLI, G., von KARMAN, Th., 1950: What price speed? Specific power required for propulsion of vehicles. Mechanical Engineering, vol. 72 (1950), no.10, pp. 775-781. Available from: https://perma.cc/5FZH-YGTR Three parameters are collected for each mode of tranportation: total weight (W), max. power (P) and max. speed (V). P/(W*V) is called "specific power". The idea was revisited in 2005 (https://perma.cc/43XQ-BJRW). Now P/(W*V) is called "specific resistance". The concept is discussed further e.g. on Wikipedia. Now the inverse is used: (W*V)/P = W/D = L/D, with lift (L) and drag (D) we get the well know glide ratio (L over D). In this new way, the "Kármán Gabrielli Diagram" (KG Diagram) may be plotted like this. Moreover, P/(W*V) with V=s/t can also be understood as a proxy of (P*t)/(s*W) can be understood as fuel consumption per weight. The plot shows a technology limit. Specific resistance is proportional to speed. This means, we have to pay for speed. This is the answer to the original question: "What price speed". But for the same speed some modes of transportation are better than others. Which modes of transportation are better in general? Which in aviation? Task is to look at the critique of the KG Diagram:
Ways to overcome the KG simplifications should be proposed as well as applied and the results should be discussed. |
Project | Inland | WS21/22 16.10.21 Helios |
16.04.22 | nein | J | |
Philipp Gmelin | Signal Transmission between Electrical Components in Microlight Aircraft | ![]() |
Bachelor Thesis | Inland | WS21/22 29.11.21 Helios |
01.03.22 | nein | J | |
David Delgado del Río | Revealing the Technical Secrets of the 40 Most Used Passenger Aircraft with Reverse Engineering | Am Excel-File is available with a program that facilitates to reverse engineer aircraft (at the level of aircraft design). The program was the outcome of a Master Thesis. The program is well documented. A big secret of an engine manufacturer is the Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) of the jet engine. A big secret of an aircraft manufacturer is the aerodynamic efficiency expressed by the maximum ratio of lift over drag (L/D)_max. Another secret of the aircraft manufacturer is the maximum lift coefficient of the aircraft. We want to offer the aircraft design community a very good assumption of mainly these three parameters (and some "byproducts"). The 40 most used passenger aircraft types together serve over 90% of all the passenger flights in the world. | Master Thesis | Ausland | SS20 31.05.20 Helios |
31.08.20 | nein | J | |
Niklas Brüge, Felix Kranich | Estimation of an Aircraft's Effective Perceived Noise Level from Its Basic Parameters | A realistic simulation of aircraft noise during take-off and landing is impossible with simple methods. Nevertheless, simple methods are needed in preliminary aircraft design, if aircraft parameters should be optimized early on - also to the benefit of designing a low(er) noise aircraft. A suitable approach is, to estimate Effective Perceived Noise Levels based on established correlations between basic aircraft parameters and the aircraft's noise level. Proposals can be found in the literature (here and here). Task is to make a literature review to get an overview of such methods, select a simple method and build a spreadsheet (Excel) with which the selected method can be used with ease. | Master Project | Inland | WS20/21 03.10.20 In Helios: SS20 |
15.05.21 V | nein | J | |
Philipp Gmelin | Requirements from National Regulations for Microlight Aircraft and Statistical Parameters for Preliminary Sizing | ![]() |
Project | Inland | WS20/21 27.10.20 Helios |
27.04.21 | nein | J | |
Taner Ayan | Analyse der Liegezeiten von Passagierflugzeugen nach Fume Events mittels Flugverfolgung | Fume Events präziser Cabin Air Contamination Events (CACE) sind Ereignisse bei denen die Kabinenluft von Passagierflugzeugen kontaminiert wird. In schweren Fällen ist die Kabine durch Rauch (fumes) erfüllt. Die Kontamination kann durch giftige Stoffe aus dem Triebwerksöl verursacht sein. Dadurch können Besatzung und Passagiere kurzfristige und chronische Gesundheitsschäden erleiden. Die Kontamination der Kabinenluft kann zur Flugunfähigkeit der Piloten führen und stellt dadurch eine Gefahr für die Flugsicherheit dar. Flugzeughersteller haben Anweisungen herausgegeben, wie ein Flugzeug nach einem Fume Event zu reinigen sei. Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist, eine Liste mit aktuellen Fume Events zu erstellen, die entsprechenden Flüge mit Onlinediensten zur Flugverfolung zu identifizieren, die Dauer einer eventuellen sich anschließenden Liegezeit zu erfassen und diese mit den Reinigungsanweisungen zu vergleichen. | Projekt | Inland | WS19/20 21.10.19 Helios |
21.04.20 | nein | J | |
Dennis Tietke | Comparison of Potential Oil Leakage of Jet Engines - Evaluation of Design Parameters | Cabin Air Contamination (details here) is caused by leakage through the seals of jet engines. Jet engines have heavy shafts supported by bearings. They are lubricated and sealed. These seals leak small amounts of oil by design. The leackage related concentration of hydrocarbons in the cabin depends not only on the amount of oil leaving the seals, but also on a set of engine and aircraft parameters, because not all of the oil can reach the cabin. The parameters are combined in one simple equation. We look at a number of dominant jet aircraft and their engines in order to calculate the cabin air contamination potential. A comparison may reveal aircraft-engine-combinations more prone to cabin air contamination than others based already on external design parameters. | Project | Inland | WS19-20 25.09.19 Helios |
25.03.20 | nein | J | |
Tim Maximilian Jansen | Analysis of Data from FlightRadar24.com for Aircraft Design and Performance | Based on FlightRadar24 Data Services (example: A350 from Vienna to Taipei), flight data should be analysed to learn about (e.g.) cruise speed (TAS) and flight altitude, step climbs, initial cruise altitude, taxi time, holding time with altitude and speed, ... Comparison of aircraft, ... | Project | Inland | WS19/20 25.09.19 Helios |
25.03.20 | nein | J | |
Nicolai Lützen, Amine Bahrani |
Aerodynamic Investigation of C-Wings with Tornado | Tornado is a vortex lattice method implemented in Matlab. It is used here to calculate the lift distribution especially on the upper horizontal part of the C-wing to understand the concept. Tornado is also used to calculate the induced drag of C-wings of different shapes (in comparison to the reference wing without a wing tip device). Aim is to confirm or correct the handbook method as given in the paper Estimating the Oswald Factor from Basic Aircraft Geometrical Parameters. | Project | Inland | WS16/17 09.10.16/26.10.16 Helios |
V 12.07.17 | nein | J | |
David Schubert | Wirtschaftlichkeit eines Airbus A380 mit neuen Triebwerken | Airbus considers launching an A380neo. With a classical design study, we look at how parameters will match up. | Project | Inland | WS16/17 22.09.16 Helios |
V 22.05.17 | nein | J | |
Rachna Harsh | Creating Interactive Elements for an "Aircraft Design" "Open Educational Resource" (OER) | This is the Aircraft Design OER.
It includes this interactive element
Task was to design more interactive elements for the Aircraft Design OER with H5P like
personality-quiz or questionnaire (to let user design aircraft),
true-false or maybe even an
Idea: Activate students with design activities and interactive questions so that learning is even more fun.
The results of this project can now be found here. |
Bachelor Thesis | Ausland | SS17 20.03.17 Helios E-Mail, FSB |
03.09.17 | nein | J | |
Peter Löwen, Marco Krause |
Publishing a Dataset with Aircraft Parameters in a Data Repository | Research data should be stored in a data repository. See also this picture. We will look at various repositories like the Harvard Dataverse Network. We will then accumulate aircraft data from many sources on the Internet. On such source is Jenkinson's Dataset. Eventually we will make our dataset available to the world in a professional way according to current standards. | Team Project | Inland | Krause: WS15/16 ??.??.?? Helios Löwen: |
27.03.17 | nein | J | |
Lennart Hildebrandt, Nemo Juchmann |
Analyse der Flugdynamik in den Flugsimulatoren FSX und X-Plane | Vergleich von realen flugdynamischen Eigenschaften ausgewählter Flugzeugmuster (selbst erflogen oder aus Tabellen) mit den aus herkömmlichen Flugsimulatoren (FSX, X-Plane 10) erflogenen Eigenschaften. Dies soll erste Hinweise geben auf die Güte dieser Flugsimulatoren. | Projekt im Team | Inland | SS16 05./06.04.16 Helios |
V: 24.11.16 | nein | J | |
Alexander Broer | Verbesserung des aerodynamischen Modells zur Berechnung von Böenlasten auf Passagierflugzeuge | Bestandteil der BA | Bachelor Arbeit | Inland | SS16 22.06.16 E-Mail, FSB |
10.09.16 | ja | J | |
Kevin Catrysse | Cruise Speed Reduction (CSR) - Aerodynamic, Flight Mechanic, and Economic Effects | I have explained the basics here. Various of our studies show also Direct Operating Costs (DOC) reduction due to CSR. See how an optimized A320 could benefit in this dissertation. See also our publications about the slow flying Smart Turboprop: here and here. Authors looked also with more detail at the effects caused by CSR applied in the air transportation network e.g. here. Task is to make a full Internet review of CSR and to put all the arguments for and against CSR in a concise and logical sequence. | Master Thesis | Ausland | SS16 17.03.16 Helios |
SS16 | nein | J | |
Clara Simón García | Aircraft Simulation and Analysis with HOPSAN-NG | The simulation program HOPSAN in its new version (HOPSAN-NG) allows a wide range of simulations from the aircraft hydraulic system, via aircraft dynamics up to the simulation of a whole aircraft mission based on pre-defined way points. According to the developers (who will support us) this should allow an evaluation of the aircraft including its fuel consumption and many more other details. The task is to verify this claim and to judge HOPSAN for its suitability as an analysis tool in aircraft design. | Bachelor Thesis | Ausland | SS16 17.03.16 Helios |
SS16 | nein | J | |
Mia Eder | G. Corning's Airplane Design Methodology | As early as 1953 Gerald Corning, professor at the University of Maryland, devised a method for his students for the layout of subsonic passenger aircraft. Starting from requirements and ending at Direct Operating Costs. The method is given in his book Supersonic and subsonic airplane design (published by the author, in 1953 and 1960) in Chapter II. Task is to put the method in a clear and easy understandable sequence, to update some of the parameters to current technology levels, and to make the method available in form of a spreadsheet. | Project | Inland | --- | --- | nein | J | |
Karim Drews | Bulk or Containerized Loading of Narrow-Body and Wide-Body Aircraft - What to Prefer? | Airlines have the choice if they want to use container to load baggage or if suitcases are stored one by one in the cargo compartment. Cargo is mostly loaded in container. Smaller aircraft do not offer containerized loading. MD90 and Dash8 aircraft may operate with bulk baggage container. Wide-body aircraft use mostly the LD-3 type container. The narrow-body Airbus A320 can accommodate LD-3 container with reduced height. Hence some interline compatibility is offered between narrow- and wide-body aircraft. Container allow a quicker turn around of the aircraft leading to a higher utilization and potentially reducing Direct Operation Costs (DOC). Nevertheless, container add weight that reduces payload. Container require additional investment leading to depreciation and additional costs. In the end the preferred choice is a trade-off between depreciation, payload, and turn around time respectively turn around costs. See also: SKYbrary. This task may lead to an exchange of ideas with Etihad Airways. | Project | Inland | --- | --- | nein | J | |
Johann Metzger | Analyse des Sinkfluges von Germanwings 4U9525 | I started with calculations of the Airbus A320's flight based only on a few points in time during the descent. A more detailed calculation will include more time steps, investigate more parameters (wind speed), and put everything in a comprehensive table. This table will be based on elementary data from FlightRadar24 or other available data at the time of writing. It will calculate depending parameters and compare these with published data. The result will be a set of parameters consistently describing the descent of 4U9525 also including parameters of the aircraft's aerodynamics and flight modes according to the autopilot logic and Fly-by-Wire flight control laws. | Projekt | Inland | --- | --- | nein | J | |
Aqib Khan | Fuel Consumption during Extreme Long and Short Flights | The average fuel consumption expressed in kg/100 km is relatively high for very long flights, but also for very short flights. Plotting fuel consumption versus flight distance we expect to get a typical "bath tub curve". This curve should be analyzed and discussed. | Bachelor Thesis | Ausland | SS15 26.06.15? E-Mail, Korn |
07/2015 | nein | J | |
Deepam Mishra | Using OpenVSP for Aircraft Design | OpenVSP is a tool from NASA. Task is to check OpenVSP Version 3.0 for new features and compatibility with OpenVSP Version 2.0. Advanced features should be used in trials as far as possible. | Bachelor Thesis | Ausland | SS15 26.06.15? E-Mail, Korn |
07/2015 | nein | J | |
Raghu Nandan Singh | Optimization of Very Light Aircraft (VLA) | Summarize requirements for these aircraft form certification standards as they influence prelimianry aircraft design. Select an example aircraft from this class and optimize its design by modifying already existing software from the project SAS. | Master Thesis | Ausland | SS15 24.06.15 E-Mail, Korn |
07/2015 | nein | J | |
Ramachandran Karunanidhi | Aviation Fuel for the Future - Methane Hydrate | Possibilities of using methane hydrate as the source of energy for air transportation. | Project | Ausland | WS14/15 11/2014 Helios |
05/2015 | nein | J | |
Tom Alisch | Alternativen zur Hilfsgasturbine (APU) | Die Option ohne APU zu fliegen generiert Vorteile beim Flugzeuggewicht und den Wartungskosten des Systems. Es bedeutet aber gleichfalls eine gesteigerte Abhängigkeit der Bodenversorgung mit Sekundärenergie. | Projekt | Inland | WS14/15 21.10.14 Helios |
21.04.15 | nein | J | |
Hairul Nahar Bin Nasir | Empennage Sizing with the Tail Volume Coefficient - Basic Statistics | Projektbericht wurde nicht abgegeben. | Projekt | Ausland | WS14/15 18.11.14 E-Mail, Korn |
18.05.15 | nein | J | |
Sayin, Aytac | Empennage Sizing with the Tail Volume Coefficient - Basic Statistics | Projektbericht wurde nicht abgegeben. | Projekt | Ausland | WS14/15 19.11.2014 E-Mail, Korn |
19.05.15 | nein | J | |
Muhamad Shafeez Shaharan | Interactive Cabin and Fuselage Layout with PreSTo | ![]() |
Bachelor Thesis | Inland | WS14/15 23.10.2014 Helios |
23.01.15 | nein | J | |
Joshua Brechlin | Induced Drag of Box Wing Aircraft - Variation of Aspect Ratio, Sweep and Taper Ratio | Projektbericht wurde nicht abgegeben. | Projekt | Inland | WS13/14 03.12.13 |
11.07.14 V | nein | J | |
Veselin Pavlov | Aircraft 3D-Modeling with OpenVSP-Connect | NASA offers the tool Open Vehicle Sketch Pad (OpenVSP). OpenVSP-Connect from AERO at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences Hamburg is an interface tool between any Excel based aircraft design tool and OpenVSP. OpenVSP-Connect is an Excel based tool which uses Visual Basic Macros. It needs 46 aircraft (geometry) parameters in order to provide a 3D visualization of a designed aircraft. The software never asks for a parameter without suggesting one first or giving a value by default. First objective is to improve OpenVSP-Connect such that it can be used as a self-contained tool which estimates all necessary 46 parameters from an hand full of requirements to visualize an aircraft. Second objective is to show how to incorporate OpenVSP-Connect in any already existing tool chain. In this way OpenVSP-Connect should also provide the missing link between any other aircraft design tool made by the AERO, i.e. Aircraft Preliminary Sizing Tool (PreSTo) and OpenVSP. | Project | Ausland | SS14 05.05.14 Helios |
11.07.14 | nein | J | |
Maxime van Loo | Aircraft Wing Design with the Open Software PreSTo | ![]() |
Master Thesis | Ausland | SS14 19.06.14 E-Mail, Korn |
11.07.14 | nein | J | |
Johan Peterson | An Optional APU for Passenger Aircraft | ![]() |
Project | Ausland | SS14 19.06.14 E-Mail, Korn |
11.07.14 | nein | J | |
Sowmya Thyagarajan | Mass Estimation with the LTH/DLR-Method | The German Aerospace Center (DLR) has published a simple, parametric method in the German Aeronautical Handbook (Luftfahrt Technisches Handbuch - LTH) to estimate the mass of major aircraft components. The method is called:
"Large Civil Jet Transport (MTOM > 40t), Statistical Mass Estimation, MA401". The project compares the method with the one given in "Torenbeek" with respect to approach and accuracy.
Paper written from this project work at HAW Hamburg: http://www.ijemr.net/DOC/AircraftMassEstimationMethods(170-178).pdf. Archived at: https://perma.cc/PEN6-Z545. |
Project | Ausland | SS14 19.06.14 E-Mail, Korn |
11.07.14 | nein | J | |
Zubin Mistry | Aircraft Design with VAMPzero | Comment on the theory of the method and work an example. Download from http://vampzero.sourceforge.net | Project | Ausland | SS14 19.06.14 E-Mail, Korn |
07.07.14 | nein | J | |
Elena García Llorente | Conceptual Design Optimization of Passenger Box Wing Aircraft in Biplane Layout | ![]() |
Master Thesis | Ausland | WS13/14 01.10.13 E-Mail, Korn |
17.02.14 | nein | J | |
Mia Eder | Parabelflüge mit Kleinflugzeugen | ![]() |
Projekt | Inland | SS13 27.03.13 |
23.12.13 VV | nein | J | |
Karim Drews | Grundlagen zur Triebwerksintegration mit statistischen Betrachtungen | ![]() |
Projekt | Inland | SS13 21.03.13 |
05.01.14 VV | nein | J | |
Roberto Segovia García | Turboprop Aircraft Design Optimization - Tool Development | ![]() |
Master Thesis | Ausland | SS13 |
30.08.13 | nein | J | |
Elien Verheire | Systematic Evaluation of Alternative Box Wing Aircraft Configurations | ![]() For visualisation: Open VSP |
Bachelor Thesis | Ausland | SS13 | 12.07.13 | nein | J | |
Martin Fekete | Induced Drag of Box Wing Aircraft - Variation of Decalage and Vertical Separation | ![]() |
Project | Ausland | SS13 | 12.07.13 | nein | J | |
Haider Riaz | Induced Drag of Box Wing Aircraft - Variation of Dihedral | --- | Project | Ausland | SS13 | 12.07.13 | nein | J | |
Benjamin Hochart | Integraton of the Wing Module into the PreSTo Suite | --- | Project | Ausland | SS13 | 12.07.13 | nein | J | |
Elena Behrendt | Bodenabfertigung eines BWB | --- | Projekt | --- | --- | 29.04.13 | nein | J | |
Michel Pinck | Dimensionierung der Fenster und Frachttore von Passagierflugzeugen | ![]() |
Projekt | --- | --- | 23.03.13 | nein | J | |
Luis Salord Losantos | Estimating E_max for Turboprop Aircraft | ![]() |
Memo | --- | --- | 13.07.12 | nein | J | |
Hoa Ly | Life-Cycle Assessment of Commercial Aircraft – A Review of Methods and Tools | ![]() |
Project | --- | --- | 13.07.12 (22.09.12) |
nein | J | |
Jeroen Verstraete | Creating a Life-Cycle Assessment of an Aircraft | ![]() |
Project | --- | --- | 13.07.12 (26.09.12) |
nein | J | |
Nishant Bhanot | Modeling of a Turboprop Driven Aircraft using PlaneMaker for Flight Simulation with X-Plane | ![]() |
Project | --- | --- | 20.07.12 | nein | J | |
Sameer Ahmed | Family Concepts of Box Wing Aircraft | ![]() |
Project | --- | --- | 10.08.12 | nein | J | |
Ricardo Caja Calleja | Flight Dynamics Analysis of a Medium Range Box Wing Aircraft | ![]() |
Master Thesis | --- | --- | 30.06.12 | nein | J | |
Ricardo Caja Calleja | Flight Dynamics Model of a Box Wing Aircraft using JSBSim | ![]() |
Project | --- | --- | 24.10.12 | nein | J | |
Jeremy Bouten | Using X-Plane for Analyzing Aircraft Performance | ![]() |
Project | --- | --- | 13.07.12 (22.09.12) |
nein | J | |
Tayfun Süle | Programmierung einer Schnittstelle zwischen PreSTo and CATIA | ![]() |
Projekt | --- | --- | 15.07.11 V | nein | J |
* In-/Ausland:
Inland: Studierender ist regulär an der HAW Hamburg eingeschrieben.
Ausland: Studierender ist Gaststudent aus dem Ausland. Hier gibt es andere Abläufe im Fakultäts Service Büro (FSB).
** Anmeldedatum:
Es wird angegeben welcher Beleg für das Anmeldedatum voliegt.
Helios: Anmeldedatum in Helios. Elektronische Kopie wurde abgelegt.
PAV: Anmeldedatum vom Prüfungsausschussvorsitzenden (PAV) bestätigt. Kopie liegt vor.
Formblatt: Ausgabe der Arbeit mit Datum durch Erstprüfer. Ausgabe durch PAV folgt.
*** Abgabedatum:
Abgabe für Projekte ist 6 Monate nach Ausgabe des Themas von mir (nicht etwa 6 Monate nach Anmeldung in Helios).
V: Termin unter Berücksichtigung der gewährten Verlängerung.
Abgabe für Bachelorarbeiten ist 3 Monate nach Anmeldung in Helios (regulär) oder 2 Monate nach Anmeldung in Helios (Bachelorarbeit getrennt von Praktikum).
Abgabe für Masterarbeiten ist 6 Monate nach Anmeldung in Helios.
**** VH:
Vereinbarung unterschrieben? Anmeldung in HELIOS? J: ja N: nein N-H: nein, aber bereits in HELIOS N-V: nein, aber Vereinbarung bereits unterschrieben
***** Bew.:
Bewertung: J: ja N: nein J/DL: ja und bereits eingestellt in der Digital Library - Projects & Theses - Prof. Dr. Scholz
AJ: Andreas Johanning
DaS: Daniel Schiktanz
DS: Dieter Scholz
PB: Priyanka Barua
RC: Ricardo Caja
TS: Tahir Sousa
Die Stundenabrechnung für im SS angemeldete Arbeiten erfolgt im darauf folgenden WS.
Die Stundenabrechnung für im WS angemeldete Arbeiten erfolgt im darauf folgenden SS.
Prof. Dr. Scholz
Aircraft Design and Systems Group (AERO)
Studiengang Flugzeugbau
Department Fahrzeugtechnik und Flugzeugbau
Fakultät Technik und Informatik
HAW Hamburg