The final results of the project are easy to use equations for the estimation of fuel consumption due to jet engine off-takes and the illustration of implications to aircraft and aircraft system design.
Members of the "Off-Takes" research team are:
* Figures from this page are extracted from our publication at AST 2013. Please check the AST paper for detailed reference.
SCHOLZ, Dieter; SERESINHE, Ravinka, STAACK, Ingo; LAWSON, Craig: Fuel Consumption due to Shaft Power Off-Takes from the Engine. In: ESTORF, Otto von; THIELECKE, Frank (Ed.): 4th International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies, AST 2013 (TUHH, Hamburg, 23.-24. April 2013). Aachen : Shaker, 2013, pp. 169 - 179. - ISBN 978-3-8440-1850-9, download:
Off-Takes_PUB_AST_13-04-23.pdf Size: 883K
Paper (long version for CD) at the 4th International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies, AST 2013:
SCHOLZ, Dieter; SERESINHE, Ravinka, STAACK, Ingo; LAWSON, Craig: Fuel Consumption due to Shaft Power Off-Takes from the Engine. In: ESTORF, Otto von; THIELECKE, Frank (Ed.): 4th International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies, AST 2013 (TUHH, Hamburg, 23.-24. April 2013). Aachen : Shaker, 2013. -, download:
Off-Takes_PUB_AST-CD-Version_13-04-23.pdf Size: 1.3M
Presentation for the 4th International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies, AST 2013:
SCHOLZ, Dieter; SERESINHE, Ravinka, STAACK, Ingo; LAWSON, Craig: Fuel Consumption due to Shaft Power Off-Takes from the Engine. In: ESTORF, Otto von; THIELECKE, Frank (Ed.): 4th International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies, AST 2013 (TUHH, Hamburg, 23.-24. April 2013). Aachen : Shaker, 2013, pp. 179 - 179. - ISBN 978-3-8440-1850-9, download:
Off-Takes_PRE_AST_13-04-23.pdf Size: 5.3M
Prof. Dr. Scholz
Aircraft Design and Systems Group (AERO)
Aeronautical Engineering
Department of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences