5th European Workshop on Aircraft Design Education (EWADE 2002)
The 2002 conference was held in Linköping, Sweden. Linköping is the home of significant aerospace activity, particularly with Saab and the Swedish Defence Material Administration Flight Test Organisation.
Programme.pdf Size: 9.1K LocationLinköping is located approximately 200km southwest of Stockholm. It is the fifth largest city in Sweden, with a population of 130,000 people. Most people work in technology related fields from aerospace to telecommunications to health sciences. Transport to and from Linköping is readily available through connecting flights with Copenhagen and Stockholm or via train. The weather during the workshop: "blue sky and hot" (better than average). We enjoyed around 16 hours of daylight.
Map of the campus: LinksInstitutionen för konstruktions- och produktionsteknik (IKP)Linköpings universitet Linköping
Workshop organizationLinköping University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Petter Krus.Papers from the workshopThe presentations from the workshop in 2002 have been documented with Extended Abstracts. These Extended Abstracts were copied into a handout and distributed to the workshop participants. Look at the handout, separate Extended Abstracts and additional information from EWADE 2002.Pictures from the workshoppictures from EWADE 2002.
Last update: 21 December 2012 Internet-Presentation: Scholz http://www.ProfScholz.de |