The History of READ/RRDPAE


READ (Research and Education in Aircraft Design)
was called up to 2008
RRDPAE (Recent Research and Design Progress in Aeronautical Engineering and its influence on education).

READ/RRDPAE is a travelling seminar in Central and Eastern Europe and shows a very similar format if compared to EWADE (European Workshop on Aircraft Design Education) which has also travelled to the east as far as Brno (Czech Republic) and Samara (Russia).

Initially READ/RRDPAE had no central homepage. For this reason, this page tried to link to the single seminar webpages of READ/RRDPAE.

READ's central homepage called is gone unfortunately. A short overview of READ's History (archived) has been produced for the conference in 2022. Furthermore, there is a page with READ's News, Seminar Overview and Conference Papers that goes back to 2016. It is archived here.

The first time EWADE and READ were co-located was in 2018. Co-locating the two similar workshops was discussed already during RRDPAE 2008, EWADE 2009, EWADE 2015 and EWADE 2017.


READ/RRDPAE Seminar Homepages

READ/EWADE 2020 (14)
Rzeszow / Online, 21.-22.10.2020
Seminar (archived), Papers (archived).

READ/EWADE 2018 (13)
Brno, 07.-09.11.2018
Seminar (archived), Papers (considered also as archived).

READ/SCAD 2016 (12)
Warsaw, 12.-14.09.2016
Deadline (archived), Scientific Advisory Committee (archived), Registration (archived), Call for Papers (archived), Accommodation (archived), Seminar Fee (archived), SCAD (archived).
Program and Papers (archived).
See more Open Access Papers (from SCAD).

READ 2014 (11)
Vilnius, 15.-17.10.2014
Programme (PDF)

READ 2012 (10)
Brno, 17.-19.10.2012
Homepage / Invitation (PDF)

READ 2010 (9)
Warsaw, 28.-30.06.2010
Homepage / Agenda / Proceedings (archived).

RRDPAE 2008 (8)
Brno, 16.-17.10.2008
Homepage / Invitation (PDF)
Presentation: The Role of RRDPAE (PDF)
Start the Conference CD or download all data from the Conference CD.
(Archived CD)

2007: Publication
An article with title "A Short History of Seminars on 'Recent Research and Design Progress in Aeronautical Engineering' and its Influence on Education" was published in 2007 in the journal "Aviation": (PDF)
(Archived Version)

RRDPAE 2006 (7)

RRDPAE 2004 (6)

RRDPAE 2002 (5)

RRDPAE 2000 (4)

RRDPAE 1998 (3)

RRDPAE 1996 (2)

RRDPAE 1994 (1)

RRDPAE/READ Travelling Seminar 1994-2022

Cortesy of READ.

Last update:  Monday, 07-Mar-2022 16:46:26 CET
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