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EWADE 2009

EWADE 2007

EWADE-Meeting 2006
     Presentation (PDF)

EWADE 2005

EWADE 2004

EWADE 2002

EWADE 2000



The education activity of
the Technical Committee
Aircraft Design (TCAD)
under CEAS


13th European Workshop on Aircraft Design Education
(EWADE 2017)

Archiving Strategy

Zenodo We have an EWADE Archiving Strategy! Starting with EWADE 2013, documents are stored in PDF/A and archived in Zenodo. Zenodo is a repository made available by the European Union. With PDF/A and Zenodo documents should be available, discoverable, and reproducible for the next decades (or even centuries):

Available (stored): Long term archiving is done via Zenodo by the European research center CERN. Data is stored in CERN's Data Center. Both data files and metadata are kept in multiple online replicas and are backed up to tape every night. (See FAQ).

DOI DataCite Discoverable (citable): The internationally known Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is used. The DOI is a code (example: 10.5281/zenodo.18916) and a respective persistent link (example: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.18921). With help of this adaptable link the storage location of the document will be found even if the storage location might change. In this case the DOI is from Zenodo. Zenodo is member of DataCite which registers the DOI for each upload and keeps the link from the DOI to the data at Zenodo.

PDF/A Reproducible (readable): Documents have to be stored in a sustainable format that allows the document to be read in years to come. Today this is by no means assured. On the contrary, it is feared that our decade will become known as the "Digital Dark Age". The solution is to use the PDF/A standard. The standard ensures documents can be reproduced using whatever available software in the future. A key requirement of PDF/A towards reproducibility is to have all the information necessary for proper display of the document embedded in the file, no encryption, and no password protection on the document.

Authors can find hints on how to produce PDF/A for EWADE on Information for Authors: Producing PDF/A.

This is the EWADE Community at Zenodo. The Community has also its EWADE About page.

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Creative Commons copyright license for the public:
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Last update:  01 October 2017
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