Symposia on Collaboration in Aircraft Design (SCAD)
Information exchange, collaboration, cross-validation, harmonization of research in aircraft design.
7th SCAD - Symposium on Collaboration in Aircraft Design
19th October 2017, Bucharest, Romania
SCAD co-located with EWADE
Please see details (organization, application, ...) on
6th SCAD - Symposium on Collaboration in Aircraft Design
12th to 14th September 2016, Warsaw, Poland
SCAD co-located with READ
Please consult the
Homepage of READ/SCAD 2016. There a special
Page for SCAD 2016.
Please notice the Programme with links to the Presentations from READ/SCAD 2016.
For the Papers from SCAD 2016, find here the List of Authors, Paper Titles with Links/DOIs.
5th SCAD - Symposium on Collaboration in Aircraft Design 12th to 14th October 2015, Naples, Italy
The 5th CEAS Symposium on Collaboration in Aircraft Design was hosted by the University of Naples "Federico II" and its Department of Industrial Engineering from 12th to 14th of October 2015.
Professor Fabrizio Nicolosi was in charge of this event related to CEAS Technical Committee Aircraft Design.
As always, the aim of the event was to exchange information on on-going activities and actual problems in aircraft design and related multidisciplinary design optimization. To foster dialog, the agenda featured short presentations complemented by open discussions.
This year, the presentations were divided into 4 sessions:
- Innovative propulsive systems
- Aircraft configurations
- Key technologies
- Methods and tools
A specific time slot will was dedicated to the review of the activity map that had been initiated the year before after Toulouse's SCAD.
On the third day, a technical tour was scheduled.
The registration fee was 280 EUR, necessary to cover catering expenses and group transportations.
Web page for the 5th SCAD - Symposium on Collaboration in Aircraft Design with more information:
Please notice the Programme with links to the Presentations from SCAD 2015.
4th SCAD - Symposium on Collaboration in Aircraft Design 25th to 27th November 2014, Toulouse, France
The meeting was hosted by
ONERA in Toulouse.
Organizer was Peter Schmollgruber (ONERA).
It took place from 25th to 27th of November 2014.
Participants met for the "official" symposium dinner on the first evening at the restaurant
Les Caves de la Maréchale.
The second evening was left for participant's own plans. Several groups met downtown Toulouse to eat and discuss.
A technical tour was schedule on the last day in the afternoon to the
ONERA Wind Tunnel F1
in Fauga (26 km south of Toulouse).
The symposium included the following sessions:
- TCAD organization & activity map
- Industrial vision session
- Innovative concepts session
- Reference aircraft
- MDO and tools session
- Closing session
Presentations were seen as starting points for discussion (minimum 10 minutes for each presentation).
Please see the
Homepage of SCAD 2014
for full information.
Please notice the Programme with links to the Presentations from SCAD 2014.
For convenience please find the
Presentations packaged in a ZIP file (94 MB).
Previous Symposia
3rd SCAD - Symposium on Collaboration in Aircraft Design, Linköping, Sweden, 2013

3rd SCAD - Program (PDF)
Presentations were not distributed.
Collaboration in Aircraft Design --- 2. CPACS/RCE Symposium, Hamburg, Germany, 2012

2. CPACS/RCE Symposium - Program
Presentations were made available via download.
Kollaboration im Flugzeugentwurf --- 1. CPACS/RCE Symposium, Hamburg, Germany, 2011

1. CPACS/RCE Symposium - Einladung 
1. CPACS/RCE Symposium - Programm (PDF)
Presentations were made available via download.
SCAD Contact
Symposia on Collaboration in Aircraft Design (SCAD) |
Dr.-Ing. Björn NAGEL
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute for System Architecture in Aeronautics
Hein-Saß-Weg 22
21129 Hamburg
E-Mail: bjoern.nagel{@}
Phone: +49 531 295 3803
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter SCHOLZ, MSME
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg)
Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering
Berliner Tor 9
20099 Hamburg
E-Mail: chairman{@}
Phone: +49 40 18119881
Last update: 13 January 2024
Internet-Presentation: Scholz