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Short Course


item A Short Course Flugzeugentwurf (*.gif) (Aircraft Design) will be organized again by DGLR and offered at ZAL. The date is: 24th to 26th September 2024.
Logo DGLR Weiterbildung    Flyer: *.pdf    Time Table: *.pdf    Title Page and Global Table of Contents: *.pdf


item A Short Course Flugzeugentwurf (*.gif) (Aircraft Design) was organized again by DGLR and was offered at ZAL. The date was: 12th to 15th September 2022.
Logo DGLR Weiterbildung    Flyer: *.pdf    Time Table: *.pdf    Title Page and Global Table of Contents: *.pdf


item Online-Seminar for Shaanxi Aircraft Corporation: Elements of Aircraft Design / Flight Controls
Logo Shaanxi Aircraft Corporation
Agenda and Pictures from the Seminar: *.pdf       Shaanxi Aircraft Corporation and the Medium Size Cargo Aircraft Shaanxi Y-8 and Y-9: *.pdf


item D. Scholz: "Entwurf von Wasserstoff-Flugzeugen" (CS-25) (*.gif) / "Design of Hydrogen Aircraft" im Rahmen der "Expert*innen Qualifizierung Wasserstoffsysteme", gefördert durch das "Konjunkturprogramm der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg für die Luftfahrtindustrie" (aus dem Luftfahrtfonds des Senats: 3,5 Mio. EUR), entwickelt durch die "Task Force Luftfahrt des Clusters Hamburg Aviation" und zertifiziert mit dem "HZA-Zertifikat". Im Detail organisiert und durchgeführt wird der Kurs von der Heinze Akademie. Fünf Durchgänge zwischen August 2021 und Januar 2022.
Logo Heinze Akademie.    Der Flyer zeigt den Beitrag von Prof. Scholz im Kontext: *.pdf


item The Short Course "Flugzeugentwurf" (Aircraft Design) was organized by DGLR and offered at ZAL from 09th to 12th September 2019.
Logo DGLR Weiterbildung    Flyer: *.pdf    Time Table: *.pdf    Article - "Luft und Raumfahrt" 3/2019: *.pdf (6 MB)

item The Short Course "Aircraft Design" was given again in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) in the frame of the Summer Lecture Program 2019 from 08th to 19th July 2019.

Short Course 'Aircraft Design' at NUAA, Nanjing, Chine, July, 2019


item The Short Course "Aircraft Design" was given in Nanjing, China at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) in the frame of the Summer Lecture Program 2018 from 09th to 20th July 2018. Lecturers from all over the world applied with their 200 course offers. 61 courses were selected by NUAA, inviting lecturers from 22 countries and 5 continents. Only few students in my course had access to a laptop, but all had a smartphone. For this reason, I presented Aircraft Design calculations with PreSTo-Classic for the first time also on smartphone. Students used their smartphone also for a very simple Wing Design exercise. Each participant produced this little table on the smartphone: WingDesign_simple.xlsx. Aircraft Design was illustrated with OpenVSP-Connect.

Aircraft Design calculations with Smart Phone

Summer Lecture Program 2018, NUAA

Aircraft Design translated to Chinese

Short Course 'Aircraft Design' at NUAA, Nanjing, Chine, July, 2018

Short Course 'Aircraft Design' at NUAA, Nanjing, Chine, July, 2018

Prof. Scholz next to NUAA's Short Course announcement (also) of the Aircraft Design course

Short Course 'Aircraft Design' at NUAA, Nanjing, Chine, July, 2018


item The Course held in Xi'an (see below) was extended with a Short Course "Design of High Lift Systems (2)", given from 28.11. to 01.12.2016 at TechSAT in Germany for 14 participants who where for the most part already among the participants in Xi'an. The topics this time: 1.) Slat/Flap Actuation, 2.) Mechanisms and Gear Trains, 3.) Slat/Flap Support Mechanisms, 4.) Slat/Flap Aerodynamic Load Estimation, 5.) Software: Direct Operating Costs for Aircraft Systems (DOCsys), 6.) Presentation of High Lift Systems from Selected Aircraft.

Short Course 'Design of High Lift Systems' at Poing, Munich, November, 2016

item A special Short Course "Design of High Lift Systems (1)" was given from 13.07. to 22.07.2016 at AVIC Qingan Group (QAG), Xi'an, Shaanxi, China. This short course discussed the needs for high lift together with high lift aerodynamics based on the Short Course "Aircraft Design". It was further based on material from my lectures "Aircraft Systems", "Development of Aircraft Systems" and the Short Course "Evaluation of Aircraft Systems". The material was complemented with special design techniques for high lift systems as well as many examples of high lift systems and components of passenger aircraft.

Short Course 'Design of High Lift Systems' at QAG, Xi'an, China, July, 2016

item A Short Course "Aircraft Design" was given from 08.02. to 19.02.2016 at Vel Tech Technical University, Avadi, Chennai, India. It was followed by my and the student's participation at the IDAD 2016 Conference. The Short Course Notes for this Aircraft Design Short Course are now made public as part of the new Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU). More about my trip to India ...

Short Course Aircraft Design at Vel Tech Technical University, Chennai, India, February, 2016

Short Course Aircraft Design in 2014 for Russian Engineers


The Short Course "Aircraft Design" was offered at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg) in the years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. In 2013 an in-house short course coupled with consultancy work was arranged for Embraer. The course was given at Embraer's headquarters in São José dos Campos, Brazil. In 2014 the Short Course was organized in cooperation with the Russian State Technological University named after K.E.Tsiolkovsky (MATI) for a group of experienced "high potential" engineers. From 08th to 11th June 2015 I participated as lecturer in the Short Course "Airframe Systems Design" at Cranfield University.

DGLR Short Courses
Two Short Courses where organized on behalf of the German Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DGLR) and given at the annual congress:
2007: DGLR Short Course "Aircraft Design", Front Matter (PDF), Folder offered by DGLR in "Luft- und Raumfahrt", 2008, Iss. 1, p. 42 (JPG), Short Course Homepage
2004: DGLR-Seminar "Flugzeugkabine und Kabinensysteme", Front Matter (PDF), CD (28.50 €) with Lecture Notes offered by DGLR (JPG), Entry at Amazon
Distribution of Folder and CD by DGLR.

I prefer to offer the complete Short Course for e. g. industry or organizations of higher education. The course can run as an in-house course at the customer's premises. Please bring forward your ideas! There is enough flexibility to adapt the content of the course and the timing to your needs. My activities since 2013 give examples how this can be worked out.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Scholz, MSME
Aircraft Design and Systems Group (AERO)
Department of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

Short Course Aircraft Design in 2013 at Embraer Embraer ERJ 145 over the Sao Jose dos Campos Factory Logo Embraer LECTURERS (participating on short courses given in Hamburg)
Dipl-Ing. Hannes G. Ross (EADS; retired) Dipl.-Ing. Ole Böttger (Airbus), Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Trahmer (Airbus),

http://AircraftDesign.ProfScholz.de (this page)
http://HOOU.ProfScholz.de (lecture notes)

Leaflets and Time Tables from Previous Short Courses

The module gives an insight into the procedures and the multidisciplinary interactions of aircraft conceptual design. The process of iterative synthesis and analysis in aircraft design is illustrated. A software tool for preliminary sizing is demonstrated. Methods and data to enable case studies of subsonic aircraft design are provided.

The module is intended for graduated engineers, equivalent professionals and/or managers. It is likewise suitable for specialists in search of a broader perspective as for newcomers to the field. The course is also designed for aeronautical engineering students with an interest or for PhD students who can gain a good foundation for their research.

Short Course Aircraft Design in 2011 LEARNING OUTCOMES
On completion of the module, delegates will

The module includes lectures, a tutorial, a team assignment, case studies (and a company visit to Airbus - in case the course is given in Hamburg). Speakers are senior experts from industry and academia. A comprehensive set of course notes is provided.

PRE-MODULE STUDY (voluntary)
Delegates are encurraged and to get familiar with the topic before arrival. The list of books on Aircraft Design from our university library gives you an indication of what books you may consult.

Short Course Aircraft Design in 2010 Introduction, development process, requirements, certification standards, aircraft configurations, engine integration, preliminary sizing, fuselage design, wing design, empennage design, prediction of mass and CG-location, landing gear design and integration, drag prediction, design evaluation / DOC, special aspects of military aircraft design.

Delegates will be offered the possibility to work on an assignment. The assignment typically consists of an aircraft conceptual design study.

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences and Airbus Operations GmbH (or at customer's premises).



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Scholz, MSME
Professor at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. Teaching and research in the area of Aircraft Design, Flight Mechanics, Aircraft Systems. Engineer at Airbus from 1988 to 1992.

Short Course Aircraft Design in 2009 Dipl.-Ing. Hannes G. Ross
Project Engineer at VFW, MBB, EADS, today: IBR, Aeronautical Consulting. Projects: US-FRG VSTOL Tactical Fighter Study. F-111 Crew Escape Module, F-15 Concept and Definition Phase. Pannap, TKF. Preliminary Design of Eurofighter. Programme Leader X-31 for MBB/Dasa/EADS. Lecturer at Technical University Munich: Design Requirements for Military Aircraft.

Dipl.-Ing. Ole Böttger
Future projects engineer at Airbus in Germany since 1994. Overall design and follow up on A3XX. A380 competition studies in international project groups. Sketching, sizing, weight, drag and performance estimation. Discussion with component teams. Competition analysis with major focus on Boeing sonic cruiser and 787. Overall design A350 in international project group.

Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Trahmer
Future projects engineer at Airbus in Germany since 1991. Overall design and follow up on A3XX / VLCT (Airbus & Boeing). A380 competition studies in international project groups. Sketching, sizing, weight, drag and performance estimation. Discussion with component teams. Team leader of trans-national group "Future Project Concepts".



*.gif With over 12000 students Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg, HAW) is the second largest institute of higher education in the Hamburg region and one of the largest of its kind (University of Applied Sciences) in Germany. Founded in 1970, HAW's roots go back to the 18th century. Its practice based teaching developed with industry, guarantees that participants can readily apply their knowledge. HAW aeronautical engineering graduates are well recognized and successfully engaged in all areas of aviation, nationally and internationally. The university has established a research focal point in aeronautical engineering. All research is done in close cooperation with industry.

HAW's Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science has ordered the Short Course Aircraft Design from WINQ.

*.gif was the continuous education branch of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. Starting in 1995 WINQ offered high-value seminars and courses and cooperated in running the Aircraft Design Short Course in Hamburg.
WINQ e.V. (archived page).

*.gif AEROero is the "Aircraft Design and Systems Group" at HAW Hamburg. AERO's aim is to guide research assistants to cooperative dissertations and to conduct funded projects in research, development and teaching (short courses). AERO is organizing the Short Course Aircraft Design.


The last short course at HAW Hamburg was offered from Monday, 06 June to Friday, 10 June 2011.

Short Course Aircraft Design in 2008 LEAFLET 2011

Please e-mail e-mail  Prof. Scholz for further questions.

Location of the Short Course:
Airbus: Nesspriel 5, D-21129 Hamburg
HAW Hamburg: Berliner Tor 5, D-20099 Hamburg

General Travel & Accomodation Information:

How to get to Airbus (Technologiezentrum Hamburg Finkenwerder, THF):


Short Course Aircraft Design in 2007 NEWS ARTICLES ABOUT THE SHORT COURSE (in German)
Short Course 2013: *.pdf (HAW Online Newsletter)
Short Course 2013: *.jpg (Hamburg Aviation, Karriere und Job)
Short Course 2008: *.pdf (HAW Online Newsletter)
Short Course 2007: *.pdf (HAW Online Newsletter)

* Image of ERJ145 over São José dos Campos Factory courtesy of Embraer (Media Center, Image number: 0910200901)


Another Short Course on offer is: Fundamentals of Aeronautical Engineering

Last update:  10 September 2024
  e-mail  Scholz   home http://www.ProfScholz.de