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OpenVSP-Connect Hangar

Fast Commuter

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A fast commuter has been designed for 90 passengers, cruise Mach number 0.9, high wing (95%), T-tail (100%), 3 engines. Otherwise default (expert) data has been used. Only for the fuselage mounted landing gear numbers had to be adapted. With the factor k_LG\b.W\2 = 0.13 the landing gear reaches out 13% of wing half span. The vertical position of the landing gear is pos_LG.z = -1.5 m below datum. If a fast commuter (M = 0.9) is really needed is another question.


Available Files

*.xlsm OpenVSP-Connect_FastCommuter.xlsm     Size:  1.3M

*.vsp FastCommuter.vsp     Size:  109K

*.x3d FastCommuter.x3d     Size:  451K

*.jpg FastCommuter-4view.jpg     Size:  232K

*.jpg FastCommuter.jpg     Size:  107K

STAND:  03 April 2020
AUTHOR:  Prof. Dr. Scholz

home  Prof. Dr. Scholz
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