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Conditions for Passenger Aircraft Minimum Fuel Consumption, Direct Operating Costs and Environmental Impact

Brecht Caers

Purpose – Find optimal flight and design parameters for three objectives: minimum fuel consumption, Direct Operating Costs (DOC), and environmental impact of a passenger jet aircraft. --- Approach – Combining multiple models (this includes aerodynamics, specific fuel consumption, DOC, and equivalent CO2 mass) into one generic model. In this combined model, each objective's importance is determined by a weighting factor. Additionally, the possibility of further optimizing this model by altering an aircraft's wing loading is analyzed. --- Findings – When optimizing for a compromise between economic and ecologic benefits, the general outcome is a reduction in cruise altitude and an unaltered cruise Mach number compared to common practice. Decreasing cruise speed would benefit the environmental impact but has a negative effect on seat-mile cost. An increase in wing loading could further optimize the general outcome. Albeit at the cost of a greater required landing distance, therefore limiting the operational opportunities of this aircraft. --- Research limitations – Most models use estimating equations based on first principles and statistical data. --- Practical implications – The optimal cruise altitude and speed for a specific objective can be approximated for any passenger jet aircraft. --- Social implications – By using a simple approach, the discussion of optimizing aircraft opens up to a level where everyone can participate. --- Value – To find a general answer on how to optimize aviation, operational and design-wise, by using a simple approach.

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Type of work: Master Thesis
Advisor / Examiner:Dieter Scholz
Published by:Aircraft Design and Systems Group (AERO), Department of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
This work is part of:transparent pin for text alignment Digital Library - Projects & Theses - Prof. Dr. Scholz --- http://library.ProfScholz.de pin
URN: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:gbv:18302-aero2019-07-28.013 (to reach this page)
Associated research data:https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/DLZSDK    (Program)
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Keywords, German (GND): Luftfahrt,   Flugzeugaerodynamik,   Flugmechanik,   Betriebskosten
Keywords, English (LCSH): Aeronautics,   Airplanes--Performance,   Cost accounting,   Environmental protection
Keywords, free: Flugzeug, Flugtriebwerk, Luftverschmutzung, Energieverbrauch, Tabellenkalkulation, Airplanes, Aerodynamics, Speed, Altitudes, Energy conservation, Air--Pollution, Global warming, Electronic spreadsheets, aviation, commercial, aircraft, DOC
DDC: 629.13,    629.133349,    629.132,    629.1341
RVK: ZO 7205

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Scholz, MSME
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ISO 690:
CAERS, Brecht, 2019. Conditions for Passenger Aircraft Minimum Fuel Consumption, Direct Operating Costs and Environmental Impact. Master Thesis. Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Aircraft Design and Systems Group (AERO). Available from: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:gbv:18302-aero2019-07-28.013 [viewed YYYY-MM-DD].

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LAST UPDATE:  05 May 2021
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