DGLR: ICAS 2006 in Hamburg

Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2007

First CEAS European Air and Space Conference
Century Perspectives

10-13 September 2007 in Berlin, Germany


The Council of the European Aerospace Societies (CEAS) comprises the eight aerospace societies from France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland with more than 25.000 individual members. Each society represents the leading national society in the field of aeronautics and astronautics. CEAS is a non profit organisation based in Brussels, Belgium. The objective of CEAS is to promote the interests of the constituent societies on a European scale and European aerospace activities internationally.

The 1st International CEAS European Air and Space Conference addresses all disciplines of aeronautics and astronautics systems, including their design, development and operation. It covers all scientific, industrial, educational, legal as well as historical aspects relevant to Aerospace. A major goal is to generate synergies between aviation and space related technologies and experiences, as well as products.


As the CEAS mission is to strengthen the European industrial alliances and working relationships the biannual European Air & Space Conference has been established to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of all scientific and technical areas related to aeronautics and astronautics. The conference organisation rotates between the eight member societies. The 1st CEAS European Air & Space Congress is organized by the DGLR (German Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics) in conjunction with its annual national conference: Deutscher Luft– und Raumfahrt Kongress 2007. In addition and only for this special occasion the biannual Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing will be embedded in CEAS 2007.

As we continue into 21st century, the aeronautical and space technologies will significantly contribute to evolution and growth within an evolving and changing global environment. Therefore, the 2007 Congress in Berlin will have the theme


The focus of the presentations shall be on the following five goals for the Congress:

  • Access to space and future space utilization,
  • Innovative concepts for future air transport,
  • Environment and technologies for environmental aspects in aeronautics and space,
  • International cooperation among academia, research and industry,
  • Education and training for aeronautics and space; attracting young engineers.

Conference Language will be English, but papers and presentation in German are also welcome


Berlin, the capital of Germany, is dynamic, cosmopolitan and creative, allowing for every kind of lifestyle. East meets West
in the metropolis in the heart of a changing Europe. Germany's largest city is a city of opportunities waiting to be seized
in all areas, like entertainment, recreation, economy, science and academic life, as well as in politics.

Venue: Estrel Hotel

The Estrel Berlin is said to be Europe’s largest convention, entertainment and hotel complex. With 1,125 rooms and suites, five restaurants, two bars, a beer garden, the Estrel has plenty to offer to every guest. Beside thr Estrel Hotel accommodation will be available in various prize categories.

CEAS Council of European Aerospace Societies

In the mid 1980s Europe´s main professional aerospace societies recognized the increasingly international nature of aerospace business. These considerations resulted in forming the Confederation of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS) during the 1992 Farnborough Airshow. Today, CEAS comprises of eight societies with more than 25.000 individual members:

  • AAAF Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France,
  • AIAE Asociación de Ingenieros Aeronáuticos de España,
  • AIDAA Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica,
  • DGLR Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal- Oberth e. V.,
  • FTF Flygtekniska Föreningen. Svensk förening för flygteknik och rymdteknik,
  • NVvL Nederlandse Vereniging voor Luchtvaarttechniek,
  • RAeS Royal Aeronautical Society,
  • SWFV Schweizerische Vereinigung für Flugwissenschaften.

Each society represents the leading national society in the field of aeronautics and astronautics.


is the local organiser of the conference, and is the second oldest scientific-technical Aerospace Society worldwide. The
Society works on a non-profit basis, and currently has approx. 3.000 members from the international aerospace community. The various aerospace disciplines are being addressed in over 40 technical and scientific committees. The DGLR cooperates with international organizations like IAF, ICAS, ISOABE, AIAA, and is one of the foundation members of CEAS. Amongst the numerous national and international symposia and conferences on aerospace matters organized by the DGLR, the Deutscher Luft und Raumfahrt Kongress is certainly the national annual highlight within the professional community. The last event comprised of more than 200 papers and attracted over 500 participants. It forms a good base for the first CEAS European Air and Space Conference.

Programme Committee

The Programme Committee will be composed by the DGLR Programme Committee, members of the CEAS Specialist Committees and international specialists.


Dr.-Ing. Detlef Müller-Wiesner, France

Director of CEAS:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Schmitt, France

Board of Programme Committee:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Brieß, Germany
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Luckner, Germany
Dr. Constantinos Stavrinidis, United Kingdom
Mr. Alain Garcia, France

Representatives of EC:

Dr.-Ing. Dietrich Knoerzer, EC
Mr. Cesare Bernabei, EC


Dipl.-Ing. Jan Schumacher, Germany
Dr. eng. Ryszard Szczepanik, Poland
Mr. Jean-François Georges, France
Mr. Claude le Tallec, France
Mr. Angel Luis Arias, Spain
Prof. V. E. Fortov, Russia
Dr. Andreas Geisler, Austria

Manned Aircraft

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Scholz, Germany
Dr. eng. Tomasz Goetzendorf-Grabowski, Poland
Mr. Francois Jouaillec, France
Mr. Yaakko Hoffren, Finnland

Unmanned Aerial Systems

Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Engelhardt, Germany
Prof. Dr. Zdobyslaw Goraj, Poland
Dr. Jan-Floris Boer, The Netherlands
Mr. Floor Pieters, The Netherlands
Mr. Manuel Mulero, Spain
Dr. Georges Bridel, Switzerland

Space Systems

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Brieß, Germany
Prof. Zbgniew Klos, Poland
Mr. Christophe Bonnal, France
Mr. Paul Kamoun, France
Mr. Pat Norris, United Kingdom
Mr. Koos Prins, The Netherlands
Mr. M. Bandecchi, The Netherlands
Mr. E. Kircher, The Netherlands
Prof. P. Gaudenzi, Italy
Mr. Thierry Leveugle, Spain

Utilization of Space Environment

Dr. rer.nat. Peter Vits, Germany
Mr. Zeholij Pronk, The Netherlands
Prof. C. Buongiorno, Italy
Dr. G. Schwehm, The Netherlands
Prof. O. Alifanov, Russia

Aviation and Space History

Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Schubert, Germany
Dr. eng. Piotr Zalewski, Poland
Mr. Philippe Jung, France

Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics

Dipl.-Ing. Gregor A. Dirks, France
Prof. Piotr Doerffer, Poland
Prof. Piotr Wolanski, Poland
Mr. Jean Delery, France
Dr. W. Kordulla, The Netherlands
Prof. M. Onofri, Italy
Dr. Salvatore Borrelli, Italy
Mr. Sergely Leonidowitsch Chernyshev, Russia

Aerospace Propulsion

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Walther, Germany
Prof. Rudolf Klemens, Poland
Mr. Pierre-Guy Amand, France
Mrs. Isabelle Dubois, France
Mr. Denis Arrat, France
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Staudacher, Germany
Prof. Jim McGuirk, United Kingdom
Mr. Oscar Kogenhop, The Netherlands
Mr. G. Saccoccia, The Netherlands
Mr. U. Palmnas, Sweden


Information´s Technology and Electronics

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Wittig, Germany
Dr. eng. Andrzej Homziuk, Poland
Mr. Gilles Moury, France
Mr. J. Bosma, The Netherlands

Flight Guidance and Control Flight Mechanics

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Luckner, Germany
Prof. Janusz Narkiewicz, Poland
Mr. Angel Mateo, Spain
Mr. Uwe Feucht, Germany
Dr. Jörg Wildi, Switzerland

Spacecraft Structures, Materials & Mechanical Testing (SSMMT)

Prof. Dr. Michael Sinapius, Germany
Prof. Dr. Horst Baier, Germany
Prof.(em) Dr. Michael Link, Germany
Dr. Michael Gaedke, Germany
Dr. Jean Noel Bricout, France
Mr. Torben Henriksen, The Netherlands

System Management and Electronics

Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Majus, Germany
Prof. Cezary Szczepanski, Poland
Mr. Brian Perry, United Kingdom
Mr. Philippe Guay, France
Mr. Pierre Tastet, France
Mr. A. Massoni, France

Air and Space Law

Prof. Dr.jur. Stephan Hobe, Germany
Prof. Kowaleczko, Poland
Mr. Alexandre Korakis, France

Aviation and Space Medicine

Prof. Dr.med. Helmut Landgraf, Germany
Dr. hab. med. Wieslaw Kowalski, Poland
Mr. Claude Alexandre, France

Aircraft Cabin and Cargo Systems

Dr. K. Dieter Kricke, Germany
Prof. Helen Muir, UK
Mr. Lars Jonson, Sweden
Dr. Gordon Konieczny, Germany

Mechanical Flow Technology Study Group (STAB)

Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Heinemann, Germany


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz G. Hönlinger, Germany
Dr. eng. Cezary Galinski, Poland
Mr. P.M. Hutin, France
Mr. Jean-Noel Bricout, France
Dr.-Ing. Jaap F.M. Wiggenraad, The Netherlands
Mr. Henk Jan ten Hoeve, The Netherlands
Mr. M. Lacoste, France
Mr. Olli Saarela, Finnland
Prof. Dr. Antonio Viviani, PhD., Italy



CEAS 2007 is supported by
ICAS - International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences

DGLR Logo German Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics (DGLR)
– Lilienthal-Oberth e.V.

Godesberger Allee 70
D-53175 Bonn