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CEAS Technical Committee Aircraft Design (TCAD)

Harmonize research in aircraft design in combination with education!


Aim of the CEAS Technical Committee Aircraft Design (TCAD) is harmonization in aircraft design research combined with collaboration in aircraft design education inspired by dedicated symposia and workshops.


TCAD History

In the past there was an "Aeronautical Network" called "Vehicle Design" at CEAS. TCAD was formed out of this network. The activities of "Vehicle Design" had so far been equivalent to the activities of the European Workshop on Aircraft Design Education (EWADE). The DLR had already organized three Symposia on Collaboration in Aircraft Design (SCAD). These two activities (research and education) - carried by one Aircraft Design community - is what has become the CEAS Technical Committee Aircraft Design.

The committee manifests itself by means of its two regular activties (Figure 1):

  • Symposium on Collaboration in Aircraft Design --- SCAD
  • European Workshop on Aircraft Design Education --- EWADE

CEAS TCAD Origin and Structure
Figure 1: Origin and structure of the CEAS Technical Committee Aircraft Design

The CEAS Board of Trustees approved on 7th March 2013 the proposal to form a Technical Committee Aircraft Design.

The new structure was presented to the participants during the 3rd Symposium on Collaboration in Aircraft Design. Likewise, the new structure was presented and controversially discussed during the 11th European Workshop on Aircraft Design Education. Both activities took place during the CEAS conference 2013 in Linköping.

*.pdf Getting Started: CEAS TCAD


TCAD in the CEAS Structure


TCAD Contact

Logo CEAS TCAD short version
CEAS Technical Committee Aircraft Design (TCAD)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter SCHOLZ, MSME
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg)
Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering
Berliner Tor 9
20099 Hamburg
E-Mail: chairman{@}AircraftDesign.org
Phone: +49 40 18119881

Logo CEAS TCAD long version


logo MDPI Aerospace (ISSN 2226-4310) – An Open Access Journal with Continuous Special Issue Aircraft Design

Aircraft Design (SI-6/2024) has been started. Its closing date is 31 December 2024.

Details on the journal homepage at CEAS.

Last update:  05 March 2024
  e-mail  Scholz   home http://www.ProfScholz.de