Matrix defining the KEV Format to represent a Book

unavailable on 2020-01-15, restored from Internet Archive.

dc:title KEV Format: book
dc:creator NISO Committee AX, OpenURL Standard Committee
dc:description This Matrix represents a single document published at one time.
dc:identifier info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book
dcterms:created 2004-01-01

A representation of a Key/Encoded-Value pair is generated by concatenating the contents of the first four columns of a row that begins with an ampersand in the Matrix below. The ordering of KEV pairs is not important. Rows which have '#' in the first column are comments and should not be included in the representation.

The following data types are provided for the values of the Keys, which must be URL-encoded:

<data> Character string
<id> Character string for an Identifier (Z39.88-2004, Part 1, Section 7)
<fmt-id> Character string for a Format Identifier (Z39.88-2004, Part 1, Sections 12 and 13)
<m-key> Character string for a Metadata Key (Z39.88-2004, Part 2, Section 7.1)
<url> Character string for a URL
<date> Character string representing a date to the complete date level of the W3CDTF profile of ISO 8601, of the form: [ YYYY-MM-DD | YYYY-MM | YYYY ]
<time> Character string representing a date and time to the seconds level of the W3CDTF profile of ISO 8601, of the form: [ YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD | YYYY-MM-DD ]

Abbreviations in column headings:

The Matrix

Delim Key Equals Value Min Max Description
& aulast = <data> 0 1 First author's family name. This may be more than one word. In many citations, the author's family name is recorded first and is followed by a comma, e.g. Smith, Fred James is recorded as "aulast=smith"
& aufirst = <data> 0 1 First author's given name or names or initials. This data element may contain multiple words and punctuation, e.g. "Fred F", "Fred James"
& auinit = <data> 0 1 First author's first and middle initials.
& auinit1 = <data> 0 1 First author's first initial.
& auinitm = <data> 0 1 First author's middle initial.
& ausuffix = <data> 0 1 First author's name suffix. Qualifiers on an author's name such as "Jr.", "III" are entered here. e.g. Smith, Fred Jr. is recorded as "ausuffux=jr"
& au = <data> 0 * This data element contains the full name of a single author, e.g. "Smith, Fred M", "Harry S. Truman".
& aucorp = <data> 0 1 Organization or corporation that is the author or creator of the book, e.g. "Mellon Foundation"
& btitle = <data> 0 1 The title of the book. This can also be expressed as title, for compatibility with version 0.1. "moby dick or the white whale"
& atitle = <data> 0 1 Chapter title. Chapter title is included if it is a distinct title, e.g. "The Push Westward."
& title = <data> 0 1 Book title. Provided for compatibility with version 0.1. Prefer btitle.
& place = <data> 0 1 Place of publication. "New York"
& pub = <data> 0 1 Publisher name. "Harper and Row"
& date = <date> 0 1 Date of publication. Book dates are assumed to be a single year.
& edition = <data> 0 1 Statement of the edition of the book. This will usually be a phrase, with or without numbers, but may be a single number. E.g. "First edition", "4th ed."
& tpages = <data> 0 1 Total pages. Total pages is the largest recorded number of pages, if this can be determined. E.g., "ix, 392 p." would be recorded as "392" in tpages. This data element is usually available only for monographs (books and printed reports). In some cases, tpages may not be numeric, e.g. "F36"
& series = <data> 0 1 The title of a series in which the book or document was issued. There may also be an ISSN associated with the series.
& spage = <data> 0 1 First page number of a start/end (spage-epage) pair. Note that pages are not always numeric.
& epage = <data> 0 1 Second (ending) page number of a start/end (spage-epage) pair.
& pages = <data> 0 1 Start and end pages for parts of a book, e.g. "124-147". This can also be used for an unstructured pagination statement when data relating to pagination cannot be interpreted as a start-end pair, e.g. "A7, C4-9", "1-3,6". This data element includes the OpenURL 0.1 definition of "pages".
& issn = <data> 0 1 International Standard Serials Number (ISSN). The issn may contain a hyphen, e.g. "1041-5653". An ISSN in the book format is often associated with a series title.
& isbn = <data> 0 1 International Standard Book Number (ISBN). The ISBN is usually presented as 9 digits plus a final check digit (which may be "X"), e.g. "057117678X" but it may contain hyphens, e.g. "1-878067-73-7"
& bici = <data> 0 1 Book Item and Component Identifier (BICI). BICI is a draft NISO standard.
& genre = "book",
0 1 book: a publication that is complete in one part or a designated finite number of parts, often identified with an ISBN.
bookitem: a defined section of a book, usually with a separate title or number.
conference: a publication bundling the proceedings of a conference.
proceeding: a conference paper or proceeding published in a conference publication.
report: report or technical report is a published document that is issued by an organization, agency or government body.
document: general document type to be used when available data elements do not allow determination of a more specific document type, e.g. when one has only author and title but no publication information.
unknown: use when the genre of the document is unknown.

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