Performance Assessment of Hybrid Laminar Flow Control (HLFC) Aircraft
Verfasser: |
Conny Schmidt |
Abgabedatum: |
06.07.2001 |
Erster Prüfer: |
Prof. Dr. Scholz |
Zweiter Prüfer: |
Prof. Dr. Zingel |
Externer Betreuer: |
Mr. Young University of Limerick |
Diplomarbeit nach § 21 der
The application of Hybrid Laminar Flow Control (HLFC) offers the potential of significant fuel
savings due to drag reduction. Since practical explorations during flights are very expensive,
computer software, which models the en-route performance of jet transport aircraft, has been
established. This report describes this software in detail. Furthermore, the document deals with
a modification of this program by entering performance data of a typical jet transport aircraft in
the general class of the Airbus A330. Of particular importance is how the information is processed
and how it is made compatible to the software.
After assuring the reliability of the modified program by comparing its results with information
from published sources, a sensitivity study is performed to investigate the possible impact of
HLFC on fuel usage. These results are discussed and evaluated, and some conclusions are
The necessary background for all applied calculations is provided in the form of basic explanations
at the beginning of this report.