Multi-Disciplinary Conceptual Aircraft Design using CEASIOM
Author: Maria Pester
Master Thesis
The subject of this study is the programme CEASIOM.
CEASIOM is a physics based multidisciplinary programme
which includes aerodynamic and structural calculations as well as analyses of stability and control.
It was developed for the conceptual design phase, in order to reduce technical and financial risks.
CEASIOM includes six tools: AcBuilder, a parametric aircraft builder; SUMO, a 3D mesh generator;
AMB, a tool to consider the aerodynamic effects; NeoCASS, for structure and aeroelastic modelling;
SDSA, a tool for analysing stability and control and FCSDT, a tool to generate the flight control architecture.
All six tools are tested with the example of an Airbus A320.
The results given by CAESIOM are compared to results from generally valid equations or data from Airbus.
Thereby inadequacies of AcBuilder, NeoCASS and FCSDT become apparent.
A number of these failures are already solved,
but here remains a certain rest that is still in process and will be corrected with the next version of CEASIOM.
With the help of the working features, a new aircraft concept is tested.
A shoulder wing aircraft based on the A320 is implemented into CEASIOM.
The shoulder wing aircraft is powered by turboprops and not by jet engines.
It is proven that the conceptual shoulder wing aircraft meets the same requirements as the A320.
CEASIOM turns out to be a helpful programme during the conceptual design phase.
Current problems will be solved.
As soon as this is done, CEASIOM will become an accessible and timesaving device in conceptual design.